释义 |
bucklern. small round shield,shield小圆盾,盾牌。 △Rom.1.1.s. d.: “Enter Sampson andGregory,with swords andbucklers,of the house of Capu-let.”凯普莱特家的萨姆森与葛莱古里持剑盾上。 △2H.IV.1.2.0.s.d.:“Enter Sir John Falstaff,with his Page bearing his swordand buckler,”约翰·福斯塔夫爵士上,其侍童持剑盾随上。 △1H.Ⅳ.2.4.189 (167): “mybuckler cut through and through,my sword hackedlike a hand-saw—”我的盾牌被一遍又一遍戳透,我的剑砍缺得像一把手锯。 
sword and buckler
bucklervt. 1.shield,defend,protect庇护,保卫,保护。 △Shr.3.2.242 (239):“I’ll buckler thee”,我要保护你。 △2H.Ⅵ. 3.2.216:“But that the guilt of murder bucklers thee,/And I should rob the deathsman of his fee,”要不是你的谋杀罪庇护着你,而且我也会夺去刽子手的报酬。 △3H.Ⅵ. 3.3.98: “Can Oxford,that did ever fence the right,/Now buckler falsehood with a pedigree?”你牛津,向来是捍卫正义的,如今却搬出一份宗谱来庇护谬误吗? 2. catch or ward off(blows) with a shield,i.e. join inclose combat,grapple用盾牌抵挡(打击),(转指)进行肉搏战,格斗。 △3H.Ⅵ.1.4.49:“I will not bandy with theeword for word/ But buckler with thee blows twicetwo for one.”我不愿跟你一句对一句斗嘴,只想跟你交手对打,加倍奉陪。 |