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单词 crown


1. top of the head,head,pate头顶,头,脑袋。
△Lr. 1.4. 178(162): “Thou hadst little wit in thy bald crownwhen thou gavest thy golden one away.”你把你的金冠送人的时候,你那秃脑壳里准是一点脑筋也没有。
△Mac.3.480(79):“but now they rise again / With twenty mortalmurders on their crowns,/ And push us from ourstools.”但是现在的人头上带着二十处致命的伤口却还能起来,而且把我推下座位。
△1H.IV.2.4.424(381):“and thyprecious rich crown for a pitiful bald crown!”你那珍贵富丽的王冠只能算作一个可怜的秃顶。
2. top of the head,bald head. shaven part of the headon entering the priesthood in the Roman Catholicchurches头顶,秃头,(天主教)当教士时头顶上的剃光部分。
△2H.VI.2.1.51(50): “Now,by God’s Mother,priest,I’ll shave your crown for this,”现在,教士,凭着上帝的母亲发誓,为了这个我要把你的秃头剃光。
3. top顶端。
△Lr. 4. 6. 68(67): “Upon the crown o’the cliff,what thing was that / Which parted fromyou?”刚才在悬崖顶上跟你分别的是个什么东西?
4. crown of a king国王的冠冕。
△H.V.2.Cho.10:“crowns imperial,crowns and coronets,”皇冠、王冕和贵族小冠。
crown imperial: crown of an emperor皇帝的冠冕。
△H.V.2.Cho.10: “With crowns imperial,crownsand coronets,/ Promised to Harry and his followers.”用许诺给亨利和他的追随者的皇冠、王冕和贵族小冠。
triple crown: i.e.the diadem of the Pope三重冠,(指)罗马教皇的皇冠。
△2H.VI.1.3.64(61):“I would thecollege of the Cardinals / Would choose him Pope andcarry him to Rome,/ And set the triple crown uponhis head.”我希望红衣主教团能选他做教皇,把他送到罗马去,再把三重冠戴到他的头上。
5. symbol of kingship金冠(国王权位的象征)。
△Lr.1.4171(155):“Nuncle,give me an egg,and I’ll give theetwo crowns.”老伯伯,你给我一个鸡蛋,我就还你两个金冠。
△Lr.1.4.176(160):“When thou clovest thy crown i’the middle and gavest away both parts,thou borestthine ass on thy back o'er the dirt.”你把你的王冠从中间分开,把两半都送了人,你就简直是背着驴子走过污泥。(按:愚不可及。) claim to the crown对王冠(王位)的合法权利。
△3H.VI.1.1.143: “Suppose,my lords,he did itunconstrained. / Think you ’twere prejudicial to hiscrown?” i.e. It would be detrimental to York’s legalright to the throne. 众位大人,即使他不是被迫让位,这难道会对约克的合法王位权利有什么不利吗?
7. sign of a grocer’s shop in Cheapside,London(Shops of all kinds had signs.)“王冠”(过去伦敦一家杂货店的标志)。
△R.III.3.5.75(76):“Tell them howEdward put to death a citizen / Only for saying hewould make his son / Heir to the Crown —meaningindeed his house,/ Which by the sign thereof wastermed so.”告诉他们爱德华如何处死一个市民,只因他说了一句他想使他的儿子继承“王冠”——指的其实是他的店铺,而那个店铺以王冠为记,才那样称呼。
8. English coin,gold or silver,worth 5 shillings,socalled because of the crown stamped upon it克朗,一种英国钱币,值5先令,由于币面铸有王冠,故有此名称。
△As.1.1.2:“poor a thousand crowns,” 区区一千银币。
△2H.Ⅳ.2.2.101(92):“A crown’s worth of good in-terpretation. There ’tis,boy.”解释得好,值一克朗。给你,孩子。
△H.Ⅴ.2.Ch.21:“A nest of hollow bosoms,which he fills/With treacherous crowns;” i.e.With money for treachery; with bribes. 一窝内心虚伪的人(又译:一窝没心肝的人),他将诱人背叛的金币塞给他们。
△2H.Ⅵ.4.10.28(26): “Ah,villain,thou wilt betray me,andget a thousand crowns of the king by carrying myhead to him:”啊,坏蛋,你要出卖我,把我的头拿给国王,得到一千克朗赏金。
△3H.Ⅵ.2.5.56: “This man whomhand to hand I slew in fight/May be possessed withsome store of crowns,”i.e.some quantity of goldcoins. 这个人是我在交手中杀死的,他身上也许有不少金币。
French crown: i.e. French coin 法国克朗(钱币)
△2H.Ⅵ.4.2.169(157): “Henry the Fifth,in whosetime boys went to span-counter for French crowns,”亨利五世,在他那时代孩子们都爱玩掷钱游戏赢法国克朗。
9. half of an eggshell半只蛋壳。
△Lr.1.4.174(158):“Why,after I have cut the egg i’ the middle and eatup the meat,the two crowns of the egg.”哎,我把鸡蛋从中间切开,把里边的东西吃掉,就可以给你两半个蛋壳。
10. ❶i.e.head头顶,(指)头。
❷royal crown王冠。
△R.Ⅲ.3.2.43:“I’ll have this crown of mine cutfrom my shoulders / Before I’ll see the crown so foulmisplaced.”我宁愿让我的头被人从我这肩膀上砍掉,也不愿看见王冠被人可耻地戴错了头。
❷coin worth 5 shillings克朗(值五先令的钱币)。
cracked crowns:❶broken heads打破的头。
❷dam-aged coins损坏的钱币。
△1H.Ⅳ.2.3.98(93):“Wemust have bloody noses and cracked crowns,/And pass them current too.”我们不仅自己鼻子流血、脑袋打破,还要对别人也照此办理。
12. ❶i.e. French crown,gold coin法国克朗,金币。
△H.Ⅴ.4.1.245(225):“Indeed the Frenchmay lay twenty French crowns to one they will beatus,for they bear them (i.e. crowns = heads) on theirshoulders;but it is no English treason to cut Frenchcrowns,”的确,法国人可以拿二十比一的法国“大头”来打赌,说他们一定能打败我们,因为“大头”就长在他们的脖子上;但是英国人砍法国的“大头”并不算是犯什么大罪。


