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单词 common


1. common land公有地。
△L.L.L.2.1.221(223):“Mylips are no common.”我的嘴唇可不是公地。
2. public playground公共游戏场所。
△Com.2.2.29:“make a common of(= take liberties with)my seri-ous hours. ”在我办正事的时候你也放肆胡为。


△Ham1.2.72: “Thou know’st ’tis common,all that livesmust die. ”你知道这是很普遍的,有生必有死。
2. ordinary普通的,平常的。
△Oth.3.3. 302:“You havea thing for me? It is a common thing -”,你有一件东西给我? 那不过是一件平平常常的玩意儿。
△Rom.1.4.18:“acommon bound.”平常的限度。
△R.III.2.2.91: “Incommon worldly things ’tis called ungrateful/ Withdull unwillingness to repay a debt,”在平常的世俗事务中,对于债务迟迟不想偿还,是被叫做忘恩负义的。
3. usual 通常的。
△H.V.1.2.271: “as ’tis evercommon /That men are merriest when they are fromhome.”人离开了家,就免不了要痛痛快快过日子,这也是常见的事。
4. public公共的,公开的。
△Mer.3.4.53:“the commonferry”.公共渡船。
△Rom. 1.1.108(102):“To old Free-town,our common judgement-place.”到我的公开审判厅、古老的自由别墅来。
5. of the common people平民的。
△Lr.5.3.50(49):“To pluck the common bosom on his side.”i.e.Towin the hearts of the common people over to his side吸引民众的同情向着他那一边。
6. generally useful or serviceable,serving for the useof all普遍有用的,为一切人所使用的。
△2H.IV.1.2.244(214):“but it was alway yet the trick of our Englishnation. if they have a good thing,to make it toocommon.”但是我们英国人总有这么一种风尚,如果他们有一件好东西,他们总是把它到处使用。
7. commonplace,vulgar平庸的,粗俗的。
△1H.IV.3.2.87: “Not an eye/ But is a-weary of thy commonsight,”所有人的眼睛都懒得看你那副粗俗的样子。
8. of low birth下贱的。
△Gent.5. 4. 62:“Thou com-mon friend.that’s without faith or love,”你这下贱的朋友,没有忠诚没有爱。
9. low-bred(dog)劣种的(狗)。
△2H.Ⅳ.1.3.97: “So,so,thou common dog,”就这样,就这样,你们这群劣种的狗。Phrases & Expressions:
be in common: belong to everyone 属于公有。
△2H.Ⅵ.4.2.77(68):“All the realm shall be in com-mon,”全国的一切都要属于公有。
common man: one of the common people,common-er,man without rank平民,老百姓。
△1H.Ⅵ.4.1.30:“To say the truth,this fact was infamous,/ And illbeseeming any common man,/Much more a knight,a captain,and a leader.”说实在话,这种行为是可耻的,对任何一个平民百姓来说都不光彩,更不必说一位骑士、军官和将领了。common road: public road大路。
△As.2.3.33: “onthe common road”,在大路上。
common sense: ordinary perception 日常感受。
△L.L.L.1.1.57:“Things hid and barred,you mean,from common sense?“您的意思是说我们常识所不能窥察的事情吗?


adj. 普通的,公共的,共同的 n. 普通,公地,共同(pl.)公民,平民,公(共)用权,口粮
◇ be on short common 吃不饱
common or garden 平凡的,普通的
in common 共同的make common cause 共同追求共同的目标
out of the common 异乎寻常,不一般
‖ common action 共同行动
common agreement 共同协议
common capital 共同资金
common client 共同客户
common code 公共代码
Common Collateral Management System 共同抵押品管理系统
common communication 公用通信
common content 共同同意
common core curriculum 共同核心课程
common cost 共同费用
common courtesy 文明礼貌
common custom 世俗
common defense 共同防御
common defence and security 共同防御与安全
Common Difference 公差
common dollar 等值货币
common economic laws 共有经济规律
common equity 普通股
common facilities public facilities 公共设施
common financing共同集资
common funds 共同基金
common goal 共同目标
common ground 共同点,一致点
common group 共同群体
common interested issue 共同关心的问题
common interests 共同兴趣,共同利益
common language 共同语言
common law 普通法
common learnings 公共必修课
common market 共同市场
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)东南非共同市场
common memory 共用存储器
common nominee 共享代理人
common program 公用程序
common programme 共同纲领
common property 共同财产
common prosperity 共同富裕,共同致富
common proverb 民谚
common recruitment examination 综合招聘考试,公开招聘考试
common regulations 共同条令
Common Risk Management System 共同风险管理系统
common saying 恒言
common software 公用软件
common stock 普通股
common stock equity 普通股权益
common stock funds 普通股信托投资基金
common storage 共用存储器
common subject 共同科目
common trade price 同行价
common user item 通用物品
common wealth advertisement 公益广告
common wealth of learning 学术界
commonable adj.公有的
commonage n. 平民,公地,共用权
commonality n. 平民,普通百姓
commonly adv.普通,共同,通常,一般
commonness n./ commonor n. 平民
commonplace n. 老生常谈,陈腐
commonsense adj. 明白的,一望而知的
commonwealth n.联邦,共和国,国家
commonwealth school commission 联邦学校委员会





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