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单词 bilateral


adj. 两面的,双边的,双向的
‖ bilateral account 双边账户
bilateral action 双方诉讼
bilateral agreement 双边协议
bilateral and multilateral economic cooperation 双边和多边经济合作
bilateral antenna 双向天线
bilateral arbitrage 双边套利
bilateral assistance 双边援助
bilateral breathing 两侧呼吸
bilateral central rate 双边中心汇率
bilateral clearing 双边清算
bilateral contract 双边合同
bilateral convention 双边公约
bilateral decision 双方决定
bilateral descent 双系继嗣
bilateral diplomacy 双边外交
bilateral donor 双边援助国
bilateral exchange contract 双边汇兑合同
bilateral family 双系家庭
bilateral flow 双边交流
bilateral import quotas 双边进口配额
bilateral kinship relationship 双方亲属关系
bilateral kinship双方亲属
bilateral kinship system 双方亲属体系
bilateral legal transaction 双方法律行为
bilateral loans 双边贷款
bilateral menopoly 双边独占
bilateral most favored nation clause 双边最惠国条款
bilateral negotiations 双边谈判
bilateral negotiations and agreements 双边谈判与协定
bilateral netting双边净额结算
bilateral netting agreement 双边净额结算协议
bilateral payments 双边支付
bilateral payment agreement 双边支付协定
bilateral portfolio investment 双边有价证券投资
bilateral power relationship 双方分权关系
bilateral programme 双边协议计划
bilateral quota system 双边配额制
bilateral quota 双边配额
bilateral relations 双边关系,两国关系
bilateral reservations 双边保留
bilateral school 双科制学校
bilateral statement 双边声明
bilateral talks 双边会谈
bilateral trade 双边贸易
bilateral trade agreement 双边贸易协定
bilateral transaction 双边直接交易
bilateral treaty 双边条约
bilateralism n. 双边主义
bilateralist n. 双边主义者
bilineal descent 两系血统传袭
bilineal relatives 双系亲缘





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