释义 |
byad. 1. near by,close by在附近,在近旁。 △TW.4.3.24:“the chantry by,”i.e.the chapel close by.附近的小教堂。 △Com.3.2.56:“For gazing on your beams. fairsun,being by.”那是离你,美丽的太阳,太近了,照昏了眼睛。 △H.V.4.2.30: “Though we upon this mountain’sbasis by/Took stand for idle speculation,”虽然我们尽可站在附近的山脚下袖手旁观。 △R.III.1.2.235 (233):“The bleeding witness of my hatred by,”i.e.KingHenry’s bleeding corpse is a witness to Lady Anne’shatred of Richard. 可以为她对我的憎恨作证的血淋淋的尸体就在近旁。 fast by: close by迫近地。 △2H.VI.3.2.188: “Whofinds the heifer dead and bleeding fresh,/And seesfast by a butcher with an axe,/But will suspect ’twashe that made the slaughter?”谁要是发现一头小母牛流着鲜血死去,而又在眼前看到一个手持斧头的屠夫,能不怀疑这头牛是他杀的吗? 2. aside在旁边,在一边。 △Mer.4.1.289 (288): “Yourwife would give you little thanks for that/If shewere by to hear you make the offer.”你的妻子若是在旁边听见你说这话,怕不见得会感激你吧。 △Rom.1.2.99(94):“Tut,you saw her fair,none else being by,”嘘,你觉得她美,只因没有别人在旁边。 △Lr.4.7.23 (22): “Beby,good madam,when we do awake him,”娘娘,我们叫醒他时请你在旁边。 △Oth.5.2.30:“I will walk by.”我在一边走着。 3. present在场。 △As.1.2.176 (164): “I ’ll not beby.”我就躲开。 △3H.VI.5.5.55: “If this foul deedwere by to equal it.”如果这桩罪恶行为也在那里与它相比的话。
byprep. 1. about,concerning关于,对于。 △L.L.L.4.3.150(148):“I would not have him know so much by me.”我不愿让他知道关于我的一切经历。 △Mer.1.2. 57 (54):“How say you by the French lord,Monsieur Le Bon?”关于那位法国贵族勒·滂先生,你又觉得怎样呢? △Ado.5.1.316 (303):“In any thing that I do know by her.”我所知道的有关她的任何事情。 △Oth.1.3.17:“How say youby this change?” i.e. What do you think about thischange?你们对于这一变动有什么意见? 2. at the side of,beside,near在…旁边,靠近。 △2H.VI. 3.2.387: “If thou be found by me,thou art but dead.”如果发现你在我身边,你就死定了。 △1H.IV. 2. 3. 25(22):“’Zounds,an I were now by this rascal,I could brain him with his lady’s fan.”他妈的,假如我现在就在这个混蛋身边,我就要拿他太太的扇子打他的脑子。 3. by means of,on account of借助于,由于。 △Mac.3.4.125(124): “By maggot-pies and choughs and rooks”,借助于喜鹊、乌鸦和白嘴鸦。 △3H.VI.3.3.186:“Did I forget that by the house of York/ My father came untimely to his death?”难道我忘记了我的父亲正是由于约克家族才遭到横死的吗? △R.III.4.4.344 (343):“Infer fair England’s peace by this alliance.”可以提出由于这一联姻而为美丽的英格兰所带来的和平。 4. by reason of,because of由于,因为。 △Rom.2.2.53:“By a name/I know not how to tell thee who I am.”只因为一个名字,我不知怎么跟你说我是谁。 5. judging by,judging from根据…来判断。 △Mac. 5.7.65 (5. 9. 2):“and yet,by these I see,”但是就我眼前所见的这些人说起来。 △1H.IV.1.1.57:“As by discharge of their artillery”,根据关于双方炮击的情况看来。 6. through通过,由于。 △H.VIII.2.1.121: “Yet thus far we are one in fortunes: both/Fell by our servants,by those men we loved most;”但是我们的命运在这一点仍是相同的:我们两人都是因为我们的仆人、我们最亲信的人而遭到陷害。 7. from从。 △1H.VI.2.3.68:“I find thou art no less than fame hath bruited,/ And more than may be gathered by thy shape.”我发现你的确是名不虚传,不能仅从外貌上来推断。 8. at the...一…。 △1H.VI.5.4.120: “for boiling choler chokes / The hollow passage (i.e.throat) of my poisoned voice/By sight of these our baleful enemies.”因为一看见我们的这些恶狠狠的敌人,怒气就堵塞住我的喉咙,使我说不出话来。 9,for 指。 △Mer.2.9.25: “That many may bemeant/By the fool multitude that choose by show,”那“众人”也许是指那无知的群众,他们只知道凭着外表取人。 10. for计,达。 △H.VIII. 2. 4. 46 (48): “My father,King of Spain. was reckoned one / The wisest princethat there had reigned by many / A year before .”(one/The wisest prince: one of the wisest princes.)我的父亲西班牙国王也被公认为多年以来在位执政的最英明的君主。 Phrases & Expressions: by and by: soon,before long,without delay,in a mo-ment,immediately,at once不久,赶快,立刻,即刻,马上。 △L.L.L.5.2.96: “by and by disguised they will behere.”不久他们就要化装来到这里了。 △Gent.4.2.106(103):“And by and by intend to chide myself/Evenfor this time I spend in talking to thee.”而且不久我就会责怪我自己,不该浪费时间跟你谈这一次话。 △Wiv.4.1.7:“I’ll be with her by and by;” 我等会儿就到她那里去。 △Tw.3.4.194(174):“and will by and by depart.”很快就要出来了。 △Tw.4.2.78(71):“Come by and by tomy chamber.” 随后到我屋子里来吧。 △As.4.3.140(138):“By and by.”别急,马上就说。 △Mid.4.1.186(180):“For in the temple,by and by,with us/Thesecouples shall eternally be knit.”这两对情人不久就要跟我们一起到神庙里同时永缔良缘。 △Rom.2.2.151:“By andby,I come—”我马上就来。 △Rom.3.3.75(76):“Runto my study.—By and by! —God’s will.”跑到我的书房里。——就来了! ——上帝啊! △Rom.3.4.34:“it is so very late that we/May call it early by and by.”天已经这样晚了,等一会儿我们就可以说是早晨了。 △Rom.5.3.284:“And by and by my master drew on him,”不一会儿,我的主人就拔剑跟他打了起来。 △Ham.5.2.307 (293):“I dare not drink yet,madam; by and by.”现在我还不敢唱,母亲;等一等。 △2H.Ⅵ.1.3.1:“My Lord Protector will come this way by and by.”护国公大人很快就要从这条路上过来。 △2H.Ⅵ.2.1.141 (138):“Now fetch me a stool hither by and by.”现在马上给我拿一张小凳子来。 by any means: in all possible ways. by all means尽一切办法,千方百计。 △Rom.1.1.150(145):“Have you importuned him by any means?”你可曾想一切办法追问过他? by’ lady (by’r lady): (mild oath) by Our Lady,the Virgin Mary(轻誓)圣母在上。 △Ham.2.2.453(424):“What,my young lady and mistress(i.e.the boy actor who played the women’s parts)! By’lady,your ladyship is nearer to heaven than when I saw you last, by the altitude of a chopine.”啊,我的年轻姑娘,我的小姐!凭着圣母起誓,你穿上了厚底木鞋,比我上次看见你的时候,个子高得跟天更近了。(按:这里说的“姑娘”,指的是扮演女角的童伶。) by me: to me,i.e.to injure me对我不利。 △L.L.L.5.2.634: “Though my mocks come home by me,I will now be merry.”尽管我的讥嘲落回到我自己的头上,我现在还是要开玩笑。 by my troth: indeed说真的。 △Tw.1.3.4:“By my troth,Sir Toby,you must come in earlier o’ nights.”真的,托比老爷,您晚上得早点儿回来。 by’r lady: (an oath) By Our Lady,i.e.the Virgin Mary(誓语)圣母在上。 △Rom.1.5.37(33):“By’r la dy,thirty years.” 我敢说,有三十年了。 △Tw.2.3.67(62):“By’r lady,sir,and some dogs will catch well.”真的,先生,有些狗也很会唱歌。 △1H.Ⅳ.2.4.49(45):“Five year! By’r lady,a long lease for the clinking of pewter.”五年哪! 圣母娘娘在上,端着锡镴酒杯丁丁当当的,这时间可真长啊! by that: on account of that,by reason of that,therefore因此,所以。 △3H.Ⅵ.4.4.12: “Fell Warwick’s brother,and by that our foe.”