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coatn. 1. upper garment 上衣。 △Wiv.1.1.19: “The dozenwhite louses do become an old coat well;”那十二只虱子倒是很适合一件古老的衣服。 2. vesture as indicative of rank (表示身份地位的)服装。 △Tw.4.1.32 (30): “I would not be in some of yourcoats for two pence.”i.e.I would not stand in yourshoes; stand in the position of some of you,for anymoney.给我两便士我也不愿处在你们的地位。 3. coat money服装费。 △2H.IV.3.2.314 (290):“Bar-dolph,give the soldiers coats.”巴道夫,给这几个兵发服装费。 4. metal-plated under coat worn for protection护身铠甲。 △Oth.5.1.24: “That thrust had been mine ene-my indeed. / But that my coat is better than thouthink’st.”这一击倒真会致我死命,幸亏我这铠甲比你想的要结实得多。 coat of steel: armour盔甲。 △3H.VI.2.1.160:“Shallwe go throw away our coats of steel,”难道我们要抛掉我们的盔甲? 5. coat of arms,shield of arms,family insignia纹章,盾形纹章,族徽。 △Mid. 3. 2.212: “So with two seemingbodies,but one heart,/Two of the first (i.e. twobodies),like coats in heraldry,/ Due but to one,andcrowned with one crest. ”i.e. We had two bodies,like double coats in heraldry that belong to a man andwife as one person,but which. like our single heart.have but one crest. (Douce)所以,我们的身体虽像是两个,心却是一颗:前者(身体)我们有两个,像是(夫妻二人各自原有的)纹章里的族徽,但是只能颁给一个人,上面只有一个顶饰。(按:男女结合,两家族徽合而为一。) △Wiv.1.1.17:“theircoat”,他们家的纹章。 △1H.Ⅵ.1.1.81:“Of England’scoat one half is cut away.”(The loss of all the Eng-lish-held towns in France would deprive the Englishking of the right to display the fleur-de-lis in his coatof arms.)英格兰的纹章上的一半已经被割掉了。 △1H.Ⅵ.1.5. 27: “Hark,countrymen! Either renew the fight./Or tear the lions out of England’s coat.”(lions: thethree lions passant displayed in the English coat of arms.)听啊,同胞们! 要是不重新战斗,就只有把那三只狮子从英国的盾徽上扯下来吧。(按:英国的盾形纹章上有三只举右前足向前行进的狮子图形。) 6.❶coat of mail铠甲。 ❷coat of arms纹章。 △1H.Ⅳ.4.1.100: “Glittering in golden coats like images,” 身着黄金铠甲,像雕像似地闪着金光。 7. sleeveless surcoat that covers the armour,with theroyal coat of arms带有皇家纹章的无袖罩甲衣。 △1H.Ⅳ.5.3.25:“The King hath many marching in hiscoats.”国王叫许多手下人穿上他的罩袍上阵。 coat[kəut]n. 外套,上衣,皮毛,表皮,涂层,表层 v. 涂上,覆盖上 ◇ pick a hole in one’s coat 挑毛病,挑剔 take off one’s coat 挑战 turn one’s coat 背叛 ‖ coat-tail effect 凭借作用,联票效应 coated lens 加膜镜头 coating path 斜坡滑撬用滑道coating n. 涂层,外壳,涂料 coater n. 涂料器,镀膜机 |