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单词 but


refl. pron.
1. who not. that not
△Wiv.1.4.15(14): “but nobody but has his fault”,但是每个人都不免有他的短处。
△R.III.3.6.12: “Yet who’s so bold but says he seesit not?”但是谁的胆子那么大,竟敢不说他看不出来?
2. which not,that not
△Mer.5.1.60: “There’s notthe smallest orb which thou behold’st/But in his mo-tion like an angel sings.”你所看见的每一颗微小的星球,在转动的时候无不像天使一样歌唱。


1. except除了…之外。
△Tw.5.1.105 (101):“but thathe may not have.”i.e. except what he may not have;Olivia’s love. 除了他不能得到的那一点(奥丽维娅之爱)之外。
△Rom.Prol.11: “Which,but their children’s end, nought could remove,” i.e. Which nothing,excepttheir children’s death,could remove. 除了他们儿女的双双死亡,什么也无法把它平息。
△Ham.3.1.137(131):“Letthe doors be shut upon him. that he may play the foolnowhere but in’s (= his) own house.”给他关上门,让他只在自己家里胡闹。
△Mac.3.4.102 (101): “Take anyshape but that.”(that: that of a ghost.)无论你用什么形状,只要不是这个样子。
△2H.IV.5.3.91 (89): “By’r La-dy. I think’a be,but goodman Puff of Barson.” (Si-lence takes Pistol’s “greatest” to mean “fattest”.)凭圣母起誓,我想除了庄稼汉巴森的泼夫以外,他就是最胖大的了。
△H.V.2.2.135: “Not working with the eye withoutthe ear,/ And but in purged judgement trusting nei-ther?”知人论事,不仅用眼看,还要用耳听,而且除非自有明断,绝不轻信所见所闻。
△H.V.3.7.22 (21):“He is pure airand fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him,but only in patient stillnesswhile his rider mounts him.”它是纯粹的“风”与“火”;在它身上从来没有显出“土”和“水”这两种重浊的元素,除非当它安静不动,好让骑它的人跨上脊背的时候。
△2H.VI.2.2.81:“Richard shall live to make the Earl of Warwick/The greatest man in England but the King.”理查有朝一日必使沃里克伯爵在英国成为除国王之外最大的人物。
△2H.VI.3.2.287:“He shall not breathe infection inthis air/But three days longer,on the pain ofdeath.”他三天以内必须离开,不得在三天之外再散布毒素污染这里的空气,否则立即处死。
△3H.VI.4.3.21:“Ay,wherefore else (i.e. otherwise why) guard we his roy-al tent/But to defend his person from night-foes?”是呀,要不然,我们守卫着国王的宝帐,除了保卫圣驾不受夜晚敌人的袭击,又是为了什么呢?
△H.VIII.3.1.116(117):“If ye beanything but churchmen’s habits,”如果你们不仅仅白白披着一身道袍。
2. except for,except除非。
△2H.IV.2.3.7: “Alas,sweet wife,my honour is at pawn,/And but my go-ing,nothing can redeem it.”唉呀,亲爱的妻子,我的荣誉正处在存亡关键,除非我亲自前往,没有什么东西能够把它挽救。
△1H.IV.1.3.77: “Why,yet he doth deny hisprisoners,/But with proviso and exception”,嘿,他到现在还是拒绝交出俘虏,除非按照他所提出的条件。
3. anything but除了…不。
△2H.IV.4.5. 84 (85):“That tyranny,which never quaffed but blood,”非血不饮(又译:嗜血成性)的暴君。
4. than比起。
△Ham.1.1.100:“which is no other,/As it doth well appear unto our state / But to recoverof us,by strong hand/ And terms compulsatory,those foresaid lands”,用意所在,我们的当局看得很清楚,无非是要用武力和强迫的条件从我们手里恢复上述的那些土地。
no more. .. but: no more ...than无非,仅仅。
△H.V.4.1.255 (235): “every fool whose sense no more canfeel/But his own wringing!”每一个傻瓜,而他所能感觉到的仅仅是他自己的肚子疼!
5. before在…以前,不久…就。
△Mac.4.2.22: “I takemy leave of you; / Shall not be long but I’ll be hereagain.”我告辞了;不久我还会再来。


