释义 |
childn. 1.descendant in the first degree直系子孙,嫡传后代。 △As.3.4.8:“Marry,his kisses are Judas’s own chil-dren.”i.e.his kisses are insincere like the kiss with which Judas betrayed Jesus.真的,他的接吻也是犹大的嫡传。(按:意即像犹大出卖耶稣时的接吻那样虚伪。) go with child of:be pregnant with怀(孕)着… △R.Ⅲ.3.5.85(86): “Tell them,when that my mother wentwith child /Of that insatiate Edward,noble York,/My princely father,then had wars in France,”告诉他们,当我的母亲怀着这个欲壑难填的爱德华的时候,那高贵的约克,我的父王,还正在法国打仗。 2. candidate for knighthood,title of youth of noblebirth骑士候补者,(贵族青年的一种称号)公子。 △Lr. 3.4.185(182):“Child Rowland to the dark tower came,”罗兰准骑士来到黑暗的塔楼。 child[tʃaild](pl.childdren[ˈtʃildrən])n. 孩子,儿童,未成年人,(头脑、空想等的)产物,追随者 ◇ bring up one's child born in wedlock 婚生子女 ‖ child born out of wedlock 非婚生子女 child bride 童养媳 child care 儿童保育 child care center 儿童保育中心,托儿中心,托儿所 child care expense 子女抚养费用 child care facilities 儿童保育设施 child care program 儿童保育计划 child criminal 少年犯 child destruction 人工流产 child development 儿童发展 child development centre 儿童发展中心 child development study 儿童(身体)发育调查 child guidance 儿童指导 child guidance centre 儿童指导中心 child guidance clinic 儿童指导所 child health 儿童保健 child hygiene 儿童卫生 child instruction 儿童指导 child labor 童工 child labour legislation 童工法 child marriage 童婚 child minder 儿童保育员 child mortality rate 儿童死亡率 child murder 杀婴罪 child of divorce 离婚夫妇的子女 child of illegitimate birth 非婚生子女 child of shame 私生子 child of the devil 恶人 child play 儿童剧 child prodigy 神童 child protection 儿童保护 child psychology 儿童心理学 child psychosis 儿童精神病 child spacing 生育间隔 child star 童星 child study 儿童研究 child support payment 儿童抚养费费 child welfare 儿童福利 child who is weak in intelligence 弱智儿童 only child 独生子女 child’s heart 童心 childbearing age 育龄 child-bearing period 育龄期 child-centered approach 儿童中心教学法 child-centered curriculum 儿童中心课程 child-centered education 儿童教育 child-centered school 儿童中心学校 child-centered teaching 儿童中心教学 child-centered teaching method 儿童中心教学法 child-free marriage 不生子女婚姻 childhood n. 孩童时期,童年时代 childhood aphasia 儿童失语 childhood education 儿童教育 childing minding service 儿童照顾服务 childhood socialization 儿童期社会化 childing adj. 怀孕的 childish adj.幼稚的,孩子气的 childish state 幼稚状态 childishly adv. childishness n. childless adj.childless marriage 不生子女婚姻 childless couple 迪克家庭 childlessness n. 无子女 childlike ad j. 天 真 的 childness n.child-proof adj. 不危害儿童的,对儿童安全的 child-rearing pattern 育儿模式 child-rearing practices 育儿实践 Children Act 儿童法案 children born alive 活产子女 children born in mentally retarded children 低能儿 children born out of wedlock 私生子 children court 儿童法庭 childre n ever born已生子女 children living 存活子女 children movie theatre 儿童电影院 children recreation game 儿童娱乐游戏 children stealing 拐卖儿童 children without schooling 失学儿童 Children’s Apperception Test 儿童领悟测试 children’s benefit 子女给付 children’s chorus 儿童合唱队 children’s court 少年法庭 children’s dance 儿童舞 Children’s Day儿童节 children's development 儿童发展 children’s drama 儿童剧 children’s drawings儿童书 children's encyclopedia 儿童百科全书 children’s film 儿童电影 children’s folk rhymes 童谣 children's right to know parents’ identity 收养子女有权知道自己亲生父母的权利 children’s song 儿童歌曲 children’s story 儿童故事 children’s theatrical company 儿童剧团 children’s vocabulary 儿童字汇 children’s wear 童装 not suitable for children 儿童不宜观看 wedlock children婚生子女 |