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单词 create


1. choose,appoint挑选,指定。
△Lr.5.3.78(77):“Witness the world. that I create thee here / My lordand master.”全世界的人都作证,我现在把你指定为我的夫君。
2. appoint,invest with a peerage任命,授予贵族爵位。
△1H.VI.2.4.119:“And if thou be not then createdYork(i.e. Duke of York),/ I will not live to be ac-counted Warwick (i.e. Earl of Warwick).”如果你到那时候还不被授予约克公爵之位,我也不愿活着被当做沃里克伯爵了。
△1H.VI.3.1.171:“Rise,Richard,like a truePlantagenet,/ And rise created princely Duke ofYork.”理查,像一个真正的普兰塔琪奈特那样站起来,起来吧,你已经被封为王族宗亲的约克公爵了。
△1H.VI.3.4.25:“Therefore stand up: and for these good deserts / Wehere create you Earl of Shrewsbury,/ And in our cor-onation take your place.”所以,请站起来吧;为了这些功绩,我在这里封你为舒斯伯雷伯爵,并且在我的加冕典礼上接受你的爵位。
△1H.VI.4.7.62:“Created,for his rare success inarms,/ Great Earl of Washford,Waterford,andValence,/ Lord Talbot of Goodrig and Urchinfield,”由于他那卓越的战功,被封为伟大的沃斯福、沃特福和瓦仑斯伯爵,古德立和欧钦菲尔德的塔尔博特勋爵。
△3H.VI.2.6.103:“Richard,I will create thee Duke of Gloucester,/And George,of Clarence.”理查,我要封你为葛罗斯特公爵;乔治,封你为克拉仑斯公爵。
△3H.VI.4.3.31(32):“When you disgraced me in my embassade,/ Then Idegraded you from being king,/ And come now tocreate you Duke of York.”我出使国外你侮辱了我,我就废黜你的国王身份,现在再把你封为约克公爵。
3. produce,form,make产生,形成,作出。
△2H.IV.3.1.87: “And by the necessary form of this / KingRichard might create a perfect guess”. 根据这种必然的模式,理查王就能形成一种正确的猜想。


pa. p.created,made up,composed生出,造成,构成。
△Mid.5.2. 35(5.1.405):“And the issue,therecreate,”那床上生出的子孙后代。
△Rom.1.1.182(177):“O any thing,of nothing first create!” (Love,likeany thing,is initially created,by God,out of nothingat all.) 啊,一切的一切,都是无中生有! (按:这行诗要与前一行的hate押韵,故用create。)
△H.V.2.2.30: “and doserve you / With hearts create of duty and of zeal.”以尽职和热忱之心为您效劳。


◇ create a diversion分散注意力,声东击西
create a part(演员)创造角色
create something out of nothing无中生有
create the part of初次扮演…角色
‖ create a great sensation轰动一时
create confusion制造混乱
create legal relations建立法律关系
create tension制造紧张局势
created credit建立信用
created substance被创造的实体
creating of new situation开创新局面
creation n.创造(物),形成,天地万物,创世,创作,艺术创作
creation and study创作与习作
creation by external agency外因创造
creation date编成日期creation of a post开设职位
creation of credit发放贷款
creation of genius天才作品
creation of money发行货币
creation of mortgage抵押权的设定
creation of mural painting壁画创作
creation of obligation债的发生
creation of ownership所有权的设定
creation of partnership合伙的设定
creation of pledge质权的设定creation of records开立档案
creation of value创造价值
literary and artistic creation文艺
popular creation民间创作
process of creation创作过程
creationary adj.创造性的
creationism n.灵魂创造论,神创论
creationist n.灵魂创造论者,神创论者
creative adj.创造性的
◇be creative of产生
creative ability创造能力
creative accounting创造性会计,伪造账目
creative activity创造活动性,有创造力的活动
creative aspect of language use语言运用的创造性方面
creative assignment创造性作业
creative consciousness创作意识
creative dance创造性舞蹈
creative deed创造性行动
creative design创造性设计
creative education创造性教育,有创造力的教育
creative evolution创造性进化
creative experience创作经验
creative expression创造性表达
creative expressiveness创新动作
creative faculty创作才能
creative if有创作力的假设
creative imagination创造性想象
creative impulse创作冲动
creative intelligence创造性智慧
creative leadership创造性领导
creative learning创造性学习
creative mood创作情绪
creative objective创作目标
creative play创造性游戏
creative process创作过程
creative psychology创造心理学
creative reading创造性阅读
creative resultant创造成果
creative sociology创造社会学
creative synthesis创造性综合
creative taste创作趣味
creative thinking创造性思维
creative vision创作想象
creative work创作
creative writing创作性写作
creatively adv./creativeness n.创造力,创造性
creativity n.创作力,创造力
creativity measurement创造力测量
creativity of definition定义的创造性
creativity psychology创造心理学
creativity test创造能力测验
creativity training创造力训练
creator n.创作者,创造者,缔造者,造物主
creator of trust信托设定人
creature n.创造物,创作作品
creature comfort物质享受





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