释义 |
bracen. 1 pair一对,一双。 △Rom.5. 3.295: “Have losta brace of kinsmen.”(i.e. Mercutio and Paris.)已经丧失了两位亲戚。 △L.L.L. 5.2. 523: “a brace of words”,i.e. a few words. 一两句话。 △Oth.2.3.30: “I have astoup of wine,and here without are a brace of Cyprusgallants that would fain have a measure to the healthof black Othello.”我有一大瓶酒在这里,外面还有两位塞浦路斯的公子哥儿愿意为黑将军奥赛罗的健康而干杯。 △3H.Ⅵ. 2.5.129: “Edward and Richard,like a brace ofgreyhounds/Having the fearful flying hare in sight,”爱德华和理查,像一对猎犬盯上了一只惊恐逃跑的野兔。 △R.Ⅲ.3.7. 73 (74): “Not dallying with a brace ofcourtezans,/But meditating with two deep divines;”他不是在跟一对妖姬调情,而是在跟两位博学的神父一同沉思。
bracen. 2 readiness,preparation,state of defence准备,防御状态。 △Oth.1.3.24:“For that it stands not insuch warlike brace,”因为它并没有作战的准备。 brace[breis]n. 支架,大括号,一对(双),吊(背)带,乐谱大括弧,连谱号 v.支撑,固定,振作 ◇ a brace of 一双(对)brace it out 拼着(命)干到底 brace oneself for sth.乱中求稳,在困境中做好应对的准备 brace oneself up 打起精神,振作起来 brace on the right foot 用右脚稳住身体 brace up 支持,(使)振作,打起精神,紧握球棒,奋起 ‖ brace height 弦高 brace in 转船向上风 brace rod 撑杆 brace strut 撑杆 brace the stick 压杆 braced force 支撑力 braced leg稳住的脚 braced wing 支撑翼,支张翼 bracing adj. 令人振奋的 bracing cable 拉索 braced adj. bracer n. 支撑(持)物,带 |