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单词 break


(pa.p. broke or broken) vt.
1. rend apart,crack使裂成两半,使破裂。
△Ado.5.1.142(139): “this last was broke cross.”i.e.The lancewas broken across his opponent’s shield,刚才那一根已经横着折断了。
2. cut open (esp. a person’s head) 割破,打破(头等)。
△Rom.1.3.38:“For even the day before,she brokeher brow.”i.e.She cut or bruised her forehead(froma fall).就在那前一天,她跌破了头皮。
△Wiv.1.1.125(121):“Slender,I broke your head;”斯兰德,我打破了你的头。
△Shr.2.1.142(141)s.d.:“with his headbroke.”i.e. with a bleeding cut on his head. 头破血流。3.pierce 刺穿。
△H.V.3.3.39: “Whiles the madmothers with their howls confused/Do break theclouds,”而发疯的母亲们狂呼乱嚎,她们的惨叫直刺云霄。
4. open by violence,break in打开,闯入。
△Ham.4.5.111(112): “The doors are broke.”门被冲开了。
5. burst through 冲破。
△Mac.2.4.16: “Turned wildin nature,broke their stalls,flung out,”忽然变得野性,不驯,冲破马厩,横冲直闯。
△H.Ⅴ.4.5.6:“Why,all ourranks are broke.”唉呀,我们的队伍全被冲散了。
6. interrupt打断。
△Wiv.3.4.22:“Break their talk,Mistress Quickly,my kinsman shall speak for him-self.”打断他们的谈话,桂嫂,我这位表弟有话要亲自说说。
△2H.Ⅳ.4.5. 66 (67): “For this the foolish over careful fathers/ Have broke their sleep withthoughts,their brains with care,/ Their bones withindustry;”为了这个,愚蠢而过分担心的父亲由于种种忧虑而打断了他们的睡眠,由于烦恼而搅乱了他们的脑筋,由于勤劳而累断了他们的骨头。
△R.Ⅲ.1.4.76:“Sorrow breaks seasonsand reposing hours. / Makes the night morning andthe noontide night.”悲哀打断了季节和休息的时刻,使得夜晚变成早晨、中午变成夜晚。
7. stem. check挡住,阻止。
△H.Ⅷ.3.2.197(196):“yet my duty,/ As doth a rock against the chidingflood,/Should the approach of this wild riverbreak,/ And stand unshaken yours.” (“Break” and“stand” follow the auxiliary “should”.)但是我的忠心,就像岩石面对着喧嚣的潮流,挡住狂暴的河水,巍然屹立,为陛下效忠。
8. violate,not to keep,infringe 违反,违背,侵犯
△2H.Ⅳ.4.5.116(117): “Pluck down my officers,break my decrees,”打倒我的官吏,违反我的法令。
△1H.Ⅵ.4.3.31:“I break my warlike word;”我违背了一个军人的诺言。
△3H.Ⅵ.2.2.89: “Since when hisoath is broke;”在那以后,他的誓言被毁弃了。
△R.Ⅲ.3.1.46:“Weigh it but with the grossness of this are,/Youbreak not Sanctuary in seizing him.”只要用当代的粗鲁标准来衡量这件事,你去抓他就不算侵犯圣堂。
9. broach,impart,disclose首次宣布,告诉,泄露。
△Mac.1.7.47: “What beast was’t then/That made youbreak this enterprise to me?”那么,是什么畜生使得你把这件事透露给我的。
△1H.Ⅵ.1.3.82(81):“But we shallmeet and break our minds at large.”但是我们总还会再见面,并且把我们心里的话都详详细细说出来的。
10. open. reveal揭开,表明。
△H.Ⅴ.5.2.263 (244):“therefore,Queen of all,Katherine,break thy mindto me in broken English: wilt thou have me?”所以,凯瑟琳,万人的女王,用片片断断的英国话向我表明你的心意吧:你愿意要我吗?
