释义 |
capablea. 1. prone (to),liable to be affected (by)倾向于…的,易受…影响的。 △H.VIII.5.3.10 (5.2.45): “but we allare men,/In our own natures frail,and capable /Ofour flesh;” i.e. and liable to be affected by the weak-nesses of our flesh,or by bodily desires. 但是我们都是人,我们的本性都是脆弱的,很容易受尘世欲念的影响。 2. capable of feeling,sensitive,responsive,suscepti-ble能有感情的,敏感的,有反应的,易受感动的。 △Ham.3.4.125(126): “His form and cause conjoined,preachingto stones,Would make them capable.” i.e.His ap-pearance,taken together with the cause he pleads.would make even stones capable of feeling if he ad-dressed them. 他的样子,再加上他的冤情,即使向石头诉说,也会使它们感动的。 3. gifted,intelligent有天赋的,聪明的。 △R.III.3.1.154: “O,’tis parlous boy,/Bold,quick,ingenious,forward,capable:/He is all the mother’s,from thetop to toe.”啊,这是个伶俐的孩子,大胆,敏捷,机智,早熟,聪明——他从头到脚完全像他的母亲。 4. capacious,comprehensive,ample容量大的,全面的,充足的。 △Oth.3.3.460 (459): “Till that a capable andwide revenge/Swallow them up.”直到一种全面而广阔的复仇把他们吞没。 5. perceptible可以看得出的。 △As.3.5.23:“capableimpressure”,i.e. impression that can be seen 可以看得出的印痕。 6. legally able to inherit能合法继承的。 △Lr.2.1.85(83): “and of my land/Loyal and natural boy,I’llwork the means/To make thee capable.”至于我的土地,忠诚而孝顺的孩子,我自会设法使你能够继承。 capable of: ❶susceptible to,open to,able to receive可能有…的,容易受到…的,能接受…的。 △2H.IV.1.1.172:“You were advised his flesh was capable/Of woundsand scars;”你明白他的肉体可能受到创伤。 ❷able to takein,appreciative of,responsive to能接受,能欣赏,对…有共鸣。 △Ham.3.2.11 (10): “to spleet the ears of thegroundlings,who for the most part are capable ofnothing but inexplicable dumb shows and noise.”震裂站票观众的耳朵,这班人当中大多数是什么也不懂,只赏识莫名其妙的摹拟笑剧和喧闹。 |