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coursen. 1.current流。 △2H.IV.4.5.148(149): “when I herecame in,/ And found no course of breath within yourMajesty,” i.e. found that the King was no longerbreathing. 当我进来的时候,我发现陛下已经没有气息。 2. way道路。 △Oth.2.3.346(337):“When this adviceis free I give,and honest,/ Probal to thinking,andindeed the course / To win the Moor again?”我的劝告既清白、又真诚,想起来也有道理,而且也正是重新赢得那摩尔人欢心的途径。 3. progress,way进程,道路。 △3H.VI.5.3.1: “Thusfar our fortune keeps an upward course.”到目前为止我们的命运一直走着上坡路。 course of the sun: i.e. a year太阳的运行过程,(即)一年。 △H.VIII.2.3.5:“O,now after / So many courses ofthe sun enthroned,/ Still growing in a majesty andpomp.”唉,在这么多年久据王后宝座之后,而且尊荣富贵一直有增无已。 4. course of action,action行动过程,行动。 △Lr.2.2.174 (167):“Who hath most fortunately beeninformed / Of my obscured course;”我乔装打扮的行径幸而已经让她知道了。 △Rom.5.3.27:“And do not inter-rupt me in my course.”不要干涉我的行动。 5.line of action行动方针。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.5. 211(212):“Therefore,my Harry,/Be it thy course to busy gid- dy minds/With foreign quarrels,”所以,我的哈利,你的策略应该是利用国外的纠纷来吸引住不安定的人心。 △H.Ⅷ.5. 3. 34(5. 2. 69):“that my teaching/And the strongcourse of my authority/Might go one way,and safe-ly; and the end/Was ever to do well;”为了使得我所宣扬的教义和我的职权所具有的坚定方针能够趋向一致,而且稳妥无事,至于目的则永远是于国家有益。 6. line of action,procedure,proceeding行动方针,步骤,做法。 △Oth.1.3.111:“Did you by indirect andforced courses / Subdue and poison this young maid’saffections?”你是否采取过不正当的强迫手段来征服和毒害这位姑娘的感情? △Ado.4.1.214(212): “But not for thatdream I on this strange course,”而我出此奇计还不是为了这个。 △H.Ⅷ.2.2.37(36): “And is not this coursepious?这种做法不是很虔诚吗? hold my very course: take the same course as I do,doas I do跟我采取同样办法,照我的做法去做。 △Lr. 1. 3. 26(25): “I’ll write straight to my sister/ To hold myvery course.”我要马上给我妹妹写信,叫她跟我采取同样的办法。 7. regular order or process正常程序,正常过程,正常手续。 △Mer.4.1.199:“That in the course of justice,noneof us / should see salvation.”i.e. if strict justice wereto take its course,etc.如果真按着王法执行起来,我们谁也没有得救的希望。 △Lr.3.7.100: “If she live long,/And in the end meet the old course of death,/Women will all turn monsters.”要是她能长寿,而且到头来还能落一个寿终正寝,那么女人都要变成妖怪了。 △Oth.1.2.86: “course of direct session”,正规的法庭开审的程序。 △ 2H.Ⅳ.5.3.87: “To trip the course of law,andblunt the sword/ That guards the peace and satety ofyour person?”破坏法律程序,把护卫你自身和平与安全的利剑弄得迟钝? △H.Ⅴ.2.1.106(100): “Sword is an oath,and oaths must have their course.” i.e. Oaths whichare sworn by the sword must be kept and not broken.剑就是誓言,誓言是一定不能违背的。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.1. 237: “’Tis meet he be condemned by course of law.”最好还是通过正常法律手续把他判处死刑。 △R.Ⅲ.4. 4. 105:“Thus hath the course of justice whirled about/Andleft thee but a very prey to time,”人间正道循环,使你成了时代的牺牲品。 8. order,system顺序,系统。 △H.Ⅴ.5. Cho. 4: “duecourse of things,” i.e. proper order of things. (Be-tween the battle of Agincourt(1415)and the Treaty ofTroyes (1420) five years elapsed.) 事件的本来顺序。 △R.Ⅲ.3.7.197(198):“Yet to draw forth your nobleancestry/ From the corruption of abusing times/Un-to a lineal,true-derived course.”至少也要把你那高贵的祖传世系从这个反常败坏的时代中挽救出来,恢复到直系嫡传的正统。 9. passage,departure通过,启程。 △3H.Ⅵ.5.6.21:“Ⅰ, Daedalus; my poor boy,Icarus; /Thy father,Minosthat denied our course;”我是代达罗斯;我那可怜的孩子是伊卡洛斯;你父亲就是禁止我们离开的弥诺斯。 10. stage of proceedings,phase,event进展的一个阶段,阶段,事件。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.4.90: “With every course inhis(= its) particular.”