11. crack (a joke) 说(笑话)。
△Ado.2.3.256 (236):“broken on me.”说给我听。
12. train 训练。
△Shr.2.1.148(147): “break her tothe lute”,教她学会弹琴。
13. break up打破。
△Mac.3.4.109(108):“You havedisplaced the mirth,broke the good meeting,”你扫掉了大家的高兴,破坏了这次盛会。
14. crush,impair,ruin压垮,损害,使毁灭。
△H.Ⅷ.4.2.21:“An old man,broken with the storms of state,”一个被政界的风暴所摧毁的老人。
15. Com. 3. 1. 73-77:两个Dromio利用break一词的多义互相嘲骂——❶Com.3. 1.73:“break ope the gate,”把门打开;
❷Com.3. 1.74:“break any breaking”,i.e.break anything. 打坏了什么东西;“break your knave’spate”,打破你这混蛋的脑袋;
❸Com.3.1.75:“break aword with you”, words with you. 跟你说话;
❹Com. 3. 1. 76: “break it”,i.e. break wind.放屁;
❺Com,3.1.77:“thou want’st breaking,”你缺少管教。(breaking,驯兽。)
~ vi.
1. force one’s way,escape强行开辟道路,逃跑。
△R.Ⅲ.1.4.9:“Methought that I had broken from theTower/And was embarked to cross to Burgundy,”我觉得我仿佛从伦敦塔里逃出去,上船渡海到勃艮第。
2. burst,discharge 迸发,流出。
△Lr.1.4. 322 (298):“That these hot tears,which break from me per- force,”我这情不自禁进发出的热泪。
3. reveal,disclose透露,揭示。
△Gent.3.1.59: “I am to break with thee of some affairs”,我要告诉你一些事情。
4. become bankrupt破产。
△Mer.3.1.122(114): “he cannot choose but break.”他除了破产无路可走。
5. break the promise,fail 违背诺言,不履约。
△Mer.1.3.137(136):“Who if he break,thou mayst with better face/Exact the penalty.”他,假使到期不还,你可以板起面孔要求照约处罚。
6.❶break the promise违背诺言。
❷go bankrupt破产。
△2H.IV.Epil.12(11):“which,it like an ill venture it come unluckily home,I break,and you. my gentle creditors,lose.”如果它像是一次失败的海上冒险生意,船倒霉地回来,我破产了(双关:违背诺言),你们各位好心的债主们也受了损失。
Phrases & Expressions:
break across: give a cut on打破。
△Tw.5.1.179(175):“He has broke(= broken) my head across.”他打破了我的头。
break a lance: have a tilting match.enter into a contest of martial arts持矛骑马比武,进行比武。
△1H.VI.32. 50: “What will you do. good greybeard? Break a lance,And run a-tilt at Death within a chair?”你要干什么,老头儿? 要坐在轿子里跟死神挺枪比武吗?
break forth: burst forth爆发。
△Lr.1.4.225(203):“Do hourly carp and quarrel,breaking forth / In rank and not-to-be-endured riots.”时时找岔子吵闹,不断爆发为粗暴而不能容忍的乱子。
break forth in: break forth into 迸发出。
△1H.IV. 31.27 (26):“Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth,In strange eruptions;”患病的大自然常常会突然迸发出奇异的灾变。
break in: force one’s way,enter violently强行通过,闯入。
△3H.VI.1.1.29:“For hither we have broken in by force.”因为我们已经使用武力闯进这里来了。
break off: ❶ an end把…结束。
△3H.VI.3.3. 38: “Renowned queen,with patience calm the storm/While we bethink a means to break it off.” i.e. make the political disturbance cease. 声名昭著的王后,请耐心一点,把你的激烈风暴平息下来,等我想一个办法把这种局面结束。
❷discontinue to speak,cease conversation中断讲话,停止谈话。
△2H.VI.2.2.77:“My lord,break we off. We know your mind at full.”大人,我们不必再谈了,你的心意我们完全了解。
△2H.VI.3.1.325:“And so break off,the day is almost spent;”别再谈话了,这一天快过完了。
△R.III.3.7.41: “And even here brake off.and came away.”(brake: broke.) 我到此就停止讲话,离开了。
break one’s day: fail to pay on the due date到期不还。
△Mer.1.3.164(163): “If he should break his day,what should I gain/By the exaction of the forfei-ture?”如果他到期不还,我强迫索要那种罚物,对我又有什么好处?
