combinevt. link together,join,unite使联系在一起,使结合,使联合。 △As. 5. 4. 157(150):“Thy faith my fancy(=love) to thee doth combine.”你的忠诚使我的爱和你结合在一起了。(又译:你的忠心使我爱上了你。) △H.V.5.2.388(360): “Combine your hearts in one,your realmsin one!”把你们两个人的心结合在一起,把你们的国土也结合在一起! ~ vi. join,unite结合,联合。 △H.V.2.1.115(109):“And friendship shall combine,and brotherhood.”i.e. And friendship and brotherhood shall link us to-gether. 从此我们结成朋友,情同手足。 △Lr.5.1.29:“Combine together ’gainst the enemy;”联合起来共同对付敌人吧。 combine[kəmˈbain]n. 集团,联合企业,联合收割机[ˈkəmbain]v.(使)结合,(使)联合 ◇ combine with 结合 in combination with 与…联合,与…结合 ‖ combine painting 拼凑画 Combines Investigation Act 联合企业调查法(1923年)/combined account 混合账户,总账 combined action 联合行动,综合动作 combined air defense system 联合防空体系 combined air-ground operations 陆空联合作战 combined antisubmarine exercise 联合反潜演习 combined armed forces 合成军队 combined arms 诸兵种合成的 combined arms center 诸兵种合成部队中心 combined arms team 诸兵种合成战斗队 combined arms training center 联合兵种训练中心 combined arms unit 联合兵种部队 combined army 合成集团军 combined arts 组合艺术 combined balance sheet 合并资产负债表 combined branch 诸兵种合成部队 combined certificate of value and origin 价值与原产地综合证书 combined command 联合司令部 combined competition 全能运动比赛 combined cost 联合成本,合并成本 combined cost and general ledger 联合成本及普通分类账 combined defence 联防与盯人的混合防守,综合防守 combined diagram 组合图 combined dribble 集体运球 combined efficiency 总效率 combined enterprise 联合企业 combined entry 复合分录 combined error 综合误差combined establishment 合并编制 combined exercise 联合演习,全能 combined film 音像合成拷贝 combined financial statement 合并财务报表 combined fleet 联合舰队 combined grasp 交叉握 combined grip 正杠反握 combined income statement 合并收益表 combined instruction 复式教学 combined journal and ledger 联合日记分类账 combined net tangible assets 合并有形资产净值 combined offer 联合发价,合并发盘 combined operations 联合作战 combined polling arrangement 合并投票安排 combined print合成正片 combined profit and loss statement合并损益表 combined punishment for several offenses 数罪并罚 combined race 全能比赛 combined ratio 综合赔付率 combined rush 集体进攻 combined scene 风景画combined schedule of investments by funds 各种基金投资明细表 combined school 联合学校,混合学校 combined selection 综合选择 combined service force 联勤部队 combined spin 双人旋转 combined statement 联合决算表 combined statement of cash receipts and disbursement 现金收支汇总表 combined statement of income and earned surplus 损益与公积金合并计算书 combined statement of income and retained earnings 损益及保留盈余合并表 combined station 组合站 combined tactics 合同战术 combined ticket联票 combined training 联合训练 combined training center 联合训练中心 combined transport 联合运输 combined transport bill of lading 联运提货单 combined transport document 联运单证 combiner n. 组合器 combining capacity 结合能力 combining hard smashes with drop shots 重扣轻吊 combining long drives-with drop shots 长抽短吊 combining military with civilian 军民结合 combining smashes with drop shots 扣吊结合 combinable adj. 可以结合的 combination[kɔmbiˈneiʃən]n. 结合,联合,联营,合并 Combination Acts 结社条例 combination attack 配合进攻 combination beam 组合梁 combination block 集体拦网 combination blow 组合拳,连续拳 combination bond 混合型债券 combination carrier 联合货船 combination car 混合车厢 combination class 马匹评比中的联合级 combination compensation plan 结合式薪酬方案 combination court 单双打球场 combination deduction 编排扣分 combination defence 混合防守 combination for sharing business 合伙经营 combination gate 混合门 combination horse 联合级马,马匹评比中的联合级马 combination images 合成影像 combination jump 跳跃的连续 combination learning 联合学习 combination miss 配合失误 combination of accounts 合并账户 combination of attack and chop 攻削结合 combination of democracy with dictatorship 民主与专政相结合 combination of enterprise 企业合并 combination of exercise 动作编排 combination of forehand and backhand attacks 正反手结合攻击 combination of industry and trade工贸结合 combination of leniency with punishment 宽大与惩办相结合 combination of long drives and drop shots 长抽短吊相结合 combination of points 分数综合 combination of punishment and education 惩治与教育相结合 combination of technology and trade 技贸结合 combination of wills 意志结合 combination option 组合期权 combination order综合盘,组合盘 combination pedal 风琴混合踏板 combination price 批发价 combination property 综合性能 combination punching 组合拳 combination requirement 编排要求 combination sale 组合销售 combination speaker 高低音扬声器 combination spins 联合旋转 combination stunt 两人以上的技巧动作 combination table 组合表 combination tones 合成音调 horizontal combination横向结合 combinational adj. combinational analysis 组合分析 combinational logic 组合逻辑 combinational network 组合网络 combinational selection 组合选择 combinative[ˈkɔmbineitiv]adj. 结合的,集成的 combinative attack 配合攻击 combinative tactics 组合战术 combinatorial adj. 组合的 combinatorial group theory 组合群论 combinatorial structures 组合结构 combinatorial theory 组合理论 combinatory adj.组合的 combinatory analysis 组合分析 combinatory logic 组合逻辑 |