1.cover or invest with a crown,glorify为…加冕,授予荣誉。
△Tw.3.4.156(140):“and crown thee for afinder of madmen.”i. e. make you king of those whoexpose madmen. 把你封为发现疯子的圣手。
2. give sovereignty to,make...supreme ruler,let...have dominion把至高无上的权威给予…使…成为最高统治者,让…有统治权。
△1H.Ⅳ.3.1.217(214):“And onyour eyelids crown the god of sleep,”让睡眠之神在你的眼皮之上成为最高统治者。
3. cover as with a crown (像戴王冠似的)覆盖。
△R.Ⅲ.4.4.101:“For Queen,a very caitiff,crowned withcare;”不再是王后,而成了被烦恼压顶的可怜虫。
4. adorn with a garland使戴上花环。
△Lr.4.4.3:“Crowned with rank fumiter and furrow-weeds,”头上戴着用恶臭的地烟草和垄荆编的草冠。
5. glorify使辉煌。
△As. 5. 3. 34 (32): “For love iscrowned with the prime,”爱情在青春年华最辉煌。
6. honour使增光。
△H.Ⅴ. 2.2.4:“As if allegiance intheir bosoms sat/ Crowned with faith and constant loyalty.”仿佛满腔都是忠心,赤诚不变。
7. complete,accomplish,consummate完成,实现,使完满。
△Wiv.3.5.140(135): “and the conclusion shallbe crowned with your enjoying her.”最后,一定要让你对她享用一番来完满结束。
△Mac.4.1. 148: “And evennow,/To crown my thoughts with acts,be it thoughtand done.”i.e. let thought and action go together.现在,要用行动来完成我的思想,一想到就动手。
△H.Ⅷ.3.2.155(154):“My father loved you,/He said he did,andwith his deed did crown/His word upon you.”我的父王爱护你,他这样说了,而且也用行动在你的身上实现了他这句话。
△H.Ⅷ.5.5.58(5.4.57): “many days shall seeher,/And yet no day without a deed to crown it.”许许多多漫长的日子将要看到她的存在,然而没有哪一天不是以光辉业绩来结束。
8. complete happily,glorify圆满结束,庆祝。
△Tw.5.1.330(318): “One day shall crown the alliance on’t.”在同一天就可以庆祝我们两家的婚礼。




n.王冠,皇冠,荣誉,光环v .隆起,加顶,加冕,圆满完成
◇ crown all锦上添花
to crown all加之,尤其是
‖ Crown advocate王室律师
Crown case刑事案件
Crown Colony System直辖殖民制
Crown copyright政府版权
Crown counsel检察官
Crown court巡回刑事法院,皇室法院
crown debts国债
crown jewels头饰珠宝
Crown land政府土地,王室土地
Crown law刑法
Crown lawyer刑事律师
Crown lease官契
crown molding顶端隆起的油画外框
Crown office公诉署,英国高等法院刑事部
Crown office in chancery衡平法院
Crown Prince王储,皇太子
Crown privilege王室特权
Crown proceedings政府诉讼程序
Crown witness刑事诉讼中的证人
crown-court n. 地方法院
crowned adj. 有帽顶的,戴王冠的
crowning n.隆起,凸面,终结,终结
crown-jewels n.御定





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