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单词 contribute
contribute/kən′trɪbju:t, BrE also ′kɒn-/ v [-d,-d / ɪd/;-eing / ɪ ŋ/]

(1)捐助(献),贡献(giveoffer one's share of(moneyhelpadviceetc) in common with others to help a joint cause)[II+prep(to/towards),T+nT+n+prep(to/towards)]:~generously to the church/the Red Cross/the Relief Fund/a charity/a charity collection慷慨地捐助教堂/红十字会/救济金组织/慈善团体/慈善募捐活动;~towards a wedding present for sb/towards sb's present凑钱给某人买结婚礼物/给某人买礼物;~to the discussion参与讨论;~aid for refugees/clothing for the orphans给难民援助/孤儿捐助衣物;~time/money/what one can afford贡献时间/捐助金钱/进行力所能及的捐助;Everyone~ed something including idea,money,energy,and so the job got done. 人人都做出了贡献,包括出主意、捐钱、付出精力,于是这活儿就完成了。~a large sum of money to the funds/to this charity捐一笔巨款作基金/给这慈善机构;~a great invention to world civilization对世界文明贡献出一项伟大的发明;~some money to the collection for the repair of the temple/towards the repair of the church捐一些钱作为修缮庙宇的募捐善款/用于修缮教堂;〖同〗 give,donate;〖反〗take,receive;

(2)促(增)进,有助于(increase;add to)[I+prep(to)]:Plenty of fresh air~s to good/better health.大量呼吸新鲜空气有助于身体健康/改善健康状况。The fair weather~s to the success of the expeditions.好天气有助于探险的成功。Her work~s to our understanding of the difficult subject.她的研究有助于我们对这一艰深科目的理解。

(3)造成,导致(help to cause to happen)[I+prep(to)]:Soaring land prices~d to the high cost of housing.飞涨的地价导致房屋的造价升高。Drink/Gambling~d to his downfall.酗酒/赌博导致他败落。(stupidity)~to one's arrest by the police (愚蠢)导致被警察逮住;(poor food)~to one's illness(饮食差)导致生病;(war injuries)~to sb's early death(战争中受伤)导致他早逝;〖同〗advance,lead to;〖反〗check,slow;

(4)投稿(supply(articlesetc) to a publication)[I+prep(to),T+n+prep(to)]:~(a poem/an article) to a magazine/a literary journal/a paper/the Daily Post给杂志/文学杂志/报纸/《每日邮报》撰写诗(文章);The writer~ed to its pages.这位作家曾给该版写过文章。

→͵contri′bution n 捐助(献);捐助(献)品;投的稿子;con′tributor n 捐助(献)者;投稿人;con′tributory adj 造成……的,捐助的





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