释义 |
billn. 1 1. obsolete long weapon carried by soldiers andwatchmen,various in kind,including the pike,thehalberd and the long-handled axe旧时士兵与巡丁所持的武器,包括矛、戟、钺等。 △Rom.1.1.79 (73): “Clubs,bills,and partisans!”棍子,棒子,刀剑枪戟矛! (曹禺译文)2. long weapon with a blade or axe-like head,halberd钩镰枪,戟。 △2H.Ⅵ.4.10.12(11):“for many a time,but for a sallet,my brain-pan had been cleft with abrown bill;”因为有很多次,我要不是戴上头盔,我的脑壳早就被褐色的钩镰枪劈开了。 △Ado.3.3.43 (41):“only havea care that your bills be not stolen.”只是要当心,别让你们的戟给人偷去了。
billn.2 1.placard,paper contain in g the public announcementor proclamation,public notice 招贴,告示,公告。 △As.1.2. 132 (123): “With bills on their necks,‘Be itknown unto all men by these presents. ’”脖子上挂着布告:“特此布告,俾众周知。” △Ado.1.1.39: “set up hisbills”,张贴他的告示。 2. draft of an act of Parliament put forward for dis-cussion(英国议院中的)议案。 △H.Ⅴ.1.1.1:“that selfbill is urged”,那一项议案又提出来了。 3. written statement of a case,list of accusations,in-dictment案情诉状,控诉书,起诉书。 △1H.Ⅵ.3.1.0.s.d.:“Gloucester offers to put up a bill;”i.e.attemptsto present a list of accusations.葛罗斯特正要呈递一份起诉书。 △Wiv.1.1.9: “who writes himself armigero,inany bill,warrant,quittance,or obligation,”在签署一切起诉书、令状、清债证明或契约时,他总是在自己名下写明“绅士”二字。 4. bill of exchange,promissory note,deed reckoning汇票,期票,账单,契约。 △2H.Ⅵ.4.7.134 (126): “Mylord,when shall we go to Cheapside and take up com-modities upon our bills?”我的大人,我们什么时候到买卖街去记账赊货呀? 5. list清单。 △Mid.1.2.108(104):“In the meantime Iwill draw a bill of properties,such as our playwants.”我现在就去开一份这个戏所需要的道具清单。 6.❶bill of reckoning,bond账单,借券。 ❷pike矛枪,戟。 △Ado. 3.3.189(178): “being taken up of thesemen’s bills.”被这些人拿几张借券(双关:拿几支戟)赊购(双关:逮捕)去了。 bill for money by exchange: bill of exchange汇票。 △Shr. 4.2.89: “For I have bills for money byexchange/From Florence.”因为我有几张从佛罗伦萨带来的汇票。
billvi. (pigeons,etc.) join bills (鸽子等)接嘴,亲嘴。 △ As.3.3.87 (81):“and as pigeons bill,so wedlockwould be nibbing.”正像鸽子要亲嘴,人也要结婚。 bill提案法律草案。须通过立法程序方能生效。在美国,国会两院的提案须经两院批准才能生效。 bill[bil]n. 条例草案,法律草案,议案,诉状,起诉书,账单,节目单,海报,广告,纸币,钞票,支票 v. 开账单,结账,通告 ◇ bill after date 开票后 bill after sight 见票后 bill at sight 见票即付汇票 bill for a new trial再审申请书 binl in aid of execution 要求确保执行判决的诉状 bill in nature of a bill of review 复审类的诉状 bill in nature of a supplemental bill 补充性诉状 bill of certiorari要求调取案卷复审的诉状 bil l of pains and penalties 剥夺公权法案 bjll to catty a decree into execution 申请执行判决的诉状 bill to establish will 确认遗嘱诉状 bill to perpetuate testimony 为另案而保存证据的诉状 bill to quiet possession and title 确保产权免遭损害的诉状 bill to suspend a decree 暂时取消判决的诉状 fill the bill 满足需求 foot the bill for 付款 pay a bill 付费,缴费 split the bill 平均分担费用 ‖ bill accepted 已承兑票据 bill accompanied by document 跟单汇票 bill account 票据账目 bill and account payable (receivable)应付款项 bill and note 票据 bill at par 标价期票 bill at sight 即期汇票 bill at usance 远期汇票 bill bearer 持票人 bill board 广告牌 billboard advertising 展台广告 bill book 出纳簿,支票簿 bill broker 