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单词 condition
condition/kən′dɪ ʃn/ n & vt

n (1)状况(态)(particular state of being or existence)[Csing][N(of)]:be accustomed to the~known as weightlessness习惯于所谓的失重状态;the~of weightlessness/slavery/agitation失重状态/被奴役状况/激动不安的状态;the human~人类的状况;restore an old house to its original~将一所旧房子恢复原状;The~of the people there became worse.那里人民的状况更糟了。〖同〗state;

(2)状况,适用状态(present state of being fit for use)[Ua~]:(car/brakes of a car/business) be in bad(poor/good/excellent)~(汽车/刹车/生意)状况不良(糟糕/良好/很好);(clothes) be in a shabby/dreadful~(衣服)褴褛/很糟;(horse) be in top~for a race(马)处于参赛的最佳状态;The ship is not in a~/is in no~.这船不宜使用。What~is the old stove in? 那旧炉子能用吗? 〖同〗state;

(3)健康状况(state of general health or fitness)[U]:She is in excellent/good/grave~.她的健康状况很好/良好/堪忧。keep oneself in good~保持身体健康;be out of~身体不很健康;be in no~to leave hospital/to travel/to be out of bed身体不行,不宜出院/旅行/停止卧床休息;improve one's~增进健康;〖同〗state;

(4)疾病(illness;disease)[C]:have a heart/liver/brain/skin~患心脏/肝/脑/皮肤病;It's an interesting~. Nobody has ever seen this illness before.这是一种有趣的病,谁也没有见过。the treatment for a~一种病的治疗;

(5)(必要)条件(sth necessary to make sth else possible;sth that sth else depends on)[C]:~s for doing sth 做某事的条件;a~of sale销售的条件;make several~s before doing sth做某事之前提出一些条件;make it a~that...(should)... 以……为条件;It can happen only under certain/proper/ideal~s.只有在一定/适当/理想的条件下这才会发生。insist that the commercial treaty(should) meet certain~s 坚持那商业条约必须满足某些条件;I'll lend you my bike on one~(that) you always leave it locked.我借给你自行车有一个条件,不用时一定上锁。It was a~of his going that he should pay his own expenses.让他去的条件是他得自己负担费用。He has to live there as a~of his job.他得到工作的条件是必须住在那里。

(6)条件(款)(sth required as part of an agreementcontractetc)[C]:the ~s of a contract/a lease契约/租约的条款;That is one of the~s in the agreement.那就是协议中的条款之一。agree to/accept a~同意/接受一条件(款);〖同〗term;

(7)环境,情况(circumstances)[pl]:Living/Working/Housing/Weather~s are good.生活/工作/居住/天气情况不错。in/under difficult/existing~s在困难/目前的情况下;Under normal~s human heart beats about 72 times every minute.通常情况下人的心脏每分钟跳大约72次。

(8)(社会)地位 (social rank or position) [C]:deal with people of every~/of all~s和各阶层的人往来;

→con′ditional adj 条件的;表示条件的;con′ditionally adv 有条件地;͵uncon′ditional adj 无条件的,绝对的;

on no condition 绝不可:You must on no~leave the hiding-place.你绝不可离开藏身之处。

on condition that如果,只要:You may go there on~that you are back in time.如果你按时回来,你可以去那儿。

vt (1)决定,取决(decide;determine;have an important effect or strong influence on)[T+n]:(environment)~an animal's development(环境)决定动物的发展;(water)~the way of life of fishes(水)决定鱼的生存方式;(one's attitude)~his success in jobs(一个人的态度)决定工作能否成功;His ideas (behaviour) are(is)~ed by his background/circumstances.他的思想(行为)由他的成长背景/环境所决定。The success of the building programme is~ed by the money available. 这项建筑计划的成功取决于可提供的资金。His expenditure/The way of his life is~ed by his income.他的消费/生活方式取决于他的收入。〖同〗 determine,limit;

(2)使习惯于(能适应)(accustom;adapt;train)[T+nT+n+prep(to/for);C+n+to-inf]:Society has~ed them.社会使他们受到了熏陶。~sb to the cold/to the life in cities/for strenuous activity/for skiing使某人习惯于寒冷/城市生活/紧张的活动/滑雪;~animals to expect food at certain times/a dog to jump each time it hears a bell把动物训练得定时待饲/把狗训练得听见铃响就跳;be~ed to believe that women are inferior to men习惯于认为妇女不如男人;~ed reflex条件反射;~oneself into getting up/to get up early 使自己习惯于早起;〖同〗accustom,fit;〖反〗unaccustom;

(3)调节,使(某物)处于某种状态(put(sth)into a proper or required state)[T+n]:a lotion that~s the skin 保养皮肤的洗剂;leather~ed by a special process 经特别处理的皮子;Well-~ed hair is shiny.保养得好的头发很亮。

(4)使(自己,动物)处于健康或良好状态(make fit;put (esp oneself or an animal) into good health or proper working order)[T+n]:~oneself before a match/the football season比赛/足球赛季前使自己处于良好状态;The dog looks very well~ed.这狗看样子很结实。

→con′ditioner n 调节剂(器);′aircondi-tioner n 空调器;

【辨异】condition state2situation都可指“环境”和“情况”。state(情形)是通常用语,无具体的含义,不指具体的东西,如:the present state of affairs(目前的形势);condition有因果关系的含义,如:The conditions made flying possible.(这情况使飞行有可能进行。)situation(形势)指与多个事物有关的可调变的环境和情况,如:the economic situation(经济形势——指国际性收支情况;而economic condition则指食物、住房和工作等情况)。还有status(情势)有官方或法律意味,如:the status of negotiation(谈判的情况)。





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