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单词 clap


n. stroke一击。
at a clap: at a stroke一下子。
△Lr.1.4.318 (294):“What,fifty of my followers at a clap?”怎么,一下子就裁了我五十名随从?


1.strike(hands) in confirmation of a bargain拍(手)成交。
△H.V.5.2. 133(129):“and so clap hands and a bargain.”然后一拍巴掌,事情就成了。
2. pat轻拍。
△L.L.L. 5. 2. 107: “clapped him on theshoulder,”拍拍他的肩膀。
3. thrust hastily,put急塞,放。
△1H.Ⅳ.2.4.24 (22):“to sweeten which name of Ned,I give thee this pen-nyworth of sugar,clapped even now into my hand byan under-skinker,”为了给奈德这个名字再加点甜味,我送给你这一包值一便士的糖,这是一个倒酒小厮刚才强塞到我手里的。
△ 2H.Ⅵ.5.1.153: “Who,being suffered with thebear’s fell paw,/ Hath clapped his tail between hislegs and cried;”它,被撒开与熊厮打、受凶猛的熊掌一击,就夹起尾巴大叫。
4. put. set,thrust装,安,插。
△H.Ⅷ.1.4.7:“O,mylord. y’ are(=you are) tardy; / The very thought ofthis fair company/Clapped wings to me.”啊,大人,你来得好晚;我一想到这群芳的集会,就恨不得插上翅膀。
5. impose把…强加。
△H.Ⅷ.5.4.85(5.3.79):“andon your heads/Clap round fines for neglect.”还要为了玩忽职守在你们头上加上一笔重重的罚款。
6. stick up张贴。
△H.Ⅷ.1.3.17: “I hear of nonebut the new proclamation/That’s clapped upon thecourt gate.”我没有听见什么消息,只知道在王宫大门上贴了一张新告示。
△H.Ⅷ.Epi.13:“for ’tis illhap/If they hold when their ladies bid ’em clap.”因为,如果夫人叫男客们鼓掌,而他们却缩手,那可交不了好运气。
Phrases &Expressions:
clap hands: strike hands,clasp hands,shake hands,join hands击掌,握手,携手。
△H.Ⅴ.5.2.133(129):“Give me your answer,i’faith,do,and so clap handsand a bargain.”把你的答复告诉我,真的,告诉我,然后,咱们一拍巴掌,事情就成了。
clap in: put or set in smartly and vigorously,hit (themark in archery)敏捷有力地放进或插入,(箭术用语)射中(目标)。
△2H.Ⅳ.3.2.51 (46):“’A would have clapped i’(= in) the clout at twelvescore.”他能在二百四十码以外射中靶心。
clap into: begin,enter upon,begin without delay, strike up开始,立即开始,开始演奏(唱)。
△As.5.3.12(11):“clap into’t roundly,”马上唱起来。
△Ado.3.4.44:“Clap’s into‘Light o’ love’;” i.e. let’s strike up“Light of love”.让我们快唱一曲《薄情女》吧。
clap me: clap,put noisily把…啪地一放。
△Rom.3.1.6:“claps me his sword upon the table,”i.e. puts down his sword upon the table. 把剑往桌上啪地一放。
clap on: put on,set hastily装上,急忙张(帆)。
△Wiv.2.2.144(136):“Clap on more sails,pursue;”张起满帆,追上去。
clap...on the shoulder: arrest逮捕,捕捉。
△As.4.1.50(48):“Cupid hath clapped him o’the shoulder,but I’ll warrant him heart-whole.”i.e.Cupid (the god of love) has put him under arrest,but has not wounded him. 丘匹德曾经捕捉住他,但是我敢说他的心上并没有受到爱神的箭伤。
clap to: shut smartly,shut hastily麻利地关上,急速地关上。
△1H.Ⅳ.2.4.309 (276): “Hostess,clap to the doors!”老板娘,快关上门!
clap up: lock up,put in prison把…关起来,把…送进监牢。
clap up close: ❶imprison closely把…严密监禁起来。
△2H.Ⅵ.1.4.53(50): “Away with them! Let thembe clapped up close/And kept asunder。”把他们带走!把他们严密监禁起来并且互相隔离。
△Shr.2.1.319 (325):“Was ever match clapped up so sudden-ly?”有这样速成的婚姻吗?


v.& n. 拍手(声),轻拍,喝彩,鼓掌
◇ clap hold of 突然抓住 clap on 涨价
clap the heels 监禁某人,制服某人
‖ clapper n. 铃锤,拍手者,拍板,场记板
clapper boards 拍板
clapper talks 快板书clapping n. 鼓掌声,喝彩声
clapboard n. 竹板
clap stick 拍板,场记板
clapnet n. 陷网
clapperclaw v. 抓殴,痛骂





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