caken. cake of roses: rose petals pressed into a cake for theperfume玫瑰香饼。 △Rom.5.1.47:“old cakes of ro-ses”,几块陈年的玫瑰香饼。 cakes and ale: traditional food and drink for churchholidays and festivals,which were the occasion ofmuch merry-making and so were condemned by Puri-tans. 糕饼和啤酒— —代表在宗教节庆日的传统饮食:(转义)饮酒作乐,(凡此皆为当时清教徒所反对。) △Tw.2.3.124(114): “Dost thou think because thou art virtuous,there shall be no more cakes and ale?”(Malvolio is apuritan and so would naturally dislike them. Sir Tobyintends to say that merry-making will continue inspite of people like Malvolio.)你以为你自己道德高尚,便不许别人饮酒作乐了吗? (按:马伏里奥为清教徒,故托比爵士有此反讥。) cake[keik]n. 饼,蛋糕,块,块状物,钢锭 v.结成块,黏结 ◇ cake and ale 欢乐 have one’s cake and eat it两者同时兼得 sell like hot cakes 销售很旺 take the cake 最糟糕,得奖,获胜 ‖ cakey[ˈkeiki]adj. 凝固的 caking n. 烧结(烤),晒干,烤干 caked adj. 压成饼状的,压扁的 cake-walk[ˈkeikwɔ:k]adj.步态舞蹈,跳步态舞 ‖ cake-walk wedding 婚礼滑稽歌舞节目 |