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单词 commend


△Mac.1.7.10:“This e-ven-handed justice/Commends the ingredience ofour poisoned chalice/To our own lips.”公平的报应会把我们下过毒的杯中物送到我们自己的嘴唇上。
△Ham.5.2.189(182):“I commend my duty to your lordship.”谨向殿下致以忠顺的敬意。
△H.Ⅷ.2.3.60:“the King’sMajesty/Commends his good opinion of you to you,”i.e.the King presents his compliments to you. 国王陛下派我向你表示他对于你的好意。
△Gent.4.2.9:“to herbeauty I commend my vows,”我向她的美貌献出自己的誓愿。
2. recommend … to kindly remembrance,conveygreetings for…,send kind regards for…为…向…致意问好。
△As. 4.3.93(91):“Orlando doth commendhim to you both,”i.e.sends his compliments to youboth. 奥兰多要我向你们二位致意。
△Mid.3.1.194(186):“I pray you commend me to Mistress Squash,yourmother,and to Master Peascod,your father.”请你向令堂生豆荚夫人和令尊熟豆荚先生代我问好。
△Gent.2.4.123(122):“Your friends are well and have them much commended.”你的亲友们都好,他们都叫我向你多多问候。
△Ham.5.2.203(195):“My lord,his Majesty com-mended him to you by young Osric,”i.e.the Kingsent his greetings to you by Osric. 殿下,方才陛下打发年轻的奥思立克前来向你致意。
△Ado.1.1.286(276):“Commend me to him.”请代我向他致意。
3. recommend推荐。
△Mer.4.1.143:“This letterfrom Bellario doth commend/A young and learneddoctor to our court.”贝拉里欧这封信在这封信里介绍了一位年轻而有学问的博士出席我们的法庭。
4. present,submit hopefully and confidently,deliver提出,提交,传送。
△Wiv.2.2.260(246):“my desires hadinstance and argument to commend themselves.” 有了先例,有了理由,我就可以提出我的愿望(要求实现)。
△H.V.4.6.22:“Dear my lord,/Commend my service to mysovereign.”亲爱的大人,请代我向国王表达我的忠诚。
5.commit to the care of...,entrust,deliver,hand over交托,托付,传送,送交。
△Gent.1.1.15:“in thydanger…/Commend thy grievance to my holyprayers,”若是遭遇危险,把你的忧虑交给我的祈祷。
△Gent.1.3.42:“commend their service to his will”,(他们)准备为他效劳。
△L.L.L.1.1.232:“I did commend theblack oppressing humour to the most wholesome phys-ic of thy health-giving air;”想借着你那恢复健康的空气,来治疗我这种阴沉的重压的情绪。
△L.L.L.2.1.179:“Lady,I will commend you to mine own heart.”小姐,我要把你放在我的心上。
△Lr.2.4. 27:“My lord,when at theirhome / I did commend your Highness’ letters tothem,”陛下,我在他们家里,把陛下的书信递呈给他们。
△Lr.3.1.19:“Commend a dear thing to you.”委托你一件重要的事情。
△Mac.3.1.39(38):“And so I do commendyou to their backs.” 我就此把你们两位交托给马背。
△R.III.5.3.116(115):“To thee I do commend my watchful soul”,我把我这警惕的灵魂交托给你。
△H.Ⅷ.4.2.132(131):“In which I have commended to hisgoodness / The model of our chaste loves,his youngdaughter—”,在信里我把我们纯洁爱情的象征,他的年幼的女儿,交托给他照管。
6. deliver,offer信托,传送,提供。
△H.VIII.5.1.16:“My lord,I love you./And durst commend a secretto your ear/ Much weightier than this work.”大人,我敬爱你,哪怕比眼前这件事重大得多的机密我也敢告诉你听。
7. give evidence or proof of证实,证明。
△Ham.1.2.39: “Farewell,and let your haste commend your du-ty.”i.e. let your haste give proof of your sense of du-ty. 再见,愿你们速去速回,表明你们办事负责。
8. approve conduct or character of赞许…的行为或性格。
△2H.IV.3.2.160(147): “I commend you well.”我非常佩服你。
9. praise赞美,赞扬。
