chartern. 1. warrant,authorization,permission批准,授权,许可。 △Oth.1.3.247 (245):“And let me find a charter in your voice”,让我得到你的一声许可。 2. right,privilege or immunity granted by royal char-ter(国王所特许的)权利、特权或豁免权。 △R.III.3.1.54:“You break no privilege nor charter there.”你并没有侵犯什么特权或豁免权。 △As.2.7.47:“I must haveliberty/Withal. as large a charter(= as free a privi-lege) as the wind,/To blow on whom I please,for sofools have.”(An important privilege of the domesticor court fool was the freedom of speech which hecould exercise upon his superiors—with tact.) 我还得有自由,其特权应像风一般充分,高兴吹着谁便吹着谁,因为这是傻子们所必须具有的。(按:当时贵族家里或宫廷的弄臣所享有一项重要特权便是对其主人有一定的说话自由。) charter[ˈtʃɑ:tə]n. 规章,宪章,契约,特许证,(演出)执照,证书,优先权 v. 特许…,发执照,租 ‖ Charter Arts 特许状法 charter business 租船业务 charter by demise 光船租赁 charter by time 按时间计费租船 charter car (bus)包车 Charter Colonies 特许殖民地 charter commission 租船佣金 charter contract 包租合同,租船合同 charter flight 包机 charter income租金收入 charter land 特许土地证 charter market 租船市场 charter member 创办人,发起人,创始成员 charter money 租金 charter of company 公司章程 charter of concession特许证 Charter of Nobility 贵族敕书(1785年)Charter of the United Nations 联合国宪章 charter party 租…合同,租…人 charter plane 包机 charter rate 包租费 charter review 审查宪章 demise charter 光船租船 round voyage charter 双程租船 single voyage charter 单程租船 time charter 定期租船 voyage (trip) charter 定程租船 charterer’s freight 包租费 chartered accountant(有合格证书的)特许会计师,注册会计师,执业会计师 chartered agent 特许代理人 chartered bank 特许银行,回租 chartered bus 包车 chartered carrier 包机运输 chartered cornpany 特许公司 chartered financial analyst特许财务分析员 chartered freight 包租费 Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)特许管理会计师公会 chartered of pardon 特赦证明书 chartered of the corporate body 法人章程 chartered plane 包机 chartered public accountant 注册会计师,特许会计师 chartered right 特许权 chartered ship 包船 chartering agent 承租人的代理人 charterer n. 船舶承租人 |