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单词 contest
contestvt /kən′test/ [-ed,-ed / ɪd/];n /′kɒntest, AmE ′kɑ:n-/

vt (1)竞争(赛),争夺(try to winesp in competition;fight for)[T+n](fml):~an election/a seat on the town council/a prize竞选/角逐市议会的席位/竞争一笔奖金;an election~ed by six candidates一场有六位竞选者的选举;The soldiers~ed their fort/every inch of the ground.士兵们争夺他们的要塞/每一寸土地。a hotly ~ed match争夺激烈的比赛;〖同〗compete for,struggle for,fight for;

(2)质疑,争论(辩)(bring argument against;dispute)[T+n](fml):(hotly/bitterly)~the judge's decision/the referee's decision/sb's ability to do sth/sb's right to speak/sb's claim for damage/a statement/a point/an idea/a will对法官的判决/裁判的裁定/某人做某事的能力/某人的发言权/某人的赔偿要求/陈述/论点/主意/遗嘱(激烈/激烈)地提出争议;〖同〗dispute;〖反〗accept,approve,support;

n(1)比(竞)赛(competitionesp one in which people perform separately)[C]:a beauty/dancing/fishing/composition/boxing/sporting/speech/archery~选美/舞蹈/钓鱼/作文/拳击/体育/讲演/射箭比赛;〖同〗competition,match,game;

(2)角逐,争夺(struggle or fight in which rivals compete against each other for victory or superiority)[C]: a~for the top job in the union/the position of minister of foreign affairs/the leadership of a party角逐协会里的最高工作/外交大臣的职位/党的领导地位;It was a bitter~of will.那是意志的激烈较量。〖同〗conflict,struggle,fight;〖反〗agreement;

→ con′testant n 竞赛者,选手;






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