释义 |
bottle-alea. (lit.) small beer; i.e. low-class,cheap(本义)淡啤酒;(转义)低级的,低劣的。 △2H.Ⅳ.2.4.138(131):“Away,you bottle-ale rascal!”滚开,你这下贱的恶棍! bottle-ale houses: low-class taverns 下等酒店。 △Tw.2.3.28 (26):“I did impeticos thy gratillity; forMalvolio’s nose is no whipstock. My lady has a whitehand,and the Mermidons are no bottle-ale houses.”i.e. I pocketed your small tip,for Malvolio was onthe watch (after my late truancy) and his nose cansoon smell out money; my lady-love with little whitehands has elegant tastes,and the Mermidons,wherewe drink,are no cheap drinking houses.你这笔小钱我装进口袋了,因为马伏里奥的鼻子可不是鞭柄;而且我和我那位长着白白小手的情人常到美靡东去,那可不是什么小酒馆。 |