释义 |
countervallvt. counterbalance,equal 抵销,比得上。 △Rom.2.6.3: “but come what sorrow can,/ It can-not countervail the exchange of joy / That one shortminute gives me in her sight.” i.e. whatever misfor-tune may come,it cannot equal the joy I receive thatone short minute gives me at the sight of her. 无论将来 会有什么烦恼,也不能抵销我在她面前一分钟所得到的快乐。 Countess Richmond: i.e. Margaret Beaufort (1443-1509),who married,successively,Edmund Tudor(Earl of Richmond),Lord Henry Stafford,andThomas Lord Stanley (called the Earl of Derby in RIII.). By the Earl of Richmond,she was mother of fu- ture Henry VII.里士满伯爵夫人,在《理查三世》中嫁德比伯爵托马斯·斯坦雷。 △R.III 1.3.20:“The Countess Rich- mond,good my lord of Derby,/To your good prayerwill scarcely say amen.”我的好德比大人,你对我的好心祝福,里士满伯爵夫人怕不会同意的。 |