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blown. 1. hard stroke with fist or weapon,fighting打斗,战斗。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.1.86: “Tears then for babes; blows and revenge for me.”那么让小孩子去流眼泪吧,我要的是战斗和复仇。 2. blasting noise刺耳的声音。 △Shr.1.2.212 (208):“gives not half so great a blow to hear/As will achestnut in a farmer’s fire,”发出的声音还没有农夫火炉里一枚栗子爆裂的声音大。 3.hit,(with a quibble on) coital thrust一击,(双关)性交。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.2.23: “Fight closer or,good faith,you’ll catch a blow.”更贴近一点打交手战吧,要不然,说实话,你要挨一下子的。
blowvt. 1. drive a current of air upon,blow upon,blow to(风)吹向,吹进,吹到。 △Mac.1.3. 14:“I myself have allthe other,/ And the very ports they blow,”我自己会招来八方的风,还知道风吹向的各个海港。 2. sound (a horn) 吹响(号角)。 △3H.Ⅵ.2.1.42s.d :“Enter a Messenger blowing a horn. ”i.e. announcingthe arrival of an express rider or post. 号角响,一使者上。 3. blow out,puff up,inflate,make swell(with pride)吹胀,吹捧,使膨胀,使骄傲自大。 △Tw.2.5.48(42):“Look how imagination blows him.”瞧,想像使他多么得意忘形。 △H.Ⅴ.3.6.163(151):“This your air ofFrance/Hath blown that vice (i.e. of bragging) in me.”你们法国的空气把我的这个罪过吹得膨胀起来了。 △H.Ⅴ.4.1.273 (253):“Think’st thou the fiery feverwill go out/With titles blown from adulation?”难道你以为靠着那些被阿谀奉承者所吹捧出来的荣衔,火烫似的发烧就会消退吗? 4. warm by breathing on向…哈气使暖和。 △L.L.L.5.2.920(912):“When icicles hang by the wall,/ And Dick the Shepherd blows his nail.”当冰柱在墙头上悬吊,羊倌狄克呵着他的指甲。 5. cast,scatter,(of flies) deposit their eggs on投掷,散布,(苍蝇)在…上产卵。 △L.L.L.5.2. 409 (408): “thesesummer flies/Have blown me full of maggot ostenta-tion.”i.e.These summer flies have deposited on metheir eggs,which have hatched into the maggots ofvanity. 这些夏天的苍蝇给我下满了蛆虫似的虚饰。 6. summon,as the effect of sounding (以号声)召集。 △2H.Ⅳ.4.1.122(120): “And the loud trumpet blo-wing them together;”响亮的号声把他们召集在 一起。 7. blow up,blast,blow out of the way轰炸,炸,轰开。 △H.Ⅷ.5.4.48(5.3.45):“he stands there,like a mortarpiece,to blow us.”他站在那儿,像一尊臼炮,轰击我们。 ~vi. 1.pant,puff喘气,喷气。 △Wiv.3.3.93(85):“here’sMistress Page at the door,sweating,and blowing,andlooking wildly,”裴琪太太到门口来了,满头大汗,气喘吁吁,张皇四顾。 2. (of flowers) bloom,blossom,flourish(花)开放,盛开。 △Mid.2.1.249: “I know a bank where the wildthyme blows,” 我知道有一条河岸,生满了野麝香草。 △L.L.L.5.2.294 (293): “Blow like sweet roses inthis summer air.”要像娇艳的玫瑰在夏日盛开。 △Gent.11.46:“ere it blow,”在它开放之前。 blow[bləu]v.&n. 吹,吹奏,忘记台词,失败,打击,开花,喷气,暴露 ◇ blow about 吹散 blow great guns 狂风大作 blow hot and cold 反复无常 blow in 突然来访 blow off 吹掉 blow one’s cool 易怒,惊慌失措 blow one’s own brains out 自杀 blow one’s own triumph 自吹自擂 blow one’s stack=blow one’s top 发脾气,勃然大怒 blow the canopy 应急抛盖 blow the cools 煽动,教唆 blow the gear down 放起落架 blow the lid off 揭露丑事 blow the whistle on 告发…,揭发…,取缔 blow up 爆炸,突然开始,忘记台词,失败,放大的照片 strike a blow against 反对,企图,阻止 strike a blow for 支持 ‖ blow job (pipe)喷气式飞机 blow-off 一出戏的终结 blow with the inside of the glove 用手掌部位打击 blow with the open glove 张开手套打击 blower n. 吹奏者 blower set通风机组 blowing n.blow-by-blow adj. 极为详细的 blowlamp n. 喷灯 blow-out n.blowpipe n. 吸管,通风管 blowtorch n. 喷灯,焊枪 blowup n. 爆炸,崩溃,放火 blowup n. 爆炸,崩溃,放火 blowy adj.刮风,风大的 |