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单词 carve


1. cut up切。
△Com.2.2.121 (117): “That nevermeat sweet-savoured in thy taste,/ Unless I ...carved to thee.”除非是我亲手为你切肉,你永远不会尝出肉的美味。
carve for oneself at will. indulgeone’s own wishes,follow one’s desires为自己切肉,任意取食,满足自己的心愿,按照自己的愿望行事。
△Ham.1.3.19: “He may not,as unvalued persons do,/ Carve forhimself,”i.e. He cannot pick and choose for himself,as ordinary people do. 他不能像普通人那样自由选择。
carve out: cut out雕刻出。
△3H.VI.2.5.24: “ l ocarve out dials quaintly,”巧妙地雕刻出日规。
3. strike with the sword以刀剑攻击,挥刀。
△Oth.2.3.175(173): “He that stirs next to carve for his ownrage”,i.e. He who stirs next to strike with his swordas his fury prompts him.谁再敢挥刀逞凶。(按:carve for又解作satisfy“满足”,indulge“放纵”。)
4. design,plan设计。
△Ado.2.3.17(16):“and nowwill he lie ten nights awake carving the fashion of anew doublet;”如今他可以十夜不睡,设计一件新的紧身衣的式样。~ vi.
1.make affected gestures with the hand装模作样地打手势。
△L.L.L.5.2.324 (323): “A’can carve too,andlisp;”他会扭捏作态,嗲声嗲气地说话。
2. make amorous gestures做挑逗手势。
△Wiv.1.3.47(45):“She discourses,she carves,”她陪我谈心,她做出卖弄风情的姿势。


v. 雕刻,镂,切,努力取得
◇ carve a career=carve (out) a career 谋求发迹
carve out one’s way 开辟道路
carve up瓜分,划分
carve up the territory of another country 瓜分别国领土
‖ carve a reproduction of an inscription or painting 摹刻
carve characters 刻字
carved bamboo picture 竹刻画
carved bones 骨雕
carved decoration 剔花
carved furniture 雕刻家具
carved lacquer ware 雕漆工艺品
carved patterns 雕花
carved porcelain 瓷雕
carved seal 刻印
carved stone 石刻,石雕
Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature《文心雕龙》 carving chisel 雕刻凿(刀)carving knife 雕刻刀
carving on stone石雕,石刻
carving on wood 木雕
carver n.雕刻学家,雕工





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