n. encounter遭遇。
at first dash: from the first,at once一开始,马上
△1H.VI.1.2.71: “She takes upon her bravely atfirst dash.”她一出马就漂漂亮亮露了一手。
△Oth.3.3.214:“I see this hath a little dashed your spirits.”我看这番话使你精神上有点沮丧。
△L.L.L.5.2.581: “afoolish mild man,an honest man,look you,and soondashed.”一个又笨又善良的人,一个老实人,你们瞧,一下子就泄气了!
2. destroy,frustrate 破坏,挫败。
△L.L.L.5.2.463(462):“To dash it like a Christmas comedy. ”把它像圣诞节喜剧一样破坏掉。
3. overturn,overthrow. cancel推翻,废除。
△3H.VI.21.117:“That she was coming with a full intent / Todash our late decree in parliament / Touching KingHenry’s oath and your succession.”她前来一心要推翻我们最近在议院中所做出的关于亨利王的誓言和你的继承权的决议。
4. splash,bespatter; strike violently溅湿,溅污;(又解)猛烈打击。
△H.VIII.1.1.93: “Dashing the garment ofthis peace,”溅污了(又译:猛烈冲击了)这次和平的外衣。
◇at a dash (blow,stretch)一鼓作气
be dashed to the ground破灭
dash along滔滔不绝地说
dash in急写,急画
dash of colour泼色画派
dash off急匆匆地写
dash out冲出,删去
dash water over泼冷水
make a dash for突飞猛进
‖ dash catch疾跑接球
dash flight冲刺飞行
dash light仪表灯板
dash man短跑运动员,短距离游泳运动员
dash pot缓冲筒,精神抖擞地
dashy adj.有生气的
Dass system达斯音源