包括每一个事件的细节。 11. ❶phase阶段。 ❷conduct行为。 △1H.Ⅳ.3.1.42(41): “And all the courses of my life do show/I amnot in the roll of common men.”我一生的各个阶段(又译:我一生的行径)都可以显示我不在平庸之辈的名单之中。 12. business事情。 △Oth. 4. 2. 92(93):“We have doneour course;”i.e. We have finished our business. 我们已经干完了好事。(按:business双关:“生意”即“嫖妓”之意。) 13. way of life人生道路。 △Lr. 1.1.190(187):“He’llshape his old course in a country new.”i.e. He willcarry on his usual way of life in a new country. 他要在新的国土上走他自己的老路。 14. routine惯例。 △Lr.1.1.134(132):“by monthlycourse,”按月照例。 15. one round of attacks by the dogs(in bear-bai-ting),one round in a fight(在斗熊游戏中群狗对熊的)一阵攻击,(战斗中的)一回合。 △Lr.3.7.54:“I am tied to thestake,and I must stand the course.”我已被捆在桩子上了,只好顶住狗咬了。 △Mac.5.7.1:“They have tied meto a stake; I cannot fly,/But bear-like I must fightthe course.”i.e.a round of bear-baiting.他们把我捆在桩子上;我逃不了,我只能像熊一样斗完这一场。(按:麦克白在这里把自己比作逗熊游戏中的熊。)
coursevt. 1.chase,pursue追赶,追逐。 △As.2.1.38: “and thebig round tears/Coursed one another down his inno-cent nose/In piteous chase;”一颗颗又大又圆的泪珠怪可怜地争先恐后从他那无辜的鼻子上滚了下来。 △L.L.L.4.3.1:“I am coursing myself.”我在追赶我自己。 △Lr.3.4.56(57): “to course his own shadow for a traitor.”把自己的影子当做奸贼去追赶。 △Mac.1.6.21:“We coursedhim at the heels,”i.e.We followed closely at hisheels. 我们紧紧地追赶他。 2. follow (the set course). pursue (the appointedplanetary course)遵循(既定轨道),追随(固定的行星轨道)。 △Oth. 3.4.71(70): “A sibyl,that had numbered inthe world/The sun to course two hundred compas-ses,”一个女先知,曾在世上计数过太阳环行了二百圈儿。 ~ vi. 1.chase or hunt (hares,etc.) 追猎(野兔等)。 △Shr.Ind. 2.49(47):“Say thou wilt course,”也许你要去猎兔。2. rush冲。 △Ham.1.5.66:“That swift as quicksilverit courses through/The natural gates and alleys ofthe body,”像水银一样快速,一下子冲进了全身的大小血管。 3. run掠过。 △Wiv.1.3.70(65):“O,she did socourse o’er my exteriors with such a greedy inten-tion,”啊,她用贪馋的眼光在我的周身上下盯着打量。 4. flow流动。 △2H.Ⅳ. 4.3. 114(106):“but the sherriswarms it. and makes it course from the inwards to theparts’ extremes.”但是白葡萄酒却能使血液温暖,使它从身体内部一直流动到身体各部分的末梢。 course[kɔ:s]n.过程,进程,历程,课程,科目,高尔夫球场,路线,跑道,滑道,水道,航向,跑马场,赛程,手续,同音弦组v.追逐,流动,引导,越过 ◇ as a matter of course当然 by course of按惯例,照…的常例 in course正在…的 in due course及时地,在适当的时候 in the course of在…期间,是…过程中 in (the) course of time最后,经过一段时间 keep on one’s course坚持方针 of course当然,自然 off course离题 run its course听之任之 take its course按正常进行 take one’s own course一意孤行 ‖ course umpire水道裁判 course and drift indicator航路偏向指示器 course angle航向角 course at the subcollegiate level准大学程度课程 course broadcasts on television电视教学 course content课程内容 course credit课程学分 course design of database数据库课程设计 course design of data structure数据结构课程设计 course design of digital logic数字逻辑课程设计 course design of measurement for biotechnique生物检测课程设计 course detector航向指示器 course evaluation课程评价 course examination学年考试 course exercise课程设计 course heading航向 course line跑道线 course management课程管理 course of ball球路 course of battle战斗过程 course of dealing交易进程 course of events事情的进展情况 course of exchange交易行情表,外汇兑换率 course of fire射击项目 course of history历史进程 course of inheritance遗传过程 course of instruction教程 course of life人生道路 course of nature自然的趋势,自然规律 course of production生产过程,制片过程 course of reaction反应过程 course of receiving验收过程 course of study研究课程 course of things事态 course of treatment疗程 course planning课程规划 course record球场最佳记录 course team课程组 course title科目名称 course unit plan课程单元计划 course ware课件 course work课程论文,学年作业 courses completed所学课程 courses taken所学课程 courseware n.课件 of-course statement当然陈述 |