释义 |
clownn. peasant,country fellow,rustic,churl农民,乡下人,乡下佬,粗汉。 △As.2.4.67(66):“Holla,youclown!”(Touchstone wants to play the courtier in Ar-den and treats all its inhabitants as“clowns”,i.e.rustics.)喂,你这乡下佬!(按:试金石到了阿登森林,想摆摆宫廷贵臣的派头,把林中居民都看做“乡下佬”。在下文中罗萨琳用clown作fool之义来批驳他。) △As.5.1.11 (10):“It ismeat and drink to me to see a clown.”我一见了乡下人就像见了酒肉一样。 △As.5.1.56 (50):“abandon the soci-ety of this female,or,clown,thou perishest;”你要放弃与这位女性的来往,否则,乡下人,你是要灭亡的。 △L.L.L.4.1.144(140):“By my soul,a swain,a most simpleclown!”凭我的灵魂起誓,真是个乡下人,顶蠢的笨蛋! △2H.VI.4.10.59 (56): “Steel,if thou turn the edgeor cut not out the burly-boned clown in chines of beefere thou sleep in thy sheath.”宝剑啊,要是你卷了刃,或者在你入鞘休息之前不把这个骨骼粗大的乡下佬砍成 一堆排骨… clown[kləun]n. 滑稽演员,丑角,小丑 v. 扮小丑,爱开玩笑的人 ◇ clown around 逗乐 ‖ clownery n. 滑稽 clownish adj. 丑角的,像小丑的 clownism n. 丑态 |