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bravelyad. 1. finely,excellently.superbly,handsomely美好地,卓越地,极好地,漂亮地。 △1H.VI.1.2.71:“She takes uponher bravely at first dash.”她一出马就漂漂亮亮露了一手。 △1H.VI.3.3.88: “Pucelle hath bravely played herpart in this,/And doth deserve a coronet of gold.”圣女在这件事上干得很漂亮,值得给她戴一顶小金冠。 △As. 3. 442 (41):“swears brave oaths,and breaks them brave-ly,”发了不起的誓,又了不起地背了誓。 △Ado.5.1. 283(270):“’Twas bravely done,if you bethink you of it.”如果你们自己肯想一想,这件事干得真漂亮。 2.gallantly,in good style,with great display堂皇地,气派地,盛大地。 △H.V.4.3.69:“The French are bravelyin their battles set,”法国人已经摆好了声势浩大的战线。 △Shr.4.3.54:“And revel it as bravely as the best”,(让我们)阔阔气气地尽情欢乐一番。 3.❶valiantly英勇地。 ❷excellently,finely极好地,很好地。 △2H.IV.2.4.53 (48):“For to serve bravely is tocome halting off,you know;to come off the breachwith his pike bent bravely,and to surgery bravely: toventure upon the charged chambers bravely—”(A se-ries of military terms quibbling upon syphilis and itstreatment.) 因为你知道,交战勇敢,退出来就不免一瘸一拐的,离开突破口时长枪就弯曲了,然后把伤口好好包扎一下;再用装满弹药的大炮勇敢地试放一下。 4.❶courageously勇敢地。 ❷in smart clothes穿得漂漂亮亮的。 △Lr.4.6.203(198):“I will die bravely,likea smug bridegroom.”我要勇敢地死去(又译:穿得漂漂亮亮地死去),像一个衣裳整齐的新郎。 |