break out: force one’s way out,burst from restraint突围,突破。
△2H.IV.4.4 120:“life looks through andwill break out.”生命暴露在外而且就要突围而出了。
break the neck of the wax: break the seal把封蜡打开。
△L.L.L.4.1.59: “Break the neck of the wax,and every one give ear.”切断封蜡的颈子(把封蜡打开——继续使用“阉鸡”这一比喻),每人都听着。
break to: break out into爆发为。
△Rom.Pro. 3:“From ancient grudge break to new mutiny.” 累世的宿怨激起了新的争斗。
break up: ❶carve,cut up切开,割开。
△L.L.L.4.1.56: “Break up this capon.”切开这只阉鸡。
❷open by vi-olence,burst through 猛然打开,冲破。
△1H.VI.1.3.13:“Break up the gates; I’ll be your warrantize.”把门打开:我保证你们没事。
❸burst open冲开。
△2H.VI.1.421(18):“The time when screech-owls cry,and ban-dogs howl,/ And spirits walk. and ghosts break up their graves;”这时候,夜猫子尖叫,看门狗狂嚎,精灵出来游荡,鬼魂冲开了坟墓。
❹open(a letter)拆开(信)。
△Mer2.4.10: “An it shall please you to break up this. itshall seem to signify.”请你拆开这封信,好像它会告诉你。
△Ham.1.1.168:“Break we our watchup,”我们可以解散了。
break with: ❶ speak with,talk to同…说,跟…谈。
△Gent.1.3.44:“now will we break with him.”我们现在就要对他谈谈。
△1H.IV.3.1.142(141):“and withal/Break with your wives ofyour departure hence.”同时也把你们离开这里的事透露给你们二位的妻子。
△H.VIII.5.1.46: “with which theymoved / Have broken with the King.”他们为此激怒起来,已经把这事禀告国王。
❸reveal to,divulge,makeknown向…透露,宣布,公布。
△ Ado.1.1.319 (309):“And I will break with her,and with her father.”我去向她说明,向她的父亲说明。
❹cease relations with不来往,中断联系。
△Wiv.3.2.58 (55): “I would not breakwith her for more money than I’ll speak of. ”我可不能跟她失约,哪怕我开口要多少钱,你就给我多少钱。
break words:❶bandy words(not blows). exchangeangry words斗嘴(而不交手),与人恶言相加。
△H.V.3.2.36(34):“For Pistol.he hath a killing tongue and a quiet sword: by themeans where of ’a (= he) breaks words,and keepswhole weapons”. 说起皮司多,他的舌头锋利,刀子却迟钝;所以他只会跟人斗嘴(双关:说话不算数),却把武器收藏得好好的。


v. 改变,(节奏)中断,暂停,停止,休息,暴跌,暴升,突破,打断,打破,违犯,突然退出战斗,飞机失速后突然下降 n. 裂缝,停歇,断层,断开,改变,中断,暂停,停止,中场休息,课间休息,休息,霹雳舞,破音,换声点,台词的偶然省略,动作的偶然省略
◇ break a butter fly on the wheel 小题大做
break a lance with sb. 和…争论
break away(from)逃跑,摆脱,突然离开,反攻为守
break down 崩塌,失败,垮掉,中断,停歇,中场休息,瘫痪
break down break down the door to do sth.渴望,非常想
break in 破门而入,打断,开始… /break in on (upon)打扰,打断
break into 破门而入,突然…起来,侵占
break ...of... 使…改掉… break off 结束,断绝(关系),突然停止讲话,中止,休息
break one’s oath 违背誓言
break out 爆发,突然出现,逃走
break through 突破,冲过
break up into 分成,分解
break up 打碎,分裂(散),驱散,散会,结束
break with 结束,与…绝交
go broke 破产
without a break不断地,不停歇地
‖ break a case 破案
break a deposit 提前支取不到期限存款
break a jest 讲笑话
break a leg 演出成功
break a loan 提前归还不到期借款
break a marriage 离婚
break an agreement 变卦
break a rule to administration破格录取
break a rule to engage sb.破格录用
break a rule to promote sb. 破格提拔
break a star 毁坏明星的声誉
break a trail through snow 踢雪开道
break a will 取消遗嘱
break away from the formation 脱离编队
breakaway attack 快速反击
breakaway cockpit unit 弹射座舱
breakaway rider 摆脱了车群的运动员
breakaway scenery 活景
break back 突然反向行进扰乱对方防御
break bulk 拆零销售
break-bulk cargo 散装货
break character 行为与性格不符的人物
break clear 摆脱
break contact 退出战斗
break contract 违反合同
break dance 霹雳舞
break dancer 霹雳舞演员
breakdown and regime change 倒台与政权更迭
breakdown scenery 可拆卸的道具 (布景)break-down clause 船舶故障条款
