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cravevt. 1.desire渴望。 △Rom.3.3.5:“What sorrow cravesacquaintance at my hand.”i.e.desires to know mebetter.又有什么不幸的事情想来和我攀交情? △1H.Ⅵ.1.1.159:“The Earl of Salisbury craveth supply,”骚兹伯利伯爵盼望援军。 △1H.Ⅵ.2.3.12:“According as your la-dyship desired,/ By message craved,so is Lord Tal-bot come.”按照夫人的心愿,口信的希望,塔尔博特大人到了。 △2H.Ⅵ.4.5.4:“The Lord Mayor craves aid of yourhonour from the Tower to defend the city from therebels.”市长希望大人能从伦敦塔里派出援兵保卫京城、顶住叛民。 2. demand,call for要求。 △Lr.2.1.130(128):“Whichcraves the instant use.” i.e. Which demands to becarried out at once.这事是急需处理的。 △Rom.1.5.115(111):“Madam,your mother craves a word withyou.” i.e.desires to speak with you. 小姐,你妈妈要和你说句话。 △1H.Ⅵ.4.1.83:“Say,gentlemen,whatmakes you thus exclaim?/And wherefore crave youcombat,or with whom?”说说吧,二位先生,什么事情使你们这样大喊大叫? 你们又为什么要求决斗许可,跟谁决斗呀? 3. require,need需要,必需。 △Tw.3.1.69(61):“Andto do that well craves a kind of wit.”要扮演得好也需要才情(又译:机智)。 △Rom.4.1.69:“Which craves asdesperate an execution / As that is desperate whichwe would prevent.”它实行起来需要采取一种不顾一切的手段,正和我们所要避免的事情是同样的不顾一切。 △2H.Ⅳ.2.3.67:“there am I,/Till time and vantage crave mycompany.”我且在那里待着,等有利时机到来我再去合伙。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.1.288:“A breach that craves a quick ex-pedient stop!”这道裂缝需要立即进行弥补! 4. ask earnestly for,beg恳求,请求。 △Tw.2.1.5:“therefore I shall crave of you your leave,that I maybear my evils alone.”所以我要请求你准许我独自去承担我的恶运。 △Wiv.4.4.92(90): “Though twenty thousandworthier come to crave her.”哪怕有两万个更了不起的人来向她求婚,也不行。 △Lr.1.1.197(194):“I crave nomore than hath your Highness offered,”在你决定拿出的之外,我不想多求。 △Mac.4.3.20:“But I shall craveyour pardon;”但是我求你原谅。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.3.104:“Perhaps I shall be rescued by the French,/And thenI need not crave his courtesy.”也许我会被法军救出去,那么我就不必乞求他的恩惠了。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.1.208:“Andcraves your company for speedy counsel.”请你前去迅速商议。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.1.29: “the great commandingWarwick/Is thither gone to crave the French king’ssister/To wife for Edward.”那掌握大权的沃里克已经到那里去请求法国国上的姊妹做爱德华的妻子。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.1.43:“She,on his left side,craving aid for Henry;/He,on his right,asking a wife for Edward.”她在路易的左边,为亨利乞求援助;他在他的右边,为爱德华要一个妻子。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.3.52:“First,to do greetings to thy royalperson,/ And then to crave a league of amity,”首先向你的御驾问安,其次请求缔结一项友好盟约。 △R.Ⅲ.2.2.105: “Humbly on my knee/I crave your blessing.”我谦卑地跪下,求你给我祝福。 crave audience: beg to be heard请求谒见一谈。 △H.Ⅴ.1.1.91:“The French embassador upon that instant/Craved audience;”法国大使正在那时候请求谒见。 5. inquire,ask询问。 △ Shr.2.1.180(179):“I’ll cravethe day/When I shall ask the banns,and when bemarried.”我就请示她何日预告结婚,何日举行婚礼。 △2H.Ⅵ.2.1.2:“give me leave/In this close walkto satisfy myself/In craving your opinion of my ti-tle,”请允许我在这条隐蔽的小径上询问一下你们关于我对英国王位毋庸置疑的权利的意见。 crave[kreiv]v.渴望,企求,恳求 ◇ crave for sth.渴望… ‖ crave official positions跑官要官 |