bucketn. ❶pail桶。 ❷yoke or beam on a carrier’sshoulders轭架,扁担。 △2H.IV. 3.2. 284 (263): “comeoff and on swifter than he that gibbets on the brewer’s bucket.”i.e.lift up and down the light mus-ket swifter than:❶a man hanging the brewer’s buckets or pails of beer onto the yoke across his shoulders: ❷a man hoisting the brewer’s yoke for carrying pailsof beer onto his shoulders.把枪端起和放下,比人把两只啤酒桶挂在扁担两头还要快。(又译:把枪端起和放下,比人用吊钩把两只啤酒桶吊上扁担两头还要快。)(按:这句话比较难解,一般采用第二种解释。) bucket(1)[ˈbʌkit]n.&v. 买空卖空 ‖ bucket shop 小交易所,投机商号 bucket trading 证券投机 bucketing n. 对敲 bucketteer n.证券投机商
bucket(2)[ˈbʌkit]n. 篮下策应者 ‖ bucket hitting 跑动的击球 bucket play 中锋策应 bucket seat 圆背坐椅 bucket step 长台阶
bucket(3)[ˈbʌkit]n. 涡轮叶片
bucket(4)[ˈbʌkit]n.圆桶,提桶,铲斗,活塞 v.用桶打水,飞奔 ◇ a drop in the bucket 沧海一粟,九牛一毛 kick the bucket 死掉 ‖ bucket theory of mind 心管水桶理论 bucketshop n. 倒卖机票的企业 |