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compassn. 1. circuit,revolution环行,旋转。 △Oth. 3. 4. 71(70):“A sibyl,that had numbered in the world/The sun tocourse two hundred compasses,”一个女先知,曾在世上计数过太阳环行了二百圈儿(指她活过二百岁)。 2. circular extent,circle,circumference环形范围,圆圈,圆周。 △3H.VI. 4.3.45(46):“Though Fortune’s maliceoverthrow my state,/My mind exceeds the compassof her wheel.” i.e. my spirit rises above Fortune’swheel. (The goddess Fortune was customarily depic-ted turning a wheel.)尽管恶毒的命运之神颠覆了我的王权,我的精神却超出她那轮子的影响范围。 3. circumference周围,腰围。 △Gent 2.7.51: “Whatcompass will you wear your farthingale?”您的裙子腰围要多大? 4. boundary,scope,limits边界,范围,界限。 △Rom.4.1. 47: “past the compass of my wits.”i.e. beyond thelimits of my power to think clearly.超越了我的思考能力的范围(费尽心思,也想不出办法)。 △Oth.3.4.21: “To dothis is within the compass of man’s wit,and thereforeI will attempt the doing it.”干这件事倒还在一个人智力范围以内,所以我愿意去试着干一下。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.2.45:“Hastthou not worldly pleasure at command/Above thereach or compass of thy thought?”你所得到的尘世享乐,不是已经超出你自己想像的范围和限度了吗? △R.Ⅲ.1.3.284(283):“Nor thou within the compass of my curse.”你也不在我诅咒的范围之内。 △H.Ⅷ.3.2.341(340):“Fall into the compass of praemunire;”进入擅自行使教皇司法权的范围;构成侵犯(英国)国王权力之罪。 in good compass: within reasonable limits,withinproper bounds在合理范围之内,在适当界限之内。 △1H.Ⅳ.3.3.21(19): “lived well and in good compass,andnow I live out of all order,out of all compass.”那时候我生活得很好,做事不出范围,现在我生活得完全没有规律,完全超出范围了。 5. range,reach区域,所及范围。 △H.Ⅷ.1.1.35:“theydid perform/Beyond thought’s compass,”他们的武艺功夫真是超出人们想像之外。 6. range of notes音域,音程。 △Ham.3.2. 389(366):“you would sound me from my lowest note to the topof my compass;”你要把我的音域里的最低音试到最高音。 7. range of possibility,possibility可能范围,可能性。 △Oth.4.2.223(218): “Is it within reason and compass?”它是合理而又可能的吗?
compassvt. 1.bend into circle or curve,make circular弯成环形或弧形,弄成环形。 △Wiv.3.5.114(110): “next,to be com-passed like a good bilbo in the circumference of a peckhilt to point,heel to head;”第二次,我被塞在篓里,头顶碰着脚跟,像一把西班牙的宝剑被弯成一圈儿,剑柄触着剑尖,放进斗里一般。 2. encircle,surround环绕,包围。 △Mac.5/.85(5.9.22):“I see thee compassed with thy kingdom’s pearl,”我看见全国的精英都环绕在你的周围。 △1H.Ⅵ.4.4.26:“Orleans the Bastard,Charles,Burgundy,/Alencon,Reignier compass him about,”奥尔良的私生子,查理,勃艮第,阿朗松,瑞尼埃现在把他团团包围了。 3. accomplish,achieve,bring about,effect完成,做到,造成,实现。 △Tw.1.2.42(44): “That were hard tocompass,”那可很难办到。 △Wiv.3.3.210(199):“Maybe the knave bragged of that he could not compass.”也许这坏蛋只是吹牛,他办不到。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.4.47: “Youjudge it straight a thing impossible/To compass won-ders but by help of devils.”你们轻率断定若无魔鬼相助则世上绝不可能作出奇迹。 4. obtain,attain,win得到,获得。 △Gent.2.4.215(214):“to compass her I’ll use my skill.”我得设法获得她。 △Gent.4.2.95(92): “That I may compassyours.”我要得到的是您的愿意。 △H.Ⅴ.4.1.313(293):“O,not to-day,think not upon the fault/My fathermade in compassing the crown!” (Henry Boling-broke,father of Henry Ⅴ,deposed Richard Ⅱ,whowas then murdered by a servant of Bolingbroke,ac-claimed King Henry Ⅳ.)啊,你别在今天想到我父亲在谋朝篡位中所犯下的罪过。 5. ❶achieve,obtain 获得,得手。 ❷put one’s armaround,embrace拥抱。 △Com.4.1.112(111):“She istoo big,I hope,for me to compass.”她太伟大了,我不敢高攀。(双关:她太胖了,我抱不住。) △Oth.1.3.367(359):“Seek thou rather to be hanged in compassing thy joy than to be drowned and go without her.”你宁可设法获得你的欢乐(双关:拥抱你的快乐,偷香窃玉),被人绞死,也别没把她弄到手自己倒白白淹死。 compass指南针亦译罗经。在地球上航行的基本测向仪器。船舶上使用的称航海指南针。磁力指南针早在2世纪就在海上使用。它是利用地磁场的作用力带动磁针指示方向。普遍使用的航海指南针是充液磁指南针,通常带有方位仪以测定距离目标。装于飞机上的回转磁罗经更为复杂。当飞机改变速度或航向时,通过陀螺仪作用,使罗经保持水平位置以避免产生倾斜误差。回转罗经与地球磁场无关。它是由三自由度陀螺仪的轴绕天体磁极作圆形旋转。当转轴倾斜时,它能自动转向保持在子午线。陀螺仪的外壳制成垂摆式或有液体在两测之间流动,由垂摆的偏心作用或液体的流动,使罗经指向正北。 compass[ˈkʌmpəs]n. 指南针,范围(pl.)音域,圆规 v. 包围,围绕,了解,达到,获得 ◇ beyond one’s compass 非…能力所能及 beyond the compass of 超出…范围 compass of competency 管辖范围 go a compass 迂回 within one’s compass 力所能及 within the compass of 在…的范围之内 ‖ compass adjuster 罗盘校准器 compass amplitude 罗盘幅度 compass azimuth 罗盘方位角 compass bearing 罗盘方位 compass brick 弧形砖 compass compensating 罗盘校正 compass course 罗盘航向 compass data罗盘数据 compass locator 罗盘定位器 compass map 航海图 compass nane 方向名 compass party 定向结绳组 compass roof 等斜屋顶 compass scale 罗盘标度 compass survey 罗盘仪测量 compass window 圆肚窗 compassable adj. 可围绕的,可以完成的,能达到的 compasses n. 圆规 |