1. nothing but,only,just,merely,simply只不过,仅仅,只。
△L.L.L.1.1. 225:“but so”,不过如此。
△Wiv.4.1.7:“I’ll but bring my young man here to school.”我还要把我这个小家伙送到学校。
△Mer.1.1.154 (153):“spend but time”,不过是浪费时间。
△Mid.5.1.19:“ifit would but apprehend some joy,”只要它感到一些快乐。
△Tw.1.5.273 (252): “O.such love / Could be but recompensed.”啊,这样的爱情仅仅得到应有的回报。
△Tw.2.4.2:“Now,good Cesario,but that piece of song,”喂,好西萨里奥,只要那支歌。
△Tw. 4. 2. 99 (89):“But aswell! Then you are mad indeed,if you be no better inyour wits than a fool.”仅仅和我一样! 那么你可真是疯了,假如你的头脑只是和傻子一样。
△Rom.3.3.135 (136):“For whose dear sake thou wast but lately dead.”为了她你刚才还难过得要死。
△Rom.4.5.46: “But one,poorone,one poor and loving child,/But one thing to re-joice and solace in,”只有这一个,可怜的一个,一个可怜又可爱的孩子,我惟一的快乐和安慰。
△Ham.2.2.293 (278):“Why,anything—but to the purpose.”随便说什么,只是要对题。
△Oth.1.1.158 (157):“Which is indeed but sign.”那不过是幌子而已。
△Oth.3.4.103(104):“Theyare all but stomachs,and we all but food;”他们全不过是胃口,我们全不过是食物。
△Oth.3.4.118(119): “Butto know so must be my benefit;” i.e. To be suremerely of that will be better than uncertainty. 仅仅知道如此,我也受惠不浅。
△Mac.1.7.6:“But here,uponthis bank and shoal of time,”仅仅在这人世上,在这时间大海的岸滩上。
△Mac.1.7.8: “that we but teach/Bloody instructions,which,being taught,return/Toplague th’ inventor.” i.e. We only teach others howto murder,and the instructions,once taught,comeback to trouble the person who thought of them. 我们用血腥手段教人,不过是把人教会了,反过来灾殃再落到创始者头上。
△2H.IV.5.4. 71 (65):“I am,my lord,but as mybetters are,/That led me hither.”大人,我不过是跟领我到这里来的那些地位比我高的人们一样罢了。
△H.V.2.2.8:“Nay,but the man that was his bedfellow,” i.e.onlyto think that the man...不仅如此,只消想一想曾经是国王的密友与他同榻而眠的那个人…
△3H.VI.3.1.80:“No,/For we were subjects but while you were king.”不,我们仅仅在你当国王的时候才是你的臣民。
△3H.VI.4.3.25:“But follow me,and Edward shall be ours.”只要跟我来,爱德华就一定在我们手里。
△3H.VI.4.7.37:“What,fear not,man,but yield me up the keys.”怎么,你,别担心,只用把钥匙交给我就行了。
△R.Ⅲ.1.3.165 (164):“But repetition of what thou hast marred.”i.e.onlyreciting what you have impaired.仅仅为了把你破坏掉的事情重述一遍;仅仅为了重述你所干的坏事。
and it be but: if only即使仅仅…
△2H.Ⅳ.4.7.112(106):“He shall die,and it be but for pleading sowell for his life.”即使仅仅因为他讨命的话说得这么好,他也得死。
but said: merely spoken仅仅说过。
△2H.Ⅵ.3.2.293:“Had I but said,I would have kept my word;” 只要是我仅仅说过的话,我就要照话去办。
but that:i.e.only that one,only that once仅仅那一回
△2H.Ⅳ.2.1.99 (97):“But that in all my life,when I was a youth.”我一辈子仅有那么一回,那时候我还是个年轻人。
2. just刚刚。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.5.203 (204):“And all myfriends,which thou must make thy friends,/ Havebut their stings and teeth newly ta’en out;”我所有的那些朋友,你也必须当做你自己的朋友的,他们的毒刺和利牙不过才刚刚拔掉。
but now: just now,even now刚才,刚刚。
△2H.Ⅵ.4.9 .34:“But now is Cade driven back,his mendispersed,/And now is York in arms to second him . ”凯德刚刚被打退,他的部下刚散,现在约克就起兵响应他。
△R.Ⅲ.1.3.31:“But now the Duke of Buckinghamand I/Are come(i.e. have come) from visitin g hisMajesty.”白金汉公爵和我刚刚见过陛下,才从那里出来。
3. just,exactly恰恰,正是。
but dead: as good as dead必死无疑。
△2H.Ⅵ.3.2.387:“If thou be found by me,thou art but dead.”如果发现你在我身边,你就死定了。


conj. 1.unless,except除非。
△Tw.1.5.295(274):“O,youshould not rest/Between the elements of air andearth,/But you should pity me!”啊,你在天地之间将不能得到安宁,除非你怜悯我!
△Shr.3.1.63 (62):“but I bedeceived,/Our fine musician groweth amorous.”除非我看错,我们这位音乐家有点动情了。
△As.3.2.50(48):“you salute not at the court but you kiss your hands;”i.e.You do not salute without kissing your hands. 你们在宫廷里一见人行礼就要吻手。
△As.3.5.5:“Falls notthe axe upon the humbled neck/But first begs par-don.” i.e. except that he begs pardon; without beg-ging pardon.在低垂的颈项上落下斧头之前,也总要先说一声对不起。
△Rom.2.2.76: “And but thou love me,let them find me here;”但如果你不爱我,就让他们在这里把我找到。
2. if.…not如果…不…
△L.L.L.4.1.99 (96): “I ammuch deceived but I remember (= if I do not remember)the style.”我若是记不得这个笔调,那就未免太怪了。
△Tw.3.1.35(39):“I would be sorry,sir,but thefool should be as oft with your master as with my mis-tress.”i. e.I should be sorry if the fool were not oftenwith your master,etc.(Feste hints that Cesario is“the fool”and that he is better with his master than hanging about Olivia.)先生,我真要感到抱歉了,如果傻子不常常留在你主人家里正像常常在我的小姐这里一样。(按:小丑这话暗示说西萨里奥也是一个“傻子”,他该留在奥西诺公爵家里,而不该常到奥丽维娅这里纠缠。)
△Oth. 3. 3. 90: “Perditioncatch my soul/But I do love thee!”如果我不爱你,愿我的灵魂永堕地狱!
△Ham.5.1.250 (228):“And but thatgreat command o’ersways the order,”要不是朝廷的严命强压住教规。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.3.33 (30):“I would be sorry,my lord,but it should be thus.” i.e.if it were not thus; if it were otherwise. 如果事情不是这样,我倒要觉得遗憾了。
3. if it were not that若非,要不是。
△Oth.1.3.193:“I >here do give thee that with all my heart/Which but thou hast already,with all my heart/I would keep







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