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breathn. 1.air空气,微风。 △H.VIII.2.2.54 (53): “th’arebreath I not believe in. ”它们就像风刮过去,我一概不予理会。 2. air expired,air expelled呼出的气,排出的气息。 △Mac.5.6.9:“Make all our trumpets speak,givethem all breath,”吹起我们所有的喇叭,鼓足勇气。 △Rom.3.3.71(72):“Not I,unless the breath of heart-sickgroans/ Mist-like infold me from the search of eyes.”我不,除非是伤心呻吟的气息会像雾一样把我遮掩起来,让搜寻的人看不见我。 draw short breath: i.e. in fight 在战斗中喘气。 △1H.Ⅳ. 5. 2. 47: “O would the quarrel lay upon our heads,/And that no man might draw short breath today/But I and Harry Monmouth!”(Harry Mon- mouth:Prince Harry) 啊,但愿这场争斗只落在我们两个头上,在今天除了我和哈利·蒙穆斯以外,谁都不必在战斗中喘气! 3. voice声音,嗓子。 △Tw.2.3.21(20):“I had rather than forty shillings I had such a leg,and so sweet a breath to sing,as the fool has.”我宁可不要四十先令,但愿有傻子的这么一条腿(按:歌手演唱之后向听众鞠躬,常伸出自己的一条腿)和他这么一副可爱的声音。 △Mid.2.1.150:“a mermaid on a dolphin’s back/Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath”,一个美人鱼骑在海豚背上发出曼妙和谐的歌声。 △Oth.4.2.4:“and then I heard/Each syllable that breath made up between them.”而且我还听见了他们之间说的每一个字。 △R.Ⅲ.4.4.133:“And in the breath of bitter words let’s smother/My damned son that thy two sweet sons smothered.”让我们用刻毒言词的声音把扼杀了你两个好儿子的我那个该死的儿子扼杀了吧。 4. words言词。 △Lr.1.1.62(60):“A love that makes breath poor,”这种爱使得言词贫乏。 △Ham.5.2.129(122):“Why do we wrap the gentleman in our more rawer breath?”i.e.Why do we describe him in our crude and vulgar words?我们为什么要用我们粗俗的话裹起了这位绅士呢? 5. speech. language话语,语言。 △Mid.3.2.44: “Lay breath so bitter on your bitter foe.”刻毒的话,还是加在你的死敌的身上吧。 △Mer.2.9.90:“courteous breath.”客气话。 △Ado.5.1.276 (263): “Art thou the slave that with thy breath hast killed/Mine innocent child?”你就是用你的语言杀死我的无辜的孩子的奴才吗? △L.L.L.4.3.68(66):“Vows are but breath,and breath a vapour is;”誓只是一句话,话不过是一口气。 △L.L.L.5.2.88:“charge their breath against us?”用言语来向我们挑战。 △L.L.L.5.2.743(735):“converse of breath”,i.e. intercourse of language,conversa- tion. 对话,言谈。 6. utterance表达,谈吐。 △Oth.3.3.119:“And weighest thy words before thou givest them breath,”在说出什么话之前总要掂量一番。 △Rom.2.6.26:“then sweeten with thy breath/This neighbour air,”那么就用你的谈吐来薰香这四周的空气。 7. opinion,censure意见,指责。 △H.Ⅴ.4.1.254(234):“subject to the breath/Of every fool”.要受到每一个傻瓜的任意指摘。 8. breathing time,breathing space,brief interval, very short time 喘息的时间,喘息的机会,短暂的间隙,短短的时间。 △H.Ⅴ.2.4.145: “A night is but small breath. and little pause,/To answer matters of this conse- quence.”一个夜晚不过是短短的时间和小小的间歇,因为要回答如此重大的问题。 △R.Ⅲ.4.2.24:“Give me some littlebreath,some pause,dear lord,/ Before I positively speak in this.”亲爱的主上,请给我一个喘息的机会,一个考虑的间隙,然后我再明确地说出意见。 9. opportunity or time for breathing,short space of time时机,短暂时间。 △Com.4.1.57:“Fie,now you run this humour out of breath.”哼,你这种玩笑可开得不是时候。 10. breath of life,breathing-space,brief earthly life一口气,呼吸的瞬间,短促的生命。 △L.L.L.1.1.5: “thispresent breath”,这一息尚存之时。 △Com.2.2. 196(192):“They’ll suck our breath,”他们就要吸走我们的小命。 11. trifle少量,少许。 △Ado.2.3.195(176):“onebreath of her accustomed crossness.”她平素的别扭脾气的一分一毫。 12. ❶ report 报告。 ❷wind in the sails鼓帆之风。 △1H.Ⅵ.5.5.7:“So am I driven by breath of herrenown/Either to suffer shipwreck,or arriveWhere I may have fruit ion of her love.”同样,我一听她的盛名,就像船儿被风催动,若不是遭受触礁之灾,就只有安然靠岸,享有她的爱情了。 breath[breθ]n. 气息(味),呼吸,迹象 ◇ above one’s breath 高声,大声 /a hair’s breath一发之差 at a breath 一口气 below one’s breath 低声细语地,低声地 catch one’s breath 屏息 draw breath 呼吸 get one’s breath back 恢复常态 give up the breath 断气 hold one’s breath 屏息 in a breath 一口气,一举 in one breath 同时 in the same breath 同时 out of breath 上气不接下气 save one’s breath 沉默 take away one’s breath 使某人大吃一惊 take breath 歇口气 take one’s breath away 令人吃惊,使人惊讶 under one’s breath 低声细语地 waste one’s breath 白费口舌 with bated breath 屏息 ‖ breath bands 声带 breath control 控制呼吸 breath mark 呼吸记号 breath of product assortment 产品线的宽度 breath or diversity of product lines 产品线的宽度或多样性 breathable adj. 可吸入的 breathe deep 做深呼吸 breathe shallow 做浅呼吸 breathe[bri:ð]v. 呼吸,发出,低语,吐露,歇口气 ◇ breathe again 歇一口气 breathe down sb.’s neck 紧紧盯住某人 breathe forth 吐气 breathe in 吸气 breathe one’s last 断气 breathe upon 使失去光泽 not a breathe word to 保密 breathing action and timing 呼吸动作和配合 breathing apparatus 呼吸器 breathing arm 呼吸一侧的手臂 breathing capacity肺活量 breathing effect(录音机)喘息效应 breathing every third stroke 每划水三次呼吸一次 breathing exercises 呼吸练习 breathing less 减少呼吸 breathing mark 换气记号 breathing mask 呼吸面罩 breathing pattern呼吸动作,呼吸方式 breathing regulator 呼吸调节器 breathing to the side 侧面呼吸 breather n. 短暂的休息 breather line 通气管 breathing-hole n. 通气的 breathing-pipe n. 通气管 breathingspace n. 休息场所 breathless adj. 不出声的 breathtaking adj.激动人心的 |