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chiefn. 1.head首脑。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.3.262:“I was the chief thatraised him to the crown,/And I will be chief tobring him down again.”我领头把他抬上宝座,我也要领头把他从宝座上推下来。 in chief:chiefly,mainly首要地。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.1.30:“Then,my lord,/Unto your Grace do I in chiefaddress/The substance of my speech.”那么,主教大人,我这番话的内容首要地就对你来说了。 2. top,height,excellence顶端,顶点,杰出。 △Ham.1.3.74:“Are of a most select and generous chief inthat.”在这方面最讲究、最大方,达到极致。(按:另说chief=chiefly.)
chiefa. 1.principal主要的。 △1H.Ⅵ.2.2.12:“Within theirchiefest temple I’ll erect/A tomb,”我要在他们最主要的庙宇里建立一座坟墓。 2.principal,most important 主要的,最重要的。 △3H.Ⅵ.4.6.58:“But with the first of all your chiefaffairs,/Let me entreat,for I command no more,”但是,在你们所要商讨的一切首要大事之外,让我提出一个请求,因为我再不发号施令了…。 3. principal,excellent主要的,优秀的。 △R.Ⅲ.5.3.300(299):“whose puissance on either side/Shall be wellwinged with our chiefest horse.”他们的力量在两边,再由我们最精锐的骑兵从侧翼加以掩护。 4.main,main body of,greatest part of主要的,主体的,最大部分的。 △1H.Ⅵ.1.1.139:“Whom all France with their chief assembled strength/Durst not pre-sume to look once in the face.”全法兰西的主力部队都集合起来也不敢正面看他一眼。 chief[tʃi:f]n. 首领,领袖,主要部分 adj. 主要的,首要的 ◇ commander in chief 总司令 in chief 主要地,在首要位置 ‖ bureau chief 主编 chief accountant 总会计师chief actor 男主角 chief actress 女主角 chief appraiser 主要鉴定人 chief arbiter 总裁判 chief arbitrator 首席仲裁员 chief architect 总设计师 chief auditor 稽核主任,审计长,总审计师 chief aviation pilot 机长 Chief Bailiff 法警警长 chief baron 法院的首席法官 chief cabin 会议室 chief cameraman 摄影主任 chief cashier 出纳主任 chief clerk 书记长 chief clerk of course 检录员 chief coach 主教练 chief commissary steward 军需司务长 chief constable(英国)郡警察局长 chief controller 总会计师 chief course inspector 路线检查长 chief criminal首犯 chief culprit 主犯 chief dealer 首席交易员 chief delegate 首席代表 chief distributor 总发行人,总经销商 chief economic adviser 首席经济顾问 chief editor 主编 Chief Electoral Officer 总选举事务主任 chief engineer 总工程师,轮机长 chief examiner 主考 Chief Executive 行政长官 chief executive 总裁,最高行政人员 Chief Executive in Council 行政长官会同行政会议 Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特别行政区行政长官 chief executive officer (CEO)首席执行官 Chief Executives Office 行政长官办公室 chief field judge 田赛裁判长 chief financial officer (CFO)财务主管,首席财政官 chief fire control 主火炮控制 chief flying instructor 主任飞行教官 chief gate judge水门主裁判 chief inspector 检察长 chief instigator 主谋 chief judge 首席法官,法院院长,审判长,主裁判,裁判长 chief judge at the finish 终点裁判长 Chief Judge of the High Court 高等法院首席法官 chief judge of walking 竞走裁判长 Chief Justice 终审法院首席法官 chief justice 审判长,首席法官,法院院长 chief justice of England 英国首席法官 chief justice of the common pleas 民事高等法院院长 Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal 终审法院首席法官 chief justice of the United States 美国首席法官 chief legislator 主要立法者 chief librarian 图书馆长 chief means 主要工具 chief military censor 军事检察长 chief mourner 丧主 chief of artillery 炮兵主任 chief of customs海关关长 chief of delegation 代表团团长 chief of finance 财务处长 Chief of General Staff总参谋长 chief of inspection 稽查主任 chief of Judge 审判长 chief of judges 裁判长 chief of jury 裁判组主要负责人 Chichief of office 办公室主任 chief of police警察局长 chief of staff 参谋长 chief of state 国家元首 chief of the delegates 首席代表 chief operating officer (COO)主要执行人员 chief procurator 检察长,首席检察官 chief procurator general 总检察长 chief purchasing agent 采购主任 chief purchasing officer 采购处长 chief range officer 总裁判长 chief rank 主管职级 chief recorder 检录长 chief referee 总裁判,主裁判,裁判长 chief reporter 采访主任 chief representative首席代表 Chief Returning Officer 总选举主任 chief scorer 记录长 chief second 第一助手 Chief Secretary for Chief Secretary for Administration 政务司司长 chief steward 炊事班长 chief supervisor 首席监事 chief surgeon 军医主任 chief test pilot 试飞机长 chief timekeeper 计时长 chief track judge 径赛裁判长 chief umpire 主审 chief umpire司球裁判员,裁判组长 copy chief 主编 editor-in-chief 总编 in chief 主要地,在首要位置 chiefdom n. 首领的地位,首领的权威,酋长制 chiefess n.女酋长,女首领 chiefless adj. 无头领的 chiefly adv. 主要地 chief-rent n. 租费 chiefship n.首领地位 chieftain[ˈtʃ i:tən]n. 酋长,首领 chieftaincy n. 酋长或首领的地位 chieftainship n.首领地位,酋长制 |