那是凶恶的沃里克的哥哥,因此也是我们的仇敌。 by the ears:without ceremony不客气地。 △Rom.3.1.85(80):“pluck your sword out of his pilcher by the ears”,不必客气地把剑抽出鞘来。 by the way: ❶on the way在路上。 △R.Ⅲ.2.2.147(148):“For by the way I’ll sort occasion,”因为在路上我要寻找一个机会。 ❷indirectly; casually间接地;偶然地。 △Mac.3.4.130(129): “I hear it by the way; but Iwill send.”i.e. I have heard of his refusal indirectly,but I will send to get direct information.我偶然这样听说;不过我是要派人去的。 by this: ❶by this time在这个时候,到这个时候,此时。 △Ado.1.1.3:“He is very near by this.”这个时候他已经很近了。 △Shr.4.5.62:“The sister to my wife...Thy son by this hath married.”在这个时候,你的儿子多半已经和我妻子的妹妹结婚了。 △3H.Ⅵ.5.5.88:“and let’saway to London / And see our gentle queen how wellshe fares: By this,I hope,she hath a son for me.”我们到伦敦,看一看我那温柔的王后过得可好;我希望,这时候她已经给我生下一个儿子。 ❷by now 现在,此刻。 △Wiv.5.5.191(174):“If Anne Page be my daughter,she is,by this,Doctor Caius’ wife.”只要安·裴琪是我的女儿,此刻她已经做了凯斯医生的太太了。 △3H.Ⅵ.5.1.3:“By this atDunsmore,marching hitherward.”现在该到邓斯摩尔了,正向这里进军。 ❸according to this reasoning如此说来。 △2H.Ⅵ.3.1.243:“So that,by this,you would nothave him die.”那么,如此说来,你是不想让他死了。 by this hand: I swear我发誓。 △Oth,4.1.183(175):“Yours,by this hand.”是你的,我敢发誓。 by this light: (An oath) by God’s light(赌咒语)老天在上。 △Ado.5.1.143(140):“By this light,he changesmore and more.”天哪,他的脸色越变越难看了。 by yea and no: most certainly (based on Matthew 5:37) 的的确确地,实实在在地。(原文为成语,据《马太福音》第5章第37节。) △Wiv.1.1.89 (87):“Sir,I thank you; byyea and no,I do.”先生,我谢谢你;实实在在地,我谢谢你。by your leave: (a common formula of departure) ex-cuse me(告别之语)容我告退。 △Mer.2.4.15:“By yourleave,sir.”告辞了,先生。 by[bai]prep.在…旁边,靠近,沿着,通过,由于,按照,在…之前 adv.在旁边,过去,通过,在一边 ◇ by and by 不久以后,很快地 by and large 总的说来,大体上 by any chance 万一 by the by 顺便说一说 by then 到那时,在那时以前 by-(前缀)次要的,附带的,副的,旁的,私的 ‖ by-channel n. 支渠 by-effect n. 副作用 by-end n. 私人 bygone n. 过时的 by-lane n. 小巷 by-law n. 地方法规 by-level n.中间水平 by-line n. 副业 by-motive n. 隐蔽的动机 by-name n. 绰号,外号 bypass n.支路,迂回 v. 绕过,回避 bypassing n. 分流 bypath n.小路 by-place n. 偏僻处 byplay n. 附带行动 by-product 副产品 by-street n. 背街 by-water n. 旧河床 byway n. 小路 byword n. 俗语,绰号 bywork n.业余的,副业,兼职
by[bai]prep.经,由,依据,按照,在附近,在旁边,轮空 by agreement 同意,依约 by and large 总的说来,大体上 by any chance 万一 by the by 顺便说一说 ‖ by a definite date 为期 by fax 传真文件,传真函件 by gone 过时的 by hand 专人送交,专人送递,面呈,专递文件 by laws(公司)章程 by oneself 自行 by stages 分期 by stander 候补陪审员 by tapping the potential and upgrading the technology 通过挖潜改造 by telling him what is right 晓以大义 by word 口头禅 by-bidding n. 抬价拍卖 bye[bai]int. 再见 by-election 补缺选举,补选 by-end 私人 by-law 地方法规,附则,章程,细则 by-level 中等演技,中间水平 by-line 副业 by-name 绰号,外号 by-note交替音 bypass n. 支路,迂回,回避 bypass the immediate leadership and report to high levels 越级上报 by-place 偏僻处 byplay附带行动 by-plot 次要情节 by-product industry 副产物加工业 by-product 副产品 bystander effect 旁观者效应 bystander in a court 法庭旁听者 |