breakdown gang 救援队
breakdown lorry 救援车辆
breakdown of a family 家庭破裂
breakdown of gun 枪支损坏
breakdown of marriage 婚姻破裂
breakdown of negotiation 谈判破裂
breakdown of price and costs 价格和成本分类
breakdown of social control 社会控制的破坏
break equalitarianism 打破平均主义
break even 成绩相等,打成平手,收支相抵保本
break-even analysis 保本分析,盈亏分析
break-even chart 损益平衡表
break-even computation 保 本 计 算
break-even exchange rate 两平汇率
break-even investment 保本投资
break-even level 损益两平水准
break-even method 保本计算法
break-even model 保本模式
break-even point 保本点,损益平衡点,盈亏平衡点
break-even point analysis 损益平衡点分析
break-even price 保本价格
break-even value 拆卖价值 break-even volume 盈亏平衡产量
break faith 背信弃义
break flee 摆脱对方防守
break forth 突然发生
break hibernation 开始一个演出季
break hold 解脱,解开抓握
break in load 张力
break in service 中断服务
break in the market 市价暴跌
break into an opening 突破
break laws and violate discipline 违法乱纪
break long 作长距离突破
break loose 摆脱(对方防守)break off a friendship 断交
break off a hold 解脱
break off diplomatic relations 断交
break off relations 绝交
break of service 接发球得分
break one off 投出曲线球
break out of an encirclement 突围
break out of character 跳出角色
break out of prison 越狱
break phenomenon 突破现象
break prison 越狱
break prohibition 违禁
break promiser 食言者
break regional blockades and trade monopolies 打破地区封锁和行业垄断
break rules 犯规
break sheet不协调交易的清单
break start 抢跑
break the barrel 枪管下折
break the bridge 压桥
break the contract 毁约,撕毁合同
break the deadlock 打破僵局
break the four contacts with the track 双脚双手离开地面,四个支点离开地面
break the law on a serious scale 严重违法
break the law 违法,犯法
break the pale 越界
break the record 打破纪录
break the rules 犯规
break the surface of water 露出水面
break through all kinds of obstacle 冲破种种阻力
break up 从前场向后快速移动,散开
break up an attack 破坏一次攻势
break up fight 制止斗殴
break up the “iron rice bowl”打破 “铁饭碗”/break up price财产清理价格
break up value 拆卖价值
break variation 插入节奏变奏
historical breakthrough 历史性突破
broke swim 分段游
broken amble 破侧对步,花侧对步
broken ball 破球
broken cloud 裂云,碎云
broken down actor 落魄演员
broken dribble两次运球
broken family 破裂家庭
broken home 破裂的家庭
broken lot 证券交易中低于单位交易零星交易量
broken marriage 破裂的婚姻
broken mast 断桅
broken paddle断桨
broken pole 断竿
broken rack 快慢步
broken set 分段游组
broken shuttle 坏球
broken space 空舱位
broken stick 球杆折断
broken stone road 碎石路
broken swim 发段游
broken target 破靶
breaking ball 拐弯的球
breaking ball side 球同侧突破
breaking load 绳索张力
breaking point 强度极限
breaking strategies 突破型策略
breaking stress(绳索)破坏应力 breaking the syndicate解散财团
breakable adj. 易碎的
breakable crust 易碎雪层
breakage n. 损耗,损耗补偿费,损耗折扣
breakage risks 破损险
breakaway n. 脱离目标,突然改变航向,脱逃,甩开,摆脱
breakback n. 弹回安全器
break-club 可能破坏球棒的障碍物
breakdown n. 崩溃,衰弱,细目分类,损坏,故障,分解(裂)breakeven adj. 无损坏的,无盈亏的
break-in n. 插入,挤入,轧碎
breaking n.breakdown n. 破碎,折断,击穿,分解(裂)breaking-even n. 无亏损经营
breakneck adj. 极危险的
breakoff n. 断开
breakout n. 爆发,强行越狱
breakout play将球打出守区
breakout room 可分隔成小间的大厅
break-over n. 转折,穿透
breakpoint n. 转折点
breakup n.破裂,分裂
breakup unit 自炸装置
breakwater n. 防波堤
breakwind n. 挡风设备,防风林(墙) broke adj.破了产的
broken adj.broken-down adj.身体很衰的
broken-hearted adj. 心碎的





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