biasn. 1. (lit.a term from the game of bowls) weight loadedon one side of a bowl to make it move in a curve; pre-pondering tendency,bent.inclination(木球戏用语)为使木球呈曲线移动而在其一侧所装填的重物;(转义)偏向,倾向。 △Tw.5.1.270 (260): “But Nature to her bias drewin that.”不过这也是顺从自然的倾向。 △Shr.4.5.25:“against the bias.”逆着重心的方向滚,偏离正轨。 2. bent,inclination,the way something normallytends to move爱好,倾向,正常趋向。 △Lr.1.2.123(110):“The King falls from bias of nature;there’s fa-ther against child.”国王违反了他的慈爱本性;这是父亲对孩子不好。 3.natural tendency,i.e. (a student’s) learning自然倾向,(转指:学生的)学业。 △L.L.L.4.2. 114 (109):“Studyhis bias leaves,and makes his book thine eyes,”学生抛弃了学业,把你的眼睛当书来读。 bias[ˈbaiəs]v.& n.偏见,偏爱,对…有成见,偏差,偏移,偏航,偏压,偏斜,斜线,偏向 ◇ be biased against 对…抱有偏见,对…有成见 be under bias towards 偏向于,对…有偏见 bias for sb.偏袒某人 have bias towards对…有偏见 ‖ biased adj. 有偏见的 biased choice 偏差选择 biased error 选择偏误,偏移误差 biased estimate 偏误估计 bias light 背景光 biased response 有偏见的反应 biased sample 有偏见的样本,偏差抽样 biasing n. |