cancelvt. 1. annul取消,使无效。 △R.Ⅲ.4.4.77:“Cancel hisbond of life,dear God,I pray,”亲爱的上帝呀,我祈求你把他的生命合同取消。 2. strike off,destroy抹去,破坏。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.1.99(98):“shameful is this league,/ Fatal this marriage,cancelling your fame,”这个盟约是可耻的,这桩婚姻预示着不幸,破坏了你们的声誉。 cancel[ˈkænsl]v. 删掉,取消,作废,盖戳,抵偿,抵消,注销 ‖ cancel a bill 作废票据 cancel a contest 取消比赛 cancel a contract 撤销合同,解约 cancel a debt 销账 cancel a goal 投中无效 cancel after verification 核销 cancel a meeting 取消会议 cancel an order 取消订货 cancel a visa 吊销签证 cancel debt 销账 cancel the registration 办理注销登记 cancelled ballot ticket 废票 cancelled bond 已注销债券 cancelled cheque 注销支票 cancelled invoice 已注销发票 cancelled out 相互抵消 cancelled share 注销股份 cancelling clause 解约条款 cancelling date 相约取消期限 cancelling order 撤销指令 cancellation n. 取消 cancellation amount 注销金额 cancellation charges 注销费 cancellation clause 撤销条款 cancellation money 解约金 cancellation notice 保险单注销通知,取消通知 cancellation of adoption 撤销收养 cancellation of balances of accounts 余额转账 cancellation of bill of exchange 注销汇票 cancellation of contract 撤销合同 cancellation of debt (COD)取消债务 cancellation of document 撤销证书 cancellation of franchise撤销特许权 cancellation of household registration 注销户口 cancellation of indebtedness取消债务 cancellation of indebtedness 取消债务 cancellation of insurance 退保 cancellation of licence 吊销注销 cancellation of registration 注销登记 cancellation of reinsurance contract 注消分保合同 cancellation of treaty 注销合同 cancellation of will 撤销遗嘱 cancellation stamp 注销戳 cancellation test 删涂测验 right of cancellation 注销权 cancelable lease 不定期租赁 cancelation =cancellation cancellation law 消去律 |