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单词 commit


1. do,perpetrate干(坏事),犯(罪)。
△Mid.3.2.346:“Or else commit’st thy knaveries willfully.”否则便是你故意捣蛋。
△Lr.1.1.219(216):“should in this trice oftime/Commit a thing so monstrous,”在这片刻之间也不知犯下什么滔天大罪。
△R.Ⅲ.5.3.190(189): “Alas,Irather hate myself / For hateful dceds committed bymyself.”唉,我倒是恨我自己,因为我干过一些可恨的事。
△R.III.2.1.56(57):“If I unwittingly,or in myrage,/Have aught committed that is hardly borne/By any in this presence,”要是我在无意之间,或在激怒之中,做过什么事情,使得在场的哪一位感到难以忍受。
2. do (used in a good sense) 做,完成。
△H.V.3.6.3:“there is very excellent services committed at thebridge.”桥上那一仗打得漂亮极了。
3. render 提出。
△H.VIII.2.4.212(215): “that Icommitted /The daring’st counsel which I had todoubt,”i.e.I distrusted the most daring advice which I had to give.因此我提出了一个连我自己也不敢相信的最大胆的建议。
4. arrest,imprison逮捕,关押。
△Ado.5.1. 232(221):“sixth and lastly,why they are committed;”第六与最后,他们为什么被捕。
△2H.IV.1.2.61(55): “Sir,herecomes the nobleman that committed the Prince forstriking about Bardolph.”(It was said that Prince Halhad once given the Lord Chief Justice a box on theear.)老爷,那位贵人来了,就是他把太子抓起来,因为太子为了巴道夫而打了他。
△R.III.1. 1.48: “He should for thatcommit your godfathers.”为了这个,他该把你的教父抓起来才对。
△R.III.2.4. 44: “Who hath committedthem?”谁逮捕了他们?
△H.VIII.1.2.193:“‘If’,quothhe,‘I for this had been committed,/As to the Tow-er,’”“如果”,他说,“我因此被抓起来,比如说关进了伦敦塔”。
5. commit to prison,imprison 把…关进监牢,监禁。
△2H.IV.5.2.82:“I gave bold way to my authority/And did commit you.”我斗胆运用我的权威,把你关进监牢。
6.i.e. to the Tower,imprison把…交到伦敦塔,监禁。
△H.VIII.5.1.146(145):“If they shall chance,/In charging you with matters,to commit you,”如果他们拿出一些事情对你指控,要把你关进伦敦塔。
7. entrust,surrender,place with another for safety委托照看,交出,把…托付给…
△2H.VI.3.1.136:“I do ar-rest you in his Highness’ name./ And here commityou to my Lord Cardinal/ To keep.”我以陛下的名义逮捕你,并且现在就把你交给红衣主教大人看管。
△3H.VI.4.4.10:“And,as I further have to understand,/ Is newcommitted to the Bishop of York.” (Bishop: Arch-bishop.)i.e. newly placed in the custody of the Arch-bishop of York. 而且,据我进一步了解,他最近被交给约克大主教看管。
8. ❶arrest,imprison逮捕,监禁。
❷assign. entrust指派,交托。
△2H.IV.5.2.112: “You did commit me; /For which I do commit into your hand /The un-stained sword that you have used to bear,”你逮捕过我,为此我把你一直佩带的这把未玷污的宝剑仍然交付给你。(按:前面的commit用❶义,后面的commit用
1. transgress,sin犯罪。
△Gent.5.4. 76:“I do as trulysuffer/As e’er I did commit.”我现在是真正地感到痛苦,正像我过去是真正地犯了罪。
2. commit adultery 犯通奸罪。
△Lr.3.4.80(81):“commit not with man’s sworn spouse.”不要和有夫之妇通奸。


