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单词 call


△Lr.2.4.229(226):“Let shame come when it will. I do not call it.”让耻辱要来的时候自己来,我不必呼唤它。
△Lr.4.5.35:“I praydesire her call her wisdom to her.”请你让她放明智一点。
△1H.Ⅳ.3.1.53 (52):“I can call spirits from the va-sty deep.”我能从广阔无垠的下界召唤鬼魂。
△H.Ⅷ.2.1.137:“O. this is full of pity! Sir,it calls,/I fear,toomany curses on their heads/That were the authors.”啊,这太可怜了! 先生,无数诅咒怕要落到那些主使者头上了。
2. call upon. visit访问。
△Tw.3.2.58(52):“We’llcall thee at the cubiculo.”我们到你的住处找你。
3. call for请求,要求。
△Mid.3.2.26:“and help fromAthens calls.”有人喊叫雅典来救命。
4. appoint. designate委任,选派。
△1H.Ⅵ.5.1.28:“What,is my Lord of Winchester installed,/AndCalled unto a cardinal’s degree?”怎么,温彻斯特大人已经升官,升到了红衣主教的位子了吗?
Phrases & Expressions:
call back: revoke撤回。
△H.Ⅷ.2.4.232 (235):“tocall back her appeal/She intends unto his Holiness.”撤回她打算呈给教皇的上诉。
call forth: tell (one) to come,summon把…叫来,召唤。
△1H.Ⅳ.2.4.584 (527):“Go call him forth.”去把他叫来。
call in question: ❶doubt of怀疑。
△As.5.2.6(5):“Neither call the giddiness of it in question,”这件事进行得匆促,你不必怀疑。
❷call into consideration,call tomind,bring into thoughts,consider使考虑,使想起,考虑。
△Rom.1.1.234 (228):“’Tis the way/To call hers,exquisite,in question more.”i.e.That is theway to make me think more about the perfect beauty


v. 呼喊,催场,开演前对演员的提醒,试听表演,预演,召集排演,要求,称呼,召集,开会,打电话,拜访,责备,叫牌,股款催缴,要求偿还,买入期权 n. 号召,军号声,鼓点,叫,喊,拜访,电话,要求,叫牌
◇ be called out 奉令服役
be called to testify 被传唤作证
be called to the bar 被接纳为大律师
call a meeting 召集会议
call a spade a spade 直言不讳
call after 以…命名,追喊
call at 停靠
call attention to 引起对…的注意
call away 走开
call back 收回,叫回
call for 接人,要求,需
call for bid 招标 call for comment 征询意见
call for fire 火力要求
call for nomination 吁请提名
call for the order of the day 宣布本日议程
call forth引起,使起作用
call heaven to witness 对天发誓
call in 召集,召见,作短暂访问
call in arrears 催收欠款
call in question 对…表示怀疑
call in testimony 传唤出庭作证
call in the blind 盲目呼叫
call it a day 收工
call it quits 停止
call of the house 开会通知
call off 取消
call on 造访,晋见,谒见
call out 大声叫唤,号召
call over the coals 责备,申诉
call sb. in evidence 传唤某人出庭作证
call sb. in question 对案件怀疑
call sb.names 谩骂某人
call sb. to account 谴责某人
call sb.’s attention to sth.叫某人注意某事
call sth. one’s own 称某物是自己的 call the jury 抽签决定陪审员,选出陪审员
call the roll 点名
call the tunes 发号施令
call to accout 责问
call to arms 武装,动员
call to order 宣布开会 call to task 责备
call to the bar 被接纳为律师的仪式
call up 打电话,使人回忆起
call witness to 请…作证
have the call 处于主要地位
on call 随时偿付,随叫随到
pay a call 访问
pay an official call 拜会
within call 在附近
‖ an official call to arms 檄文
call a foul 宣判犯规
call a game 裁判员宣布停止比赛
call a target 喊靶
call circular 邀请提名通告,申请通告
call duty 候命职务
call for good hand speed 要求出手快
call girl 应召女郎
call lamp 催演员上场的信号灯
call list 排演日程表
call market (one day market)通知市场,短期同业拆放市场
call money market 拆借市场
call number 书号
call off order 分订单
call oneself 自称
call option 回购权,买方期权
call out the time 报时
call over the names 点名
call premium 赎回溢价
call price 接算价
call register 通话记录
call slip 索书单
call spread derivative warrant 跨价衍生权证
call the play 提场喊话
call the roll 点名
call the score 报分
call the switch打招呼换防
call the time 比赛暂停
call the toss 抽签时选择硬币的面
call time 宣布时间已到,暂停比赛
call to account 追究责任
call to mind 回忆
call to one’s respects 拜望
call to order 要求遵守规则,宣布开会
call to the start 起滑点名
call together 邀集
call umpire 主裁判
call-up age 征集年龄
call warrant 认购权证,回购权证
call writer 认购期权沽出者
courtesy call 礼节性拜会
farewell call 辞行拜会
long-distance call 长途电话
trunk-call 长途电话
calls in arrear欠付催缴股款
called game 中止比赛
called-up capital 己催缴股本
calling card 名片
calling forward notice 要求交货通知
calling pay 加班工资
calling the docket 宣布审理案件名单
calling the jury 宣布陪审团名单
calling the plaintiff 传唤原告到庭
calling upon a prisoner 传讯罪犯
callable adj.callable bond 通知偿还债券
callable preferred stock 可赎回优先股
call-bell n. 电铃,呼叫铃
call-board n. 公告栏(板),通告板
callbox n. 电话亭
callee[kɔ:ˈli:]n. 被呼叫者,被访问者,受话人
caller n. 呼喊者,拜访者,打电话者
call-girl n. 应召女郎
call-in n. 热线交谈,电话点播节目
call-signal n . 呼叫
callout n . 插图的编号
call-over n. 公开作价
call-signal n. 呼叫
call-wire n. 联络线





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