释义 |
censuren. 1.opinion意见。 △Oth.4.1.281 (270): “I may notbreathe my censure/What he might be.”他会变成什么样子,我不便说出自己的意见。 △Ham.1.3.69:“Take eachman’s censure,but reserve thy judgement.”接受人人的意见,但是要保留自己的判断。 △Ham.1.4.35:“Shall inthe general censure(=public opinion)takecorruption/From that particular fault.”也会由于那点特殊的毛病而在一般舆论中受到曲解。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.3.119(116):“Madam,the King is old enough himself/Togive his censure. These are no women’s matters.”娘娘,国王已经成年了,他自己可以发表意见。这些事不是妇女该管的。 △R.Ⅲ.2.2.143:“Madam,and you my sister,will you go/To give your censures in this business?”母后,还有你,我的嫂嫂,你们可愿去对这件事情表示意见吗? 2. judgement判断。 △Oth.2.3.194(192):“and yourname is great/In mouths of wisest censure.”在最善于判断的人士口中,提起你的名字赞不绝口。 △Ham.3.2.31(26):“the censure of which one must in your allow-ance o’erweigh a whole theatre of others.”而你得承认,这一个明眼人判断的分量要超过整个戏园里其他观众的看法 △Mac.5.4.15 (14): “just censures”,i.e. exactjudgement. 准确的判断。 △1H.Ⅵ. 2.3.9:“Fain wouldmine eyes be witness with mine ears/To give theircensure of these rare reports.”我的眼睛很愿意与我的耳朵一同作个见证,以便对这些非凡的传闻加以判断。 3.blame责备。 △As.4.1.206(195): “therefore be-ware my censure,and keep your promise.”所以,当心我的责骂,不要失信。 △Lr.1.4.331 (209): “which if youshould (i.e.if you do). the fault/Would not scapecensure.”如果真是如此,过错就难逃责难。 △R.Ⅲ.3.5.67(68):“To avoid the censures of the carping world.”免得受到吹毛求疵的世人的指责。 4. criticism批评。 △H.Ⅷ.3.1.61(62): “My lord ofYork,out of his noble nature,/Zeal and obediencehe still bore (i.e.he has always borne)your Grace./Forgetting,like a good man,your late censure/Bothof his truth and him.”约克主教大人(指沃尔西)出于高贵的天性以及他对夫人的一贯热忱和恭顺,像一个善良君子那样,把你最近对他的批评完全忘在脑后。 △As.4.1.8.(6): “everymodern censure”.种种常有的批评(又译:一般人的指责)。 5. judgement,trial,sentence审判,审问,判决。 △Oth.5.2.366 (367):“To you,Lord Governor,/ Remains thecensure of this hellish villain,”总督大人,如何判处这个恶魔一般的奸徒,完全交给你了。
censurevt. 1.judge判断。 △Lr.3.5.3(2):“How,my lord,I maybe censured.”i.e. What people will think of me. 殿下,不知别人会怎样评判我。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.5.97:“If you docensure me by what you were,/Not what you are,”i.e.if you judge me in my lovesickness in comparisonto your own feelings in youth,not to your presentwisdom. 如果你用你自己年轻时的心情、而不是用你现在的心情来判断我的话… 2. pass judgement on,pass sentence on审判,宣判,判决。 △Lr.5.3.1:“Good guard,/Until their greaterpleasures first be known/That are to censure them.”把他们好好看守起来,听候掌握大权者宣判对他们如何发落。 3. approve赞成。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.1.275:“Say you consentand censure well the deed / And I’ll provide his executioner;”只要说你同意和赞成这一行动,我就去给他找刽子手。 ~vi. pass judgement评判。 △Gent.1.2.18:“That I(unworthy body as I am) / Should censure thus onlovely gentlemen.”像我这样的一个卑贱之人,怎么配批评高贵的绅士呢? |