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单词 cry


1. pack (of hounds) (猎犬的)一群。
△Oth.2.3.372(363):“I do follow here in the chase,not like a houndthat hunts,but one that fills up the cry.”我跟随着追到这里,不像是打猎的狗,只是混在群里凑个数。
△Mid.4.1.130(124): “A cry more tuneable / Was never hollowedto,nor cheered with horn.”从来不曾有过这么 一队猎狗,应和着猎人的呼唤和号角,吠叫得这样好听。
2. company of players or people戏班子,人群。
△Ham3.2.291(275): “Would not this,sir,and a forest offeathers if the rest of my fortunes turn Turk withme—with two Provincial roses on my razed shoes.get me a fellowship in a cry of players?”老兄,凭我这点编戏的本领,头上再插上一大簇羽毛,假如我此后的命运愈变愈糟,我能不能在戏班子里混一口饭吃?
3. rumour,report谣传,传说。
△Oth.4.1.124(123):“Faith,the cry goes that you marry her.”真的,传说你要娶她。


1. exclaim; demand eagerly 大声叫嚷; 热切要求。
△2H.VI.3.2.264: “And therefore do they cry,though you forbid,/ That they will guard you,whe’eryou will or no,”所以,虽然你下令禁止,他们还是大声疾呼(又译:迫切要求),不管你愿意与否,他们一定要保护你。
2. invoke or bring by outcry用呐喊唤起,用呐喊招致。
△2H.IV.4.1.136(134): “For all the country in ageneral voice / Cried hate upon him;”因为全国人都会异口同声地呐喊,向他表示憎恨。
3. call for,demand需要,要求。
△Oth.1.3.278(276):“The affair cries haste,/ And speed must answer it. ”事情很紧急,必须从速进行。
4. ask for,beg for 请求,乞求。
△Lr.3.2.58: “andcry / These dreadful summoners grace.”向这些可怕的天庭传令使乞求慈悲吧!
5. proclaim; extol,praise宣布;颂扬,赞美。
△H.VIII.1.1.26:“Now this masque / Was cried incomparable;”这一天的假面舞会本来被说成是举世无双的。
~ vi. give tongue,bark叫,吠叫。
△Tw.2.5.138(123):“Sowter will cry upon't for all this,though it be asrank as a fox.”i.e. The dog will bark on it,however,though the scent has been as strong-smelling as a fox.这笨狗还是会汪汪叫起来的,虽然那气味本是像狐狸一般的臊臭。Phrases & Expressions:
cry aim: applaud喝彩。
△Wiv.3.2.46(44):“all myneighbours shall cry aim.”我的邻居们一定会齐声喝彩。cry “baa”: admit I am a sheep咩咩叫(承认自己是羊)。
△Gent.1.1.97(93): “Such another proof will makeme cry ‘baa.’”再举这样的一个证据,我就要“咩咩”的一声叫起来了。
cry down: put down,overcome by greater vehe-mence. overwhelm by vehement action压下,以更大的猛烈压倒,用猛烈行动制服。
△H.VIII.1.136: “I’ll to theKing,/ And from a mouth of honour quite crydown / This Ipswich fellow’s insolence:”我要到国王那里,用我这尊贵的嘴压倒这个伊普斯威契贱种的傲慢无礼。
cry for: demand eagerly 渴求。
△H.VIII.2.1.89:“and,till my soul forsake,/ Shall cry for blessings onhim.”直到我的灵魂离开身体为止,我仍要为他渴求祝福。
cry “hem”: clear one’s throat清清喉咙,咳嗽。
△As.1.3. 20(19):“I would try,if I could cry ‘hem’and havehim.”要是我咳嗽一声就能抓住他,我很愿一试。(按: hem与him发音近似而双关。)
cry in the top of: sound out above,sound louderthan,surpass,excel,exceed 声音高过,超过,胜过。
△Ham.2.2.467(437):“and others,whose judgementin such matters cried in the top of mine-”.i.e.con-firmed with higher authority than mine. 还有其他人,他们在这方面的见解比我更为高明。
cry mercy: beg pardon请求原谅。
△As.3.5.61:“Crythe man mercy.” i.e. beg the man's pardon 去求他原谅。
cry on: ❶cry aloud,shout out大声呼喊,大叫。
△Oth5.1.48:“Whose noise is this that cries on murder?”谁在这里喊杀人了?
❷ cry aloud (in joy or terror),an-nounce,invoke (在高兴或恐怖中)大声喊叫,宣告,祈求。
△R.III.5.3.231(230): “Methought their souls whosebodies Richard murdered / Came to my tent and criedon victory.”我觉得那些被理查所杀害的人们的灵魂都来到我的帐篷里并且大声喊叫胜利。
❸proclaim loudly响亮地表明。
△Ham.5.2.378(364):“This quarry cries on havoc ”这一堆死尸表明刚发生过一场屠杀。
cry out: ❶yelp,open cry (like a hound)(猎犬)吠叫。
△Wiv.4.2.212(196): “If I cry out thus upon notrail,never trust me when I open again.”(open=cryout) 如果我这样只是空吠一场,以后我再张嘴叫,你们就不要再相信我的话。
△Lr.5.121: “the King is come to his daughter,/ With otherswhom the rigour of our state / Forced to cry out.”国王已经投奔了他的小女,还有些别人,因为受不了我们的苛政而诉苦叫屈的,也都随他同去了。
❸plainly reveal,proclaim明白显露,表示。
△As.5.2.69(61):“If you do love Rosa-lind so near the heart as your gesture cries it out,”假如你爱罗萨琳真像你的态度所表示的那样深入内心。
~ vb.
cry out on: utter loud and impassied exclamation on,exclaim against向…大声疾呼,向…大声叫喊。
△2H.IV.31.94: “And that same word even now cries out on us.”“必然事实”这个字眼现在正向我们大声疾呼。
cry out upon: i.e. denounce大声疾呼反对,痛斥。
△1H.IV.4.3.81:“Cries out upon abuses,”大声疾呼反对种种弊政。
cry up: praise 赞扬。
△H. VIII. 1. 2. 83: “what worst,as oft,/ Hitting a grosser quality,is cried up / Forour best act.”我们所做的最坏的事,也同样常常因为投合了性格卑下的人的心意,而被当做我们的最好行为加以赞扬。
cry you mercy: I beg your pardon请你原谅。
△Gent.5. 4. 94 : “O,cry you mercy,sir,I have mistook;”啊,请您原谅,先生,我弄错了。
△Rom. 4. 5. 142(139):“O,Icry you mercy,you are the singer;” i.e. You can singbut not speak. 啊,对不起,你只会唱。


◇a far cry远距离,极大的差别/a far cry from大相径庭
cry against大声疾呼,反对
cry blue murder大声惊呼
cry down贬低,轻视
cry for迫切要求,恳求
cry in one’s beer借酒消愁
cry off取消
cry of lament哀鸣
cry out呐喊,大声抱怨
cry out against反对
cry stinking fish拆自己的台
cry up称颂,推崇
in fully cry全力追击
‖ crying shame奇耻大辱





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