△Tw.2.5.168(153):“Rememberwho commended thy yellow stockings,”记住谁曾经赞美过你的黄袜子。
△Mer.4.1.158:“bettered with his ownlearning,the greatness where of I cannot enoughcommend,”更以他自己的学问补充之,而其学问之渊博,亦非我三言两语赞美所能道尽。
△As.2.2.12: “Your daughterand her cousin much commend/The parts and gracesof the wrestler/That did but lately foil the sinewyCharles;”您的女儿和她的姐姐很称赞那个最近在摔跤中打败了强有力的查尔斯的那人的才能和优点。
△Ham.5.2.190(183): “He does well to commend it himself,thereare no tongues else for’s (= his) turn. ”i.e. He doeswell to praise his ridiculous bowing and scraping him-self; no one else would serve his purpose. 多亏他自夸自赞一番,别人谁也不会替他张口的。
△Lr.2.1.114(112):“For you,Edmund,/ Whose virtue and obediencedoth this instant / So much commend itself. you shallbe ours.”至于你,爱德蒙,你这一回的忠顺的德行很值得赞美,我们要重用你。(按: virtue and obedience = virtuous o-bedience. )
△2H.IV.2.2.137(126): “I commend meto thee,I commend thee,and I leave thee.” i.e. I send my greetings to you,I praise you,and say good-bye to you. (Falstaff imitates Caesar’s “I came,I saw, I conquered”). 我向你致意,我赞美你,我向你告辞。
△1H.IV.2.3.24(20):“Why,my Lord of York com-mends the plot and the general course of the action.”嘿,约克大人都赞扬这个计划和整个的行动方案。
△2H.VI.51. 54:“York,I commend this kind submission;”约克,我赞赏你这样善意的顺从。
10.❶remember... kindly (to) 为…(向…)致意。
△2H.IV.1.2.258(226): “Commend meto my cousin Westmoreland.”为我向我的亲戚威斯摩兰致意。(按:下文福斯塔夫故意误解为“向威斯摩兰赞扬我。”)
~ vb. refl. recommend oneself to kindly remem-brance,send one’s greetings为(自己)向…致意,为(自己)向…问好。
△Mer.3.2.232(231): “Signior AntoniolCommends him to you (i.e. sends his greetings toyou).”安东尼欧叫我代他向你问好。
△2H.IV.2.2.137(126):“I commend me to thee,I commend thee,and I leave thee.”我向你致意,我赞美你,我向你告辞。
△2H.IV3.2.67(60): “My captain,sir,commends him toyou,”先生,我的队长向你致意。
△3H.VI.5.2.41: “Andto the lastest gasp cried out for Warwick,/ And said,‘Commend me to my valiant brother.’”他直到最后喘息时还呼唤着沃里克,并说:“为我向我英勇的哥哥致意。”Phrases & Expressions: commend me to: convey my best wishes to,give mylove to替我向…问好。
△Oth.5.2.123 (125): “Com-mend me to my kind lord.”替我向我的仁慈的夫君致意。
△Rom.2. 4. 183(171): “Nurse,commend me to thylady and mistress.”奶妈,请代我向你家小姐致意。
△H.V.4.1.25: “Commend me to the princes in our camp;”替我向军营中各位王公们问候。
commend you to: deliver your greetings to把你的问候带给…
△Gent.1.1.157(146): “I’ll commend you tomy master. ”我要到我的主人面前去为你致意。
commends him to: sends his greetings to捎话向…致意。
△H.V.4.6.3:“The Duke of York commends him toyour Majesty.”约克公爵捎话向陛下致意。


v. 表扬,称赞,委托,推荐,吸引
◇ commend itself (oneself) to sb.给某人好印象
commend sb. for 表扬某人做某事
‖ commendable adj. 值得表扬的,值得称赞的
commendation n. 表扬,称赞,委托,推荐,嘉奖状
Commendation Committee 嘉奖委员会
commendation letter 嘉奖信
commendation list 嘉奖状
commendation meeting 表彰会
commendation ribbon 嘉奖带
commendation scheme 嘉奖计划
commendatory[kɔˈmendətəri]n. 评注,注释(本),解说词adj.赞赏的,推荐的
commendatory sense 褒义
commendatory term 褒义词





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