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brothern. 1.i.e. stepbrother 同父异母或同母异父所生的兄弟。 △R.Ⅲ.5.3.96 (95):“Lest,being seen,thy brother,tender George,/Be executed in his father’s sight,”否则,若被发现,你的弟弟,幼小的乔治,就要当着他父亲的面被处死。 2.i.e. brother-in-law 姻亲兄弟(丈夫或妻子的兄弟)。 △1H.Ⅳ.1.3.155: “But soft,I pray you,did KingRichard then/Proclaim my brother EdmundMortimer/Heir to the crown?”但是且慢,我请问你,理查王那时候可曾宣布我的内弟爱德蒙·摩提麦做王冠的继承人? △3H.Ⅵ.5.7.30: “Thanks,noble Clarence,worthybrother,thanks.”谢谢,高贵的克拉仑斯,贤明的兄弟,谢谢。3. associate,colleague同僚,同事。 △Lr.5.3.61 (60):“I hold you but a subject of this war,/Not as a broth-er.”我把你只是看做这次战争中的部下,并没有当做同僚。 △3H.Ⅵ.4.7.32: “But being entered,/ I doubt not,I,but we shall soon persuade/Both him and all hisbrothers unto reason.”但是一旦进了城,我毫不怀疑我们很快就能说服他和他的同僚们接受合理安排的。 brother of us: i.e. member of our Privy Council,fel-low councillor 朕的同事,(指)枢密院成员,枢密院顾问同僚。 △H.Ⅷ.5.1.107(106):“You,a brother of us,/Itfits we thus proceed,”你是枢密院成员,我们只好这样处理。brother’s dead love,a: a dead brother’s love (referring both to her love for him and the memory of hislove for her)亡兄之爱,兼指:❶她对亡兄之爱; ❷亡兄生前对她之爱。 △Tw.1.1.30 (29): “all this to season/Abrother’s dead love,”这一切都是为了要保藏她的亡兄对她的爱(兼指:她对亡兄的爱)。 sworn brother: intimate friend(from the old custom that two or three companions in arms took a solemnoath to share good and bad fortune as if they were born brothers)盟兄弟。 △1H.Ⅵ.2.4.6:“Sirrah,I amsworn brother to a leash of drawers,and can call themall by their Christen names,as Tom,Dick,and Fran-cis.”小子,我跟三个酒保拜了盟兄弟,可以用他们的小名称呼他们汤姆、狄克和弗兰西斯。 brother[ˈbrʌðə]n. 兄弟,同行,同事 v. 以兄弟相待 ‖ brother-in-law 妹夫,内弟 brother’s-german嫡亲弟兄 brotherly adj. 兄弟(般)的 brotherliness n.brother of the brush 画家 brother of the buskin 演员 brother of the string 提琴师brotheren[ˈbrʌðrin]n. 兄弟,同行业者 brotherhood[ˈbrʌðəhud]n. 博爱 brotherhood of man 人类博爱 |