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单词 contract


1.agreement,treaty 协议,协定。
△1H.Ⅵ.3.1.143:“How joyful am I made by this contract!”这一个协议使我好高兴啊!
△1H.Ⅵ.5.4.156:“To cavil in the courseof this contract.”在这次协议过程之中吹毛求疵。
2. contract of betrothal,marriage contract 婚约。
△1H.Ⅵ.5.1.46: “In argument and proof of whichcontract,/Bear her this jewel,pledge of my affec-tion.”作为这一婚约的凭据和证明,把这件珠宝首饰、我的爱情信物,带给她。
△R.Ⅲ.3.7.5:“I did,with his contractwith Lady Lucy,”我提了,还提到他跟露西夫人的婚约。
3. exchange of vows,promise of engagement,be-trothal交换誓约,订婚。
△Rom.2.2.116: “Although Ijoy in thee,/I have no joy of this contract to-night,”虽然我喜欢你,我可不喜欢今夜这样私订终身。


△Ham.5.1.69(63): “To contract,O,the time,for,ah,my behove,”缩短了,啊,光阴,啊,我的好事。(按:掘墓人唱的是当时一首歌谣“The Aged LoverRenounceth Love”,但词句经他信口乱改,所以语多不通。)
2. wrinkle,knit皱起,皱紧。
△Oth.3.3.113: “Anddidst contract and purse thy brow together,”而且你皱起了眉头。
△Ham.1.2.3: “and our whole kingdom/To be contracted in one brow of woe,”全国上下,应该愁眉不展,共结成一片哀容。
3. betroth订婚。
△Tw.5.1.271(261):“You wouldhave been contracted to a maid.”你本来要跟一位少女订婚。
△Wiv.5.5.248(223):“she and I long since con-tracted”,她和我早已订有婚约。
△Lr.5.3.230(229):“Iwas contracted to them both; all three/Now marryin an instant.”我跟她们两个都订了婚;现在我们三个人都同时结合在一起了。


pa. p. contracted,i.e.betrothed,espoused 订了约的,(指)订了婚的,结了婚的。
△R.Ⅲ.3.7.178(179):“For first was he contract to Lady Lucy,/Yourmother lives a witness to his vow,”因为他曾先与露西夫人订过婚,你那尚在世的母亲可以为他的婚誓作证。




