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单词 cue


1. final words of an actor’s speech serving as a hint tothe next actor; prompting,catchword (演员台词中对下一个演员提示的)尾白;提词,接头语。
△Mid. 3.1. 80(75):“and so every one according to his cue.”这样,大家按照接口,一个个说下去。
△Wiv. 3. 3. 37: “Mistress Page,re-member you your cue.”裴琪太太,记住你该上场的接口。
△R. IlI. 3. 4. 26: “Had you not come upon your cue,my lord,/ William Lord Hastin gs had pronouncedyour part,”如果你不是刚一对你提示的时候就赶到,大人,威廉·海斯丁斯大人就要替你宣读台词了。
2. hint as to how to act,part which one has to play(对演员上场的)提示,要扮演的角色。
△Lr. 1. 2. 151 (135):“My cue is villainous melancholy,with a sigh likeTom o’ Bedlam.”我出场扮演的角色得非常忧郁,还要像疯乞丐汤姆那样长吁短叹。
3. hint,signal,motive 提示,信号,动因。
△Wiv. 3. 2. 47(45): “The clock gives me my cue,” 钟声提醒了我。
△Oth. 1. 2. 83: “Were it my cue to fight,I shouldhave known it / Without a prompter.” (A metaphorfrom an actor on the stage who knows his part with-out prompting)该当我动手的时候,我自会知道,不用别人来提示。
4. indication,prompting 指示,激励。
△Ham. 2. 2. 594(560): “What would he do / Had he the motive andthe cue for passion / That I have?”如果他有了我这样悲愤的刺激,他将会怎样呢?
5. turn 轮次。
△Ado. 2. 1. 318(305): “Speak,Count,’tis your cue. ”说话呀,伯爵,现在轮到你开口了。
upon our cue: when our turn has come,in our turn,at the proper moment,at exactly the right moment 轮到我们的机会时,到了我们的机会,在适当的时刻,在恰当的时刻。
△H.V.3.6.133 (123): “Now we speak upon ourcue,”现在我说话的时刻到了。(按:we,法王自称。)


n.线索,记号,信号,提示,暗示,长队,戏中尾白,发辫v. 暗示,提示,注释,用弹子棒打,插入
◇ in cue for有意于…/ on cue恰好
stand in cue排队
take one’s cue from从…处得到暗示
‖ cue and timings sheet电视节目安排时间表
cue-arousal theory 线索唤起理论
cue-response query询问反应标志
cue sheet节目单
cued speech手语
cueing n.插入字幕





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