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单词 breach


△2H.VI.5.2.82: “And where thisbreach now in our fortunes made/May readily be stopped.”在那里我们现在命运中的这个缺口很快就能填补起来。
2. gap caused by breaking,wound裂口,创伤。
△Lr. 47. 15(14): “Cure this great breach in his abused nature.”医治他那受虐待的心灵中的巨大创伤吧。
△Mac.2.3.120(113):“And his gashed stabs looked like a breachin nature”,他那一道道刀伤就像是生命打开了缺口。
3. gap caused by breaking,breach in the sea-wall ordyke裂口,堤坝或海岸防波堤上的裂口。
△H.Ⅴ.1.2.146:“my great-grandfather / Never went with his forcesinto France/ But that the Scot on his unfurnishedkingdom/Came pouring like the tide into a breach.”我的曾祖父只要一率兵进入法兰西,苏格兰人就会像潮水冲人堤坝缺口一样拥向他的未设防的国家。
4. opening in the walls of a fortress,gap in a fortifi-cation(堡垒墙上的)突破口,(防御工事上的)缺口。
△Oth.1.3. 136:“Of hair-breadth scapes i’ the imminent deadlybreach,”城破时生死之际间不容发的逃脱。
△2H.Ⅳ.2.4.54 (49): “to come off the breach with his pike bentbravely,”离开突破口时长枪就弯曲了。
△H.Ⅴ.3.1.1:“Once more unto the breach,dear friends,oncemore;”再向那个缺口冲啊,好朋友们,再冲一次。
5. rupture,difference,separation 决裂,分歧,分离。
△Oth.4.1. 237 (224):“there’s fallen between himand my lord/An unkind breach;but you shall makeall well.”在他和我丈夫之间发生了一点不愉快的裂痕:你一定能使一切和好
6. break; breaking (of the waves),breakers,surf碎裂;(海浪的)碎裂,碎浪花,碎浪。
△Tw.2.1.22(21):“forsome hour (= about an hour) before you took mefrom the breach of the sea was my sister drowned.”因为你把我从浪花里捞起来之前不久,我的妹妹已经淹死了。


n.&v. 违背,违约,破坏,攻破
◇ stand in the breach 首当其冲
throw oneself into the breach=fling oneself into the breach挺身而出担当重任
‖ breach an agreement 违反协议
breach device排雷装置 breach of agreement 违反协约
breach of arrest 脱逃罪
breach of arrestment擅自处理已查封的财产
breach of bail 弃保逃跑
breach of blockade 破坏封锁
breach of close 非法侵入他人的私有土地
breach of condition 违反合同主要条款
breach of confidence 泄密,破坏信用
breach of constitution 违宪
breach of contract 违约,违反合同
breach of contract violate a treaty 违约
breach of deportation order 违背递解令
breach of discipline 违反军纪
breach of duty 失职,玩忽职守
breach of faith 失信,违背诺言
breach of international law 违反国际法
breach of law 违法
breach of morality 伤风败俗
breach of prison 越狱罪
breach of privilege 对议会权力的侵犯
breach of promise 毁约
breach of regulation 违例,违反规定
breach of rules 违例,犯规
breach of security 泄密
breach of statutory duty 违反法定职责
breach of the peace 妨碍治安
breach of trust 背信,违约
breach of warranty不履行诺言,违反保证





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