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单词 corner
corner/′kɔ:nə(r), AmE ′kɔ:rn-/ n v[-ing/rɪ ŋ/]

n (1)角(落)(point or area where two linessidesedges or surfaces meet)[C]:A triangle has three~s.三角形有三个角。A square has four~s.正方形有四个角。in the top(bottom)left-hand/right-hand~of the page在一页的左上(下)角/右上(下)角;hit one's knee/one's head on the~of a box 膝盖/头撞在箱子角上;in the~of a room在屋角里;turn the~of the street拐过街角;on/at/round a street ~在街角上/处/那边;the~shop/table街角处的商店/屋角处的桌子;see sth out of the~of one's eyes用眼睛的余光看见某物;cut (off) a/the~抄小路;cut~s 拐小弯;(做事)走捷径;

(2)隐秘之处(placeusu a hiddensecretremote or quiet one)[C]:money hidden in odd~s 藏在犄角旮旯的钱;

(3)远处,天涯海角(any region of the worldesp a remote one)[C]:come from (go to) all the~s of the world/the state来自(前往)世界/全国各地;live in a quiet~of Yorkshire住在约克郡僻静的一隅;Let's find a quiet~and sit down.咱们找个僻静处坐下吧。Former students of this school are now working in the four~s of the earth.这所学校以前的学生现在在各地工作。

(4)困境(difficult or threatening situation)[C]:I'm in a bit of a~just now regarding money.目前我的钱很不凑手。be in/get out of a tight~处于/摆脱困境;His enemies drove/forced/put him into a~. 他的敌人把他逼入困境。turn the~(病情,困境)有了转机;

(5)垄断(complete ownership or control of the productionbuyingor selling of certain goods)[C,通常sing][N(in)]:The company has made a~in gold.这家公司已垄断了金子的买卖。a company with a~in wheat/on the wheat market对小麦/小麦市场起垄断作用的公司;

(6)(足球)角球((in football) free kick from the corner of the field)[C]:They have been awarded a~.判给了他们一次角球。

→′cornerstone n 奠基石;基础;′three-/′five-cornered三/五角形的;

v (1)逼入困境(force (a person or animal) into a difficult or threatening position or situation from which it is difficult to escape)[T+n]:The police finally~ed the escaped prisoner.警察终于堵住了那逃犯。The people finally ~ed the runaway horse.人们终于堵住了那脱僵的马。The dog~ed the cat.狗堵住了那猫。The thief was~ed in an alley.那贼被堵在了一条巷子里。fight like a~ed animal作困兽之斗;The tricky question~ed the man.那道难题把那人问住了。~the witness by clever questions用机智的提问把证人问倒;

(2)转弯((of a drivervehicleetc) go round a corner of a road)[I]:The car~s well/beautifully/fast. 这车拐弯很稳/棒/快。

(3)垄断(gain control of (the productionbuying and selling of goods))[T+n]:~the wheat market/the market in wheat垄断小麦市场;~the market/all the business by clever advertising用聪明的广告垄断了市场/整个买卖





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