◇ as per contract 按照合同
by contract依照合同
contract at discretion任意合同
contract in保证承担义务
contract out发包,出租
contract (oneself) out of约定,使自己不被…约束
contract with订合同,订约
contract with consideration有偿合同
contract without compensation无偿合同
contract without consideration无约因的合同
fixing the amount of materials supply in accordance with the amount of work contracted包工包料
‖ ad referendum contract草签合同
banquet contract会议宴会合同
contract price合约价格
contract a loan借债
contract administration合约管理,合约监管
contract authority订约授权
contract award合约判授
contract award date合同签订日期
contract bank money银行信贷紧缩
contract bargaining合同谈判
contract bill of quantities合同数量单
contract bond履行合同保证金,契约保证书
contract business合同交易
contract by competition竞争合同
contract by deed契据形式的合同
contract by post通讯订立的合同
contract cancellation撤销演出合同,撤销展览合同
contract carrier合同承包运输人,合同承运人
contract certificate立约凭据
contract claims索赔
contract clause (specifications)合同条款
contract construction契约建筑业
contract currency合同货币
contract date订约日期
contract debts举债,合同债务
contract demarrage合同违约金
contract deposit合约按金
contract discipline合同纪律
contract disputes合同纠纷
contract evidence by writing书面证明合同
contract expenses削减开支
contract expiry合同期满
contract fee合同费
contract for business of processing with来料加工合同
contract for fixed output包产合同
contract for foreign trade对外贸易业务合同
contract for future delivery远期交货合同
contract for goods订货
contract for labor and materials包工包料
contract for labour services劳务合同
contract for purchase承买
contract for the delivery of goods by installments分批交货的买卖合同
contract for work承揽合同
contract gratuity约满酬金
contract guarantee合约保证书
contract implied in law准合同
contract in prospect of death死因合同
contract in restrict of trade限制营业合同
contract in writing书面合同
contract interest约定利息
contract interest rate约定利率
contract involving gratuitous transfer of property无偿让与财产合同
contract labour合同工
contract labour agreement包工合同
contract law合同法
contract lease租赁
contract life合同期限,合同有效期
contract maintenance合约维修工作
contract management合同管理
contract management system合同管理制
contract manufacturing契约制造业
contract marriage合同婚姻
contract month合约月份
contract multiplier合约乘数
contract note成交单,成交单据,买卖单据,买卖契约
contract number合同号,合约编号
contract obligation合同责任
contract of adhesion附意合同
contract of annuity年金合同
contract of arbitration仲裁合同
contract of bill票据合同
contract of carriage运输合同
contract of consideration有偿合同
contract of consignment寄销
contract of copartnery合伙合同
contract of deposit提存协议
contract of employment雇用合同,聘用合同
contract of established teaching staff定编教师聘约
contract of guarantee担保合同,担保契约
contract of hire租用契约
contract of indemnity赔偿契约
contract of insurance保险合同
contract of international sale of goods国际货物销售合同
contract of lease租赁合同
contract of life annuity终身年金契约
contract of loan for sth借贷合同
contract of novation更新合同
contract of payment支付契约
contract of pledge抵押合同
contract of property insurance财产保险合同
contract of purchase and sale购买合同
contract of sales销售合同
contract of services劳务合同,聘用合同
contract of transfer of technology技术转让合同
contract officer合约人员,合约公务员
contract operation承包经营
contract out批给外界承办,招商承办,外发包办
contract period (or contract term)合同期限
contract plan合同教学
contract policy合同保单,合同保险单
contract price合同价,合同价格
contract provisions合同规定
contract quality合同规定的质量
contract rate of interest合同利率
contract register合约记录册
contract revenue契约收入
contract service合同服务,劳务合同,批给外界承办的服务,以合约招商承办的服务
contract size合约股数
contract society契约社会
contract specifications合约规格,合同条款
contract staff合约雇员
contract stipulated price合同规定价格
contract stipulations合同规定
contract system承包制,合同制
contract system of teaching合约制教学法
contract temination合同期满,解聘
contract terms合同条款
contract terms and conditions合同条款
contract theory契约理论
contract theory of society社会契约理论
contract to be performed by third party由第三方履行的合同
contract to be performed to third party向第三方给付的合同
contract to sell出售合同
contract under seal盖印合同
contract unit合约单位
contract version合同文本
contract void无效合同
contract voidable可撤销合同
contract work发包工程
contract writers合同作家
contracts cargo deal货物买卖合同
contracts law合同法
contracts policy契约保险单
sign a referendum contract草签合同
the faithful performance of this contract忠实履行合同
the contract’s period of validity合同有效期
contracted basis承包方式
contracted domain契约范围
contracted fingering弹奏键盘
contracted forward rate约定的远期利率
contracted interest rate约定利率
contracted investment合同投资contracted management承包经营
contracted price立约成价
contracted responsibility system for production with remuneration linked output联产承包责任制contracted responsibility system承包责任制
both contracting parties缔约(国)双方
contracting a project承包工程
contracting an enterprise承包企业
contracting enterprise承包企业
contracting fee承包费
contracting out转包
contracting parties合同当事人
contracting party缔约国,立约当事人
contracting party签约方
contracting power (state)缔约国
contracting state缔约国
contracting system承包制
contracting unit承包单位
each contracting parties缔约各方
contractant n. 订约人
contracted adj.约定的,包办的,收缩的,缩小的
contractible adj. 能收缩的,可缩小的
contractible mechanism收缩机制
contraction n.萎缩,收缩,压缩
contraction of bank deposits银行存款收缩
contraction of bank money银行信用紧缩
contraction of credit信用紧缩,信用收缩
contraction of currency通货收缩
contraction of investment压缩投资
contraction of loan签订借款协议
contraction of market市场紧缩
contraction of market demand市场需求萎缩
contraction of money in circulation通货收缩
contraction strategic withdrawal strategy战略性收缩战略,战略性撤退战略
contractionary adj. contractionary effect紧缩效应
contractive adj. contractor n.包工头,承包商,承办商
contractor report承包商报告
contractor unit承包单位
speciality contractor专业承包商
contractor’s all risks (CAR)建筑工程一切险
contractor’s indemnity policy n.承包商损失补偿保险单
contractors shop特约商店
contractual adj.合同的,契约的,合同规定的
contractual act契约性行为
contractual activity合约活动
contractual agreement合同
contractual capacity缔约能力,立约能力
contractual clause契约性条款
contractual commitment合同义务
contractual damages由合同引起的损害
contractual debt契约性债务
contractual delivery合同交货
contractual dividend约定股息
contractual engagement合同义务
contractual entry modes契约式进入模式
contractual fines违约罚金
contractual guarantee合同规定的担保
contractual income (契约的)固定收入
contractual interest rate约定利率
contractual investment合同性投资,契约性投资
contractual item合同条款contractual joint venture合作经营
contractual law合同法
contractual liability合同所规定的义务,合约责任
contractual license契约性许可证
contractual loan契约贷款
contractual mutual fund合约互惠基金
contractual obligation合同义务,合约规定的责任,约定责任,契约责任contractual payment约定支出
contractual practice合同惯例
contractual relation合同关系contractual rent合同租金
contractual requirement合约要求
contractual responsibility契约性责任
contractual right合同权利,契约性权利
contractual security订约证券
contractual specifications合同规定
contractual terms and conditions合同条款
contractual transfer合同转让
contractual treaty契约性条款,契约性条约
contractual value date合同计价日期
contractual vertical marketing systems合约式垂直营销系统
contractually adv.





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