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单词 certificate


n. legal document in a formal style,licenceor patent issued by a sovereign to a subject正规口气的法律文件,君主颁发给臣下的特许证。
△2H.IV. 2. 2. 133(121):“Why,this is a certificate.”嘿,这简直是一张特许证。


[səˈtifikit]adj. 证明,证明书,证书,文凭,执照,凭证[səˈtifikeit]v. 发给证书,批准
‖ Certificate Authority 认证授权
certificate bond 凭证式国债
certificate book 股票存根簿
certificate commercial invoice 经证明
certificate deposit 证券存款
certificate fee 证明费,登记费,签证费
certificate for export出口合格证,输出合格证
certificate for import inspection 进口检验证书 certificate for passage 通行证
certificate for posting of election communication 投寄选举函件证明书
certificate for servicement transfered to civilian work 转业证
Certificate for Student Fares 学生票价证明书
certificate in education 教育证书
certificate indebtedness 借据
certificate market 结汇证市场
certificate No.证件号码
certificate of achievement 奖状
certificate of addition 附加证书
certificate of advanced studies 高级课程证书
certificate of analysis 分析证书,化验证明书,鉴定证明书
certificate of appointment 委任状,委任证书
certificate of appreciation 嘉许书,嘉许状
Certificate of Assessment 评估证明书
certificate of assize 对巡回法庭处理过的事重新审理核准令
Certificate of Attendance overseas education allowance 上课证明书〔海外教育津贴]/certificate of audit 审计证书(明)certificate of authority 许可证
certificate of award 奖状
certificate of balance sheet 资产负债表证明书
certificate of balance 存款凭单(证)certificate of bank balances 银行存款余额证明书
certificate of breakage 货物损毁证书
certificate of cause of death 死因证明书
certificate of commendation 奖状
Certificate of Compensation Assessment 评定补偿证明书
certificate of competency 合格证书
certificate of completion(incompletion,attendance,study)肄业证书,结业证书
certificate of conformity 合格证书
certificate of coroner 验尸官证书
certificate of death 死亡证明书
certificate of delivery 送达证书
certificate of deposit 存款证明,存单,定期大额存单
certificate of deposit rollover 定期存单延期
certificate of diagnosis 诊断证明书
certificate of disability 残废证书
certificate of disablement 残废证
certificate of discharge 退伍证书
certificate of dishonor 拒付证书
Certificate of Education Level Taken overseas education allowance 教育程度证明书(海外教育津贴)/certificate of election 当选证书
certificate of entrustment 委托证书
certificate of exemption 免税证明书
certificate of expending 支出证明书
certificate of export duty exemption 出口免税证明
certificate of export licence 出口许可证
certificate of financial standing 资信证明
eertificate of fitness 健康证明书
certificate of graduation 毕业证书
Certificate of Handing over by aboard 委员会移交存货证明书
certificate of handling overstores 货仓转交证明书
certificate of health 健康证明书
Certificate of Higher Education 高等教育证书
certificate of honorable service 荣誉服役证明书
certificate of honour 荣誉证书
certificate of identification 身份证
certificate of identity 身份证明书
certificate of import license 进口许可证
certificate of incopocation 公司登记执照,公司注册证书
certificate of indebtedness 国库券,债务证书,借款证
certificate of inspection of quality 质量检验证书
certificate of insurance 保险凭证,保险单
certificate of interest 息票
certificate of invention发明证书
certificate of inward clearance 进口结关证书
certificate of manufacture 制造证明书
certificate of marine insurance 海运保险凭证
certificate of marriage 结婚证书
certificate of merit 奖状,立功证书
certificate of nationality 国籍证书
certificate of naturalization 入籍证明书
certificate of non-appearance 不到庭证明书
certificate of origin 货物原产地证明书,原产地证书
certificate of origin form GSP 普惠制原产地证书
certificate of ownership 船舶所有权证明书,财产所有权证书
certificate of ownership of land 土地所有证
certificate of patent 专利证书,专利证
certificate of possession of land 土地所有权状
certificate of posting 邮寄凭证
certificate of preferential treatment优待证
certificate of proficiency 专修证书
certificate of protest 拒付证明书
certificate of pro-vocational education 职前教育证书
certificate of public convenience and necessity公共交通运输业许可证
certificate of purchase 购买证书
certificate of quality 商品质量证书,质量证书
certificate of quantity 数量证书
certificate of registration of mortgage抵押登记凭证
certificate of registration 注册执照,注册证书
certificate of registry 船舶注册证书
certificate of release 解除债务证书
Certificate of Review of Assessment 覆检评估证明书
certificate of satisfaction 清偿证书
Certificate of School Fee Paid overseas education allowance 已缴学校费用证明书
Certificate of Secondary Education (CSE)中等教育证书
certificate of security 担保证书
certificate of service 服务证书
certificate of share 股权证
Certificate of Sixth Year Studies (CSYS)六年制中学毕业证书
certificate of soundness 合格证书
certificate of stock 股票证
certificate of subscription 认股证(书)certificate of tax 纳税证明
certificate of the auditor 审计师报告
certificate of the system of quality certification 质量认证体系认证证书
certificate of time deposit 定期存单
certificate of title 产权证书
certificate of training 培训证书
certificate of transfer 股票转让证书,转让证明书
certificate on capital verification 验资证书
certificate replacement service 补发证书服务
certificate to practise执业证书
Certificate Treasury 凭证式国库券
certificate trial 证据审判
certificates of indebtedness 公债券,国库券,借据
Certificated Master (Mistress)文凭教师
certificated public accountant (CPA)注册会计师
certificated sick leave 有医生证明书证明的病假,有医生证明书的病假
certificated teacher 正式教员
certification n. 证明书,鉴定,资格检定
certification by a notary 公证
certification fee 公证费
certification label 认证标志
certification of carriage 运输证明
certification of fitness 质量合格证
certification of genuineness 公司债券证明书
certification of import 进口许可证
certification of invoice 签证发票
certification of payment 付款保证书
certification of proof 检验证书
certification of record on appeal 审判法官签署的有关上诉复审案卷的签认书
certification of transfer 让与证明书
certify[ˈsə:tifai]v. 证明,保证
◇ certified under the hand of sb.经由某人签名证明
certify teacher 合格师资
certifying bank 付款保证银行
certifying commission鉴定委员会
certifying officer 核证人,核准人
certified accountant 注册会计师
certified accounts 已查证账目
certified appraiser 注册评估师
certified balance sheet 经会计师证明的资产负债表
certified beyond economical repair 业经证实维修不合乎经济原则
certified check register 保兑支票账簿
certified check(cheque)保付支票
certified copy 认证副本,经核证的副本,证明文件
certified correct 经核证无误
certified financial statement 经审定的财务报表
certified good payment 保付
certified internal auditor 注册内部审计人
certified invoice 签证发票,证实发票
certified mail 保证邮件
certified management accountant (CMA)注册管理会计师
certified mortgage 证实抵押 certified product 正品
certified public accountant(CPA)注册会计师 certified public accountant firm 会计师事务所
certified public accountant 注册(公共)会计师
certified sheets注册报表
certified signature 经验证的签名
certified statement 认证报表
certified transfer 已发证转让(股权)/certified true copy 认证副本,经核证无误的副本
certifier n. 证明者,证明人





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