释义 |
cockneyn. 1.cook,squeamish or over-refined woman厨娘,过分拘谨或讲究的女人。 △Lr.2.4.123(122):“Cry to it(i.e.your heart),nuncle,as the cockney did to the eelswhen she put ’em i’ the paste alive:”老伯伯,你向它叫吧,就像厨娘把鳗鱼活生生地放进面糊里去一样。(按:厨娘要用鳗鱼做饼馅,但不忍心先把它杀死。) 2.young cock,affected,foppish person自命不凡的少年,装腔作势的浮华子弟。 △Tw.4.1.14:“I am afraid thisgreat lubber,the world,will prove a cockney.”i.e.Ifear that this great foolish fellow,the world,will turnout to be an affected person (because everything is af-fecting to what it is not). 我恐怕这个大傻瓜,世界,也要变成装腔作势的浮华子弟。(按:意思说既然什么都是装假,那么全世界都是在装模作样。) cockney[ˈkɔkni]n.伦敦方言,伦敦腔 adj. 伦敦方言的 |