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单词 certain


1. fixed确定的。
△H.V.2.1.15 (14): “Faith,I willlive so long as I may,that’s the certain of it;” i.e.that is a fact. 真的,我能活多久就要活多久,这个主意已定。
△Mer.4.1.60:“a certain loathing”,不变的反感。
2. fixed,unavoidable确定的,不可避免的。
△2H.IV.3.2. 41 (37):“Death,as the Psalmist Saith,is certain toall,all shall die.” (Psalm 89. 48:“ What man is hethat liveth and shall not see death?”)诗篇作者说过,人人都不免一死,人人都要死的。
3. undoubted,reliable,safe无可置疑的,可靠的,安全的。
△Lr.1.2.88 (79):“If it shall please you to suspendyour indignation against my brother till you can de-rive from him better testimony of his intent,you should run a certain course;”i.e. you would be adop-ting a safe plan. 请你暂且按捺怒气,等到从我哥哥那里得到一些更确凿的证据,了解他的真意,那样才是可靠的办法。
△Oth.2.2.2: “that upon certain tidings now arrived,”根据刚才到来的确实消息。
4. particular特殊的。
△1H.IV.4.3.78: “And now,forsooth,takes on him to reform / Some certain edicts”,接着,说实在话,他以修改某几项法令为己任。


1. certainly确实地。
△H.VIII.2.4.69(71):“We are aqueen,or long have dreamed so,certain /The daugh-ter of a king,”我是一位王后,或者说我长久以来一直梦想着我是王后,至少我确确实实是一位国王的女儿。
2. certainly,firmly确实地,牢固地。
△Lr. 4. 2. 32:“That nature which contemns it origin/Cannot bebordered certain in itself.”i.e. cannot be kept safelywithin its own bounds; cannot be trusted not to break its own pale.鄙视自己本源的天性难免就要越出它自己的正常。范围。


adj.确定的,确实的,确凿的,必然的,可靠的,正确的 pron.某几个,某些
◇ be certain of 对…有把握,确实… /for certain肯定的,确实的
make certain 弄清楚
to a certain extent 在某种程度上
‖ certain annuity 固定年金
certain areas 某些地区
certain event 必然事件 certain level 某一水平
certain rate 固定汇率
certainty n.确定,确实性
◇ for a certainty 确实无疑的,肯定的
to a certainty 必然
with certainty 确实地,肯定的
certainty of thinking 思维的确定性
certitude[ˈsə:titju:d]n. 确实,确信
certainly adv.的确,当然,行





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