票据经销商,证券经纪人 bill clearing 票据清算 bill clerk 票据管理人 bill cellection 票据托收 bill collector 票据收款 bill de bene esse 临时诉状 bill department 汇票业务部 bill discount deposit 票据贴现押金 bill discount 贴现汇票 bill discounted 贴现票据 bill discounted overdue 过期未付的贴现票据 bill dishonored 拒付的票据 bill dishonoured 拒付票据 bill drawer 开票人 bill fold 票据夹 bill head空白单据 bill holdings 票据总存量 bill ignored 拒绝受理的诉状 bill in domestic currency 本币汇票 bill in foreign currency 外币汇票 bill in sets 成套汇票 bill in three parts 三联单 bill loan 票据贷款 bill market票据市场 bill merchant 票据商 bill of attainder 剥夺公权法案 bill of bearer 无记名票据 bill of budget 预算案 bill of charges费用清单 bill of complaint 控诉状 bill of costs 开支账单,诉讼费用清单 bill of credit付款凭单,取款单,用期票 bill of debt 借据 bill of divorcement 离婚证书 bill of document 单据 bill of draft 汇票 bill of entry 报关单 bill of estimate 估价单 bill of exceptions 抗议诉状 bill of exchange 汇票 bill of fare 节目单 bill of health 健康证 bill of indictment 刑事起诉书,起诉书 bill of information 公诉书 bill of interpleader 互相诉讼的起诉书 bill of lading copy 副本提单 bill of lading freight 提单运费 bill of lading original 正本提单 bill of lading 提货单 bill of law 法案 bill of maturing 到期票据 bill of materials 材料单,用料单 bill of maturity到期票据,死亡报告书 bill of oblivion 大赦令 bill of particulars 索赔清单 bill of payment 支付票据 bill of peace 息讼状 bill of privilege 保护特权申请书 bill of prosecution起诉书 bill of public prosecution 公诉书 bill of quantities 建筑工程量表,数量清单 bill of remittance 票汇 bill of review 复审状 bill of revivor 续审状 Bill of Rights 人权法案,权利法案 bill of sale 抵押证券 bill of sight 临时报关单 bill of store 再进口免税证明 bill of sufferance 承兑汇票,特许卸货证 bill of view 临时报关单 bill on demand 即期汇票 bill on maturity 到期后付款汇票 bill payable account 应付票据账户 bill payable at sight 见票后付款的票据 bill payable beok应付票据账簿 bill payable in cash 付现票据 bill payable in market 市场付款汇票 bill payable maturity book 到期应付票据日记簿 bill payable on fixed date 定期支付的票据 bill payable 应付票据 bill poster 张贴广告者 bill preferable policy 优先使用短期国库券政策 bill purchased 出口押汇 bill quia timet 保护产权诉状 bill rate 票据贴现率,汇票贴现率 bill receivable account 应收票据账户 bill receivable 应收票据 bill rediscounted account 再贴现票据账户 bill rediscounted 再贴现票据 bill retired 已清偿票据 bill roll 票权轮换 bill sold on condition of repurchase 附有回购条件的售出票据 bill stamp 印花税票 bill to bearer 不记名票据 bill to fall due 票据到期,汇票到期 bill to mature 票据到期 bill to order 记名票据 bill unaccompanied by document 不附货运单据的汇票 bill under documentary credit 跟单,信用证汇票 bill undue 未到支付期限的票据,票期未到 bill unprovided for 未支付的票据 bill with attached document 有附件的票据 bill with collateral securities 有抵押证券之票据 bill without 无信用证票据 bill without recourse 无追索权的汇票 through bill of lading 联运提单 through transport bill of letter 联合运送提单 Bills Committee 法案委员会 bills discounted overdue 过期贴现票据 bills drawn in a set 全套汇票 bills for collection 拒收汇票 bills payable 应付票据应付账目 bills receivable 应付账款 billing star 在节目单上占明显地位的演员 billboard n. 广告牌 billbook n. 支票簿 biller n. 会计,票据机 billfold n. 钱夹 billhead n. 空白单据 billing n. 海报上的演员表,记账,编制账单 |