释义 |
conferencen. 1. talk,conversation,discussion 谈话,交谈,讨论。 △Ado. 2. 3. 240 (221): “the conference was sadlyborne;”谈话是很严肃的。 △L.L.L.5.2. 260(259): “Sosensible/Seemeth their conference,”她们的谈吐那么敏捷。 △Shr.2.1.246(251): “gentle conference,”文雅的谈吐。 △Mid.2.2.46: “Love takes the meaning inlove’s conference.”i.e.Love enables lovers to under-stand each other’s true meaning in their talk.有情人自会了解情话里的真正含意。 △1H.IV.3.2.1: “Lords.giveus leave,the Prince of Wales and I / Must have someprivate conference,”诸位,请暂且退下,威尔士亲王和我要私下里谈一谈。 △3H.VI.2.2.170:“And in this resolutionI defy thee,/ Not willing any longer conference,”我以这种决心向你挑战,不愿再谈下去了。 △R.III.1.1.86:“That no man shall have private conference,/ Ofwhat degree soever,with your brother.”任何人,不论身份如何,都不得与你的这位哥哥私下谈话。 △H.VIII.2.3.50:“What were ’t (= it) worth to know/The secret ofyour conference?”二位的谈话中有什么机密值得一听吗? 2. conversation,conferring together 交谈,会谈。 △R.III.3.7.68(69):“Are come to have some confer-ence with his Grace.”前来请求与殿下进行商谈。 3. communication交流。 mutual conference: intimate communication亲密的交流。 △2H.VI.1.1.25: “The mutual conference thatmy mind hath had/By day,by night,waking,and inmy dreams,”白天,夜晚,醒着时,睡梦中,我(与你)的亲密心灵交流。 |