v. 犯罪,犯错误,委托,承担,做,干,连累,投入战斗,参战
◇ commit an offence against 犯罪,作案
commit a prisoner for trial 将犯人交付审判
commit suicide 自杀
commit suicide to escape punishment 畏罪自杀
‖ commit a breach of etiquette 失礼
commit a crime 犯罪,作案
commit acts of violence 诉诸武力
commit adultery 私通
commit a fault 犯规,失误
commit an outrage 使用暴力
commit arson 纵火
commit a sin 犯罪
commit bribery 行贿
commit genocide 灭种
commit incest 乱伦
commit manslaughter 过失杀人
commit murder 谋杀
commit perjury 作伪证罪
commit physical assault 行凶
committed assets 营业资产
committed capacity cost 折旧费
committed cost 约束成本
commited forces (unit)投入战斗的部队
committing move 难度大的攀登动作
commiting new crime 重新犯罪
commitment n.委托,托付,约束,承诺,情感投入,责任,投入战斗,承担义务
◇ fulfil one’s commitment 遵守诺言
go back one’s commitment 背信弃约
honour one’s commitment 恪守诺言
commitment authority 承诺权
commitment fees 委托费
commitment period 贷款有效期
commitment to combat 进入战斗
commitment to team play对集体配合的注重
commitment value 约定价值
letter of commitment 委托书,承诺书
committable adj. 可能犯的,可以判处的
committal n. 犯罪,拘留,监禁,委托,承担义务,赞助
committal charge 起诉罪名
committal for contempt 因藐视罪而被拘留
committal for disobedience to judgement 因不遵从判决而被监禁
committal in civil proceedings 民事诉讼中的拘押
committal for trial 交付审判,拘押候审
committal order 拘留令
committal proceedings 初级侦讯
committal to prison 收监
committee for aboriginal education 原住民民族教育审议委员会
Committee for Development Planning 开发计划委员会
Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 内务司法委员会
committee for people’s mediation 人民调解委员会
committee for privileges 特权委员会
committee for public security 治安保卫委员会
committee for qualification of membership 成员资格审查委员会
Committee for Revision of the Constitution 宪法修改委员会
committee in accounting procedure 会计程序委员会
committee member 委员
committee of account 决算委员会
committee of disarmament 裁军委员会
committee of discipline investigation 纪律检查委员会
Committee of Enquiry 调查研究委员会
Committee of Examination 考试委员会
Committee of Experts 专家委员会
Committee of General Defence 国防委员会
Committee of Imperial Defence 帝国国防委员会
Committee of Inquiry into Special Questions 特定问题委员会
committee of inspection 检查委员会
Committee of Labour Unions 工团委员会
Committee of Payment System 支付系统小组委员会
Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space 和平利用外层空间委员会
committee of political and legal affairs 政法委员会
Committee of Public Accounts 审计委员会
Committee of Public Safety 公安委员会
Committee of Safety 安全委员会
Committee of School Curriculum Development 学校课程发展委员会
Committee of Supply 概算委员会
Committee of Teacher Grievances教师申诉评议委员会
Committee of the Council 枢密委员会
Committee of the Sixteen 十六人委员会
Committee of Union and Progress 统一与进步委员会(1889 年)/Committee of ways and means 财政委员会
Committee on Allowances 检讨津贴委员会
Committee on Civil Service Consultative Machinery 公务员咨询架构委员会
Committee on Community Personalities 推举贤能委员会
committee on credentials 权力资格审查委员会
committee on disarmament 裁军谈判委员会
Committee on Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries 发展中国家间经济合作委员会
Committee on Housing住宅建筑企划委员会
Committee on Public Information 社会情报委员会
Committee on Staffing Arrangements 员工安排委员会
committee on stock list 交易所证券行情管理委员会
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 消除种族歧视委员会
Committee on the Peaceful Uses of the Seabed and the Ocean Floor beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction 公海海底海床和平利用特别委员会
Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education 公民教育委员会
Committee on the Use of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes (CUAEPP)和平利用原子能委员会
Committee on Unit Trusts 单位信托委员会
committee paper 会议文件
committee report 委员会报告
committee woman 女委员
coordination committee 协调委员会
credentials committee 资格审查委员会
executive committee 执行委员会
financial committee 财务委员会
hanging committee (负责审查展品的)展出委员会
Interim Committee-of the General Assembly 大会临时委员会
internal audit committee 内部审计委员会
liaison committee 联络委员会
organizing committee 组织委员会
permanent committee 常设委员会
preparatory committee 筹备委员会
reception committee 接待委员会
search committee 遴选委员会
select(special) committee 特别委员会
selection committee 选拔委员会
special committee 特别委员会
standing committee 常务委员会
steering committee 指导委员会
sub committee 小组委员会
technical committee 技术委员会
watch-dog committee 监督委员会
World Heritage Committee 世界遗产委员会





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