brushn. attack,assault攻击,袭击。 △2H.VI.5.3. 2:“That winter lion,who in rage forgets / Aged contu-sions and all brush of time,”那头老狮子,在狂怒之中忘记了老年的创伤和岁月的侵袭。 brush[brʌʃ]n. 刷子,毛刷,画笔 v. 刷,掸,拂 ◇ brush aside 抹杀,漠视 ‖ brush ability 画笔的作画性能 brush and ink drawing 毛笔素描 brush blocking 轻快挡开对方 brush button 弦上橡皮消声扣 brush cleaners (washer)笔洗 brush contact 身体稍接触 brush drawing 水墨画 brush holder 笔筒 brush jump 场内障碍赛 brush knee and twisting step 搂膝拗步 brush knee to twist step 搂膝拗步 brush mark 笔触 brush pencil画笔 brush stroke 笔法 brush the ball 摩擦球 brush the right knee 右搂膝 brush -up rehearsal 改进技巧的排练 brush work 笔法,画法 brushing n.brush at the ball 滑拍击球 brushing the left knee to make a twisting step左搂膝拗步 brushing the left knee 左搂膝 brushing the right knee to make a twisting step右搂膝拗步 brush-off block 打拦网手 brusque[bruisk]adj. 粗暴的,无礼的 ‖ brusquely